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Marijuana's Per-Ounce Production Price Could Drop To 62 Cents If Drug Is Legalized: Report


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If the country legalized pot, the drug could be farmed and produced for about $10 per pound -- or about 62 cents per ounce -- assuming it was produced in the same manner as similar products like tea, according to American Interest magazine. That doesn’t mean you could get your thrills for that cheap -- the figure is just the cost of production, before retail markup, taxes, testing, etc.

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The price will drop for sure  I'm thinking pre paraquat days of $80-$100 a pound but price will still vary  per quality .


Price really hasn't changed .. the value of the dollar has.


Silver is about $30per ounce now.


So if you have 100 1964 silver dollars, that's about $3000 these days. That will get you a pound from a lot of folks these days.

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Silver is like $23/24 now.  She goes up, and she comes down. :-)


17:1 face value.


 And I assume ya mean 2 1964 silver half dollars. ;-)


You do realize that a "silver dollar" is not an ounce of silver right? about 2/3rds aye? :-)


  17:1 face value. 


 So, a pound at $100 in 1964 would actually correlate to $1700 at this time.


 If ya use silver as your base, it fluctuates wildly and thus why It isn't used anymore.

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As recently as 2003 silver was down to $4.50/oz.


 3.5:1 ratio which means a pound in 2003 should have been $350?


 Or do we go by the top silver price a couple years ago at $45/oz silver?


 That would equal $3000/lb.




 Yeap. Silver. Reliably unreliable.


 Commodities.... pfft.

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Of course inflation exists. Refer to the ratios. But pegging it to a commodity is silly.


 I mean, Silver peaked at $50/oz in 1980. 


 Pegging a monetary value to any commodity(corn, soy, oil, tulips, mercury, tellurium) for long term comparison is just not a marker. :-)


 I am just saying that all commodity markets flux independently and it is not real accurate to each other.


 CPI is closer.


 In general, a $100/lb in 1964 would go for about $750 - $800 now.

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You are also leaving out the legalization war cry. Taxes! "Tax the shite out of it" they say. And they likely will to the point that it is still as cheap or cheaper on the black market. It is silly at this point to put the cart ahead of the horse.

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As long as the enacted law remains intact, we should be able to continue to grow as much as that law allows. I don't think medical mj could be taxed under those circumstances, but there are a lot of cunning people in the government who could prove me wrong.

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Of course inflation exists. Refer to the ratios. But pegging it to a commodity is silly.


 I mean, Silver peaked at $50/oz in 1980. 


 Pegging a monetary value to any commodity(corn, soy, oil, tulips, mercury, tellurium) for long term comparison is just not a marker. :-)


 I am just saying that all commodity markets flux independently and it is not real accurate to each other.


 CPI is closer.


 In general, a $100/lb in 1964 would go for about $750 - $800 now.


Sounds good.


Many of the higher level traders think of the dollar as just another commodity. That everything gets pegged to.

Edited by peanutbutter
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I wouldn't want to smoke outdoor mass produced pot. This is what they are talking about. Just picture the plane flying over and crop dusting with pesticides. Indoor grown high quality pot will still cost a fair amount. When it is dried and cured properly, which the stuff they are talking about in this article is not, it will still cost a pretty penny. A lot more strain guarding will occur as well. Outdoor is not for me, especially outdoor that is grown like "tea". Gross. This will be no different than the commercial weed that comes from Mexico, just probably not bricked is all. Bugs, seeds, and everything else you don't want in your buds. I can get a bottle of whiskey for 10 bucks, or I can get a bottle of top shelf  for 150. This is no different.

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