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If You Have The Potential For Heart Disease Or Already Do Read This.

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I am sharing this and hopefully it will help I am putting this up since it might help some people here. It is a FB conversation I had today. Google pomigranite juice  and heart disease to read more.  I suggested this to a friend who had a stroke. Yes she like cannabis too!


I think if you have diabetes you would have to figure out how to deal with the sugar but it might work. 



"After weeks and weeks of drinking 8 oz. of pomegranate juice every day, I had ultrasound of my carotid arteries last week, The report showed about a 40% reduction in the blockage. Pretty darn good, I'd say. Just wanted to thank you for the suggestion.
8 minutes ago
Wow that fast! That is great. Do you want to buy the antidote?
No thanks.
Just jokingDo you know what the drug companies would pay to have a patenable drug that did that? Very cool. I hope your symptoms of the stroke have diminished too
I know. LOL! That doesn't mean I'm 100% 
but i'm off the statin for a month.
Of course not You stil do not know if it is working as well on the smaller blood vessels but it is amazing. In the experiment I read it took a year to get 34% percent . So as usual you are ahead of the curvve
I've always been exceptional.
Not saying it is not having a good effect on smaller blood vessels but rather you just do not have a way to knowPerhaps Lee should consider this
He drinks 8 oz. every other day… but we have no baseline for him.
Well next time you have a chance create one.
We will, for sure.

Are you getting it from Costco or Sams Club?. I have been doing this for a long time. "

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keep in mind diabetes2 will not be cured with the addition of anything to a diet. This is a condition caused by the things put into the diet, not things lacking. stop the pop, stop the chips, potatoes, pasta, and cigarettes, replace these with real foods and solid nutrition, and the dis-ease magically goes away.


mom used insulin for 12 years, spiked daily, hospitalized often, handful of rx. I have mom now, and in 7 months(10 years ago, her diabetes was cured by our choices. She is diabetes free for over 9 years, no pricks, no pills, no shots, no checks at all. she eats a slice of pie daily too, and a bottle of vernors daily. no worries.

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Thanks for posting this mrd.  Food is medicine.  Looking further into it I found an article from Dr. Fuhrman siting a study on how effective the juice is.  Amazing!




"Recent medical research studied heart patients with severe carotid artery blockages. They were given an ounce of pomegranate juice each day for a year. Not only did study participants' blood pressure lower by over 12 percent, but there was a 30 percent reduction in atherosclerotic plaque. Just as astounding, participants who did not take the pomegranate juice saw their atherosclerotic plaque increase by 9 percent.1


In other studies, potent antioxidant compounds found in pomegranates have shown to reduce platelet aggregation and naturally lower blood pressure, factors that prevent both heart attacks and strokes.2


Not only are pomegranates good for your heart and blood vessels but they have been shown to inhibit breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, leukemia and to prevent vascular changes that promote tumor growth in lab animals."

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and for as little as $1-$2 per bottle, you can drink pomegranate juice every day!





http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16818701 pomme juice for prostate cancer?



Pomegranate juice (PJ) is a natural product that inhibits prostate cancer progression. A clinical trial on patients with recurrent prostate cancer resulted in none of the patients progressing to a metastatic stage during the period of the trial. We have previously found that, in addition to causing cell death of hormone-refractory prostate cancer cells, PJ also markedly increases adhesion and decreases migration of the cells that do not die.

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Costco sells BIG bottles of POM brand juice for 10 bucks . They used to carry a less expensive on knudsons a non refrigerated juice but they no longer carry  it. 

thanks, mrd, for the tip.   i have 2  67% blockages into heart and every 6 months scan shows it's up another couple percent,  cardio never mentioned pomegranate juice but i'm starting that stuff today.  HEY, no script needed.

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thanks, mrd, for the tip.   i have 2  67% blockages into heart and every 6 months scan shows it's up another couple percent,  cardio never mentioned pomegranate juice but i'm starting that stuff today.  HEY, no script needed.

Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat-to-Live" diet has been shown to reverse blockage also.  Dr. Fuhrman claims to have had over 5000 patients that needed bypass surgery that he cleared their arteries through diet.  He claims only one patient ended up needing a bypass, but they were only a patient for two weeks.  The diet is kind of extreme for 6 weeks, but you can eat all you want.  Once healed you can return to a more normal diet. Every person I know that has tried this healing diet says they have never felt better.

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I was told by my dr. that I had diabetes, she wrote me an rx for glufollage, I didnt fill the prescription and went on a diet now, I lost over 100 lbs I no longer had diabetes, I have heart disease in my family and diabetes, I felt I was to young and I knew what I was eating and drinking was the cause of the problem, I quit some things and added some healthier things to my diet and I was good for several yrs, now the last 2 yrs ive gained like 40 lbs back, Im on a mission to lose it and than hopefuly stay on good eating,  i am proof that diabetes can be turned around before it is to late!



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thanks, mrd, for the tip.   i have 2  67% blockages into heart and every 6 months scan shows it's up another couple percent,  cardio never mentioned pomegranate juice but i'm starting that stuff today.  HEY, no script needed.


you going to mention it to your heart doc, show him the studies?

gotta educate everyone, even the doctors.

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it's a phaquing miracle !   I'm happy to hear another in the trenches has recognized the "diabetes2 sham. glad to have you back in the game of life !

I was told by my dr. that I had diabetes, she wrote me an rx for glufollage, I didnt fill the prescription and went on a diet now, I lost over 100 lbs I no longer had diabetes, I have heart disease in my family and diabetes, I felt I was to young and I knew what I was eating and drinking was the cause of the problem, I quit some things and added some healthier things to my diet and I was good for several yrs, now the last 2 yrs ive gained like 40 lbs back, Im on a mission to lose it and than hopefuly stay on good eating,  i am proof that diabetes can be turned around before it is to late!



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Dean Kaiman the genius engineer who invented the Segway (and many other amazing things) was also told he had diabetes 2. He went on a radical diet became a slim man and diabetes2 was gone and has been for any many years.


The Dr. who figured out how to reverse heart disease is Dr. Dean Ornish. Read his books / web. He took men who were compromised and put them on his rather extreme diet, light exercise and meditation (he thought stress was a problem). His guys showed a 34% reduction in carotid plaque. They ended the experiment afte it became clear that the wives of these guys were talking to each other with the control group wanting to know what was going on because the guys in the test dropped weight and were healthier and happier. Before that the medical community believed and taught that heart disease could not be reversed. They ridiculed Dr. Ornish. then after the results were published,  they went on a diet of crow. 


Pic book I think you should consider doing the above while also drinking pomegranate juice. Moderate exercise too. If it works send me two lbs of something tasty. :o)

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my moms anti diabetes2 radical diet= NO POP, NO POTATOES, NO BREAD, NO CEREAL, NO FLOUR, NO PASTA, NO PREPARED FOODS, not very radical really.

People don't realize that 2 slices of whole wheat bread raised the glycemic index higher than a Snickers bar ! So far 6 other relatives have done the same thing and put the diabetes2 nonsense behind them. With an upside down approach to the food pyramid my mom whipped the condition in around 6 months. Not sure how one guy could inspire my family in the matter,when a lifetime of physicians could not.  Mom now eats a sandwich a day with real bread, she enjoys potatoes a few times a week, one pop daily, pasta occasionally, and pays no mind to eating what she wants.  and no more diabetes fuss/dangers/rx side effects.

Yes, I do have family members who snub there noses at my diabetes rants, while they slowly lose their bodily functions, appendages, eyesight, and mobility. Some are big people and  some are small. The bigger ones just eat more bad fuel than the small ones is all. They've noticed the successes of the others, but the same ignorance that got them there, keeps them there. its sad to see how far people will go to punish themselves. :wacko:

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