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Posted (edited)

Immortality gene found!!


The key gene that keeps embryonic stem cells in a state of youthful immortality has been discovered.


The breakthrough may one day contribute to turning ordinary adult cells into those with the properties of human ESCs. This would end the need to destroy embryos to harvest the cells for new medical treatments.


ESCs are unique as they are "pluripotent" - capable of differentiating into the different cells in the body - and hold great potential for treating damaged or diseased organs. But until now scientists did not know how a stem cell renews itself or develops into an new kind of cell.


The gene found in mouse ESCs and some human equivalents appears to be the "master gene", co-ordinating other genes to allow stem cells to multiply limitlessly while still retaining their ability to differentiate. It has been christened Nanog after the land in Celtic myth called Tir nan Og, whose inhabitants remain forever young.




"Nanog seems to be a master gene that makes ESCs grow in the laboratory," says Ian Chambers, one of the team at the Institute for Stem Cell Research (ISCR), Edinburgh, Scotland. "In effect this makes stem cells immortal."


"This discovery is very exciting," says Austin Smith, who led the ISCR team. "If Nanog has the same effect in humans as we have found in mice, this will be a key step in the developing embryonic stem cells for medical treatments."


Exclusive expression


Smith's team isolated Nanog by screening a DNA library of mouse ESCs and then carried out a series of experiments. Importantly, the master gene appears to be expressed in ESCs only, they say.


This discovery was also made independently by another team in Japan, led by Shinya Yamanaka, at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology. The Scottish and Japanese teams published side-by-side papers in the journal Cell.


In one experiment, the addition of Nanog prevented mouse ESCs from specialising, even though they were subjected to conditions under which they would normally have been forced to become a mature cell.


Nanog is likely to direct the process of ESCs renewing themselves by switching on and off other genes, says the team. The pattern of gene activity co-ordinated by this master gene is typically seen in human ESCs about the fourth or fifth day of development, when the cells have not yet been committed to becoming any particular type of cell.


No slave


However, it probably does not act alone, Smith told New Scientist. It is likely to act with another known key gene called Oct4. "But all the evidence indicates that Nanog is really a central player - it's not a slave, it's a master component," he says.


Smith cautions that reprogramming ordinary adult cells to become safe and usable ESCs is a long way off: "That's an aspiration and something we are keen to investigate, but it's not going to be simple."


He says a more immediate use of the key gene would be to enable the medical profession to grow "millions and billions" of ESCs from existing samples. These could then more safely be used in humans, as they would not have been exposed to the "cocktail" of chemicals currently needed.

Edited by grassmatch

Spider Goats http://www.theguardian.com/science/2012/jan/14/synthetic-biology-spider-goat-genetics

"We're interested in dragline silk – the silk that spiders catch themselves with when they fall," he tells me in his midwest lilt. "It's stronger than Kevlar. It really has some amazing properties for any kind of a fibre."


In a sense, spider-goats are an extension of the farming we've been doing for 10,000 years. All livestock and arable has been carefully bred, each cross being a genetic experiment of its own. "The trouble is, you can't farm spiders," Randy says with an almost comic deadpan face. "They're very cannibalistic." He and his team took the gene that encodes dragline silk from an orb-weaver spider and placed it among the DNA that prompts milk production in the udders. This genetic circuit was then inserted in an egg and implanted into a mother goat. Now, when Freckles lactates, her milk is full of spider-silk protein.


We milk Freckles together and process it in the lab to leave only the silk proteins. With a glass rod, we delicately lift out a single fibre of what is very obviously spider silk and spool it on to a reel. It has amazing, and desirable, properties, which is why Randy's seemingly bizarre research is so robustly funded. "In the medical field, we already know that we can produce spider silk that's good enough to be used in ligament repair," he tells me. "We already know we can make it strong enough as an elastic. We've done some studies that show that you can put it in the body and you don't get inflammation and get ill. We hope within a couple of years that we're going to be testing to see exactly the best designs and the best materials we can make from it."


Medicinal Eggs http://www.theguardian.com/science/2007/jan/15/medicalresearch.drugs


Helen Sang, of the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, where Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1997, genetically modified hens to lay eggs that contained complex medicinal proteins similar to the drugs used to treat multiple sclerosis, skin cancer and arthritis.


The hens have had human genes added to their DNA, which means human proteins are secreted into the whites of their eggs.


These and many other genetically modified organisms exist today because their DNA has been altered and combined with other DNA to create an entirely new set of genes. You may not realize it, but many of these genetically modified organisms are a part of your daily life — and your daily diet. Today, 45 percent of U.S. corn and 85 percent of U.S. soybeans are genetically engineered, and it’s estimated that 70 to 75 percent of processed foods on grocery store shelves contain genetically engineered ingredients. Eat well


oh i was hoping this was an article on how young generation thinks they are immortal, along with the YOLO movement...






thems just old people hating on young people. why do old people hate on the young generation?




of course, young generation has labelled the boomers as the selfish!







what were we talking about again? oh... immortality. there can be only ONE.

Posted (edited)

Scientists Playing God: Is Society Ready for a New "Immortal Class" of Humans?



vid- http://moneymorning.com/ext/articles/longevity/immortal-class-of-humans.php?iris=373445&ad=3-spgig-btr


In an age where scientists are undertaking the transplantation of heads, cloning the dead, and even altering a goat's embryo with the DNA of a spider, the latest medical breakthrough could be the most shocking of all.


Two Nobel Prize winning scientists believe they have cracked the code to human immortality.


Their research focuses on a human "immortality gene" that can be switched on like a lamp with the right concoction of drugs - instantly reversing decades of aging.


In clinical tests at Stanford, activating this gene in human cells reversed 25 years of aging in a matter of days.


And already, 8 more top medical facilities across the country have accelerated clinical trials on this miracle cure.


But is this research safe, and is society ready to deal with the consequences of a new "immortal class" of humans?


Has science finally gone too far?


According to some respected tech luminaries like Bill Gates... the answer is unequivocally yes.


"It seems pretty egocentric while we still have malaria and TB for rich people to fund things so they can live longer," the billionaire founder of Microsoft recently said.


The Gates discussion, which went viral, centered on a slew of new biotechnologies aimed at finding a "cure" for aging.


In a ground-breaking investigation, Silicon Valley venture capitalist and biotech advisor Michael Robinson has teamed up with an Emmy Award winning film crew to reveal how these "immortality gene" treatments could be available to nearly every American within 24 months.


Whether you agree with it or not, this research is likely to unleash a seismic-shift in our understanding of the human life-span and will have dramatic effects on the future of every man, woman, and child that is alive today.


Take a few moments to watch the investigation below and find out exactly what these breakthroughs could mean for you and your loved ones.

If you would have examined this ^ grassmatch you would have seen that it's a scam to get $39 a month out of you. Your first clue, at the very beginning of the video, would have been that a banker is preaching fantastic medical breakthroughs. 

Edited by Restorium2

I did examine it. I did see the advertising qualities within. I also saw the information contained within, and decided to share it


you could report it, or ask for censorship you know? no worries, I've replaced the article with some other related non fund raising info's for you to discern.


The Recipe For Immortality


An expert in synthetic biology explains how people could soon live for centuries.
Cloning germ cells, then, looks like one possible path to human immortality. Germ cells from a mature animal can be reset to embryonic form; these are the famous “embryonic stem cells.” The embryonic cells can develop into replacement organs in the lab or be injected into an egg, where they develop as a viable embryo and are literally born. We can also freeze such cells to keep them healthy and youthful; when the aging donor needs repairs to a damaged genome, the cells could be tapped. Scientists have already cloned more than 20 species, including carp, mice, sheep, monkeys, cattle, cats, dogs, and horses. Cloning is sometimes viewed as dangerous or unethical, but many new technologies are initially perceived that way, then accepted and finally widely embraced—airplanes, for example, or in vitro fertilization. http://discovermagazine.com/2012/oct/20-the-recipe-for-immortality


I did examine it. I did see the advertising qualities within. I also saw the information contained within, and decided to share it


you could report it, or ask for censorship you know? no worries, I've replaced the article with some other related non fund raising info's for you to discern.

Naw. I don't believe you watched it or you would be embarrased you posted it. I study biotechs because I invest in them and that video was total rubbish.


Methus'lah lived nine hundred years,
Methus'lah lived nine hundred years,
But who calls dat livin'
When no gal will give in
To no man what's nine hundred years ?
  - George Gershwin, Porgy & Bess

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