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Idea Might Solve Leo Raids On Patients

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hey everyone. got my card today. i have not posted anything on the forum. i got an idea that might solve the problems with LEO and raids. what does everyone on this forum think of some kind of little sticker for your front door that lets LEO know that we are medical patients and not growing illegally. maybe something like the little logo on the card. something that you cant see from the street but if your knocking on the door you would notice. just an idea that i thought i would share

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In theory this sounds great, but I personally wouldn't want anyone who knocks on my door to know I'm growing. Marijuana and the equipment used to grow it is worth quite a bit of money. I can see this sticker attracting thieves, as well as stubborn cops. Until it's completely legal, as in as legal as a bag of potato chips, I'm going to be as secretive as possible and try to avoid suspicion in the first place. I'm probably a little more paranoid than most, even though I am a registered/legal patient.

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Wouldn't it be easier to have all police forces to have one Med. Marihuana Law Officer(MMLO) that is required to take a state run class on what is allowed and what isn't. There would be no more paramilitary tactics and the police would be forced to behave like peace-officers and not stormtroopers. No drug raids could be performed without the MMLO being there. If any raid takes place without him then all evidence for would be void, regardless if a violation was taking place or not. The offending officers would then be fined, heavily.

If an arrest did take place with the MMLO present and the parties were found innocent they would be reimbursed by the law enforcement agency and/or the municipality who employs them for all property damaged or destroyed. Including meds!

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Wouldn't it be easier to have all police forces to have one Med. Marihuana Law Officer(MMLO) that is required to take a state run class on what is allowed and what isn't. There would be no more paramilitary tactics and the police would be forced to behave like peace-officers and not stormtroopers. No drug raids could be performed without the MMLO being there. If any raid takes place without him then all evidence for would be void, regardless if a violation was taking place or not. The offending officers would then be fined, heavily.

If an arrest did take place with the MMLO present and the parties were found innocent they would be reimbursed by the law enforcement agency and/or the municipality who employs them for all property damaged or destroyed. Including meds!




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im sorry, but snow white, I'm going to have to see your card for that bag of chips....mmmmmmm, bettermade rainbow chips? you'd better come downtown with me!


Bettermade Rainbow Chips should be illegal...they're too good!!



You'll never take me alive!




But yeah, what Ryoki said makes perfect sense. Why can't that happen... now?

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With LEO it hasn't been about 'law and order' for some time now... it's about 'bust and get that promotion' and keep the 'government funds' rolling in to 'expand the force' and get those 'pay raises'.


If a 'police department' can show a 'high crime rate' in its area they become eligible for more government funds for 'special operations squads' and all the rest.


Anybody that thinks otherwise really is 'living in LA LA LAND'.


But don't get me wrong I lived there for quite a while until the rent went sky high.



But keep smilin'... it's got to get better...

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Interesting idea..

What if each municipality or agency, say the supposed Narcotics squads, or Sherrif, have an appropriate number of agents based on either caregiver and patient ratios or population. Maybe it should be a 2 person squad where 1 is actually paid by the mmp or is educated and hired by the people or the mmp itself?

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If you stay low, don't advertise the grow, you'll be good to go.


As for stopping the raids?! legalization is the only thing that will stop them.


Corrections is a revenue stream that every city in the country uses and has for forty years and when you take away one stream they will find another one to fill their coffers.


And if that means arresting people who are completely legal they'll do it, history has been witness to that.

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If you stay low, don't advertise the grow, you'll be good to go.


As for stopping the raids?! legalization is the only thing that will stop them.


Corrections is a revenue stream that every city in the country uses and has for forty years and when you take away one stream they will find another one to fill their coffers.


And if that means arresting people who are completely legal they'll do it, history has been witness to that.


You got that right. The 'War on Drugs' is a criminal enterprise. Like any good criminal enterprise if you want to see it end you have to end the profit motive. If you want to end the home invasion of LEOs on law abiding citizens we (the people) have to make it so expensive to the LEOs and the governments they work for that it would just not be profitable for them to do it any longer (and with tax revenue as low as it is now that day may not be far away).


Just keep in mind that if you would have told anyone five years ago that cannabis would be (semi) legal in Michigan they would have laughed at you. But with cooperation and work we (the people) made it so.


WE CAN change the way LEOs operate. We will.



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A very good friend of mine is a Deputy Sheriff, and a member of the drug enforcement team in the West Michigan area. He's also a patient. He's told me that his team isn't interested in busting patients, or even caregivers. They're going after 1)larger grow ops(read: hundreds or thousands of plants) and 2)"dangerous" drugs like Meth (BIG problem in the area)


There have been a number of cases in the area where they didn't know it was a legal operation until AFTER they had barged in as a team, due to a tip from the neighbors of "suspicious activity." In all but one of the local cases, there did end up being arrests made. All of the parties arrested were NOT complying with state law. They either had too much in their possession or they weren't growing in a locked facility.


I trust this guy 100%. He was on these raids, and I believe what he tells me. He's a heavily decorated military vet, and a decorated police officer. (and he's one of the truly good guys)


Moral of the story is simple: Follow the law that has been handed to us - TO THE LETTER, and in the end things will work out. Deviate by even a little, and you could be in for a world of hurt.


I know that we'd all love to see the law change, and made a little more flexible. But, until that happens, we have to obey what we have or pay the price.


Just my two cents.

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Wouldn't it be easier to have all police forces to have one Med. Marihuana Law Officer(MMLO) that is required to take a state run class on what is allowed and what isn't. There would be no more paramilitary tactics and the police would be forced to behave like peace-officers and not stormtroopers. No drug raids could be performed without the MMLO being there. If any raid takes place without him then all evidence for would be void, regardless if a violation was taking place or not. The offending officers would then be fined, heavily.

If an arrest did take place with the MMLO present and the parties were found innocent they would be reimbursed by the law enforcement agency and/or the municipality who employs them for all property damaged or destroyed. Including meds!


Excellent idea! You should write the state and let em know!


As far as the sticker thing, I wouldn't want to do it either. Thats pretty much advertising that I would like to be robbed. Not bad thinking tho!

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hey everyone. got my card today. i have not posted anything on the forum. i got an idea that might solve the problems with LEO and raids. what does everyone on this forum think of some kind of little sticker for your front door that lets LEO know that we are medical patients and not growing illegally. maybe something like the little logo on the card. something that you cant see from the street but if your knocking on the door you would notice. just an idea that i thought i would share



You really want everyone that goes by your door to know you have pot growing there? You may as well let the cops, criminals, and other idiots in. Seriously just think man...

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