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Great Article About Us In The Free Press

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Read the story below printed this weekend in the free press



Funny how you only came on this site to boost your sales. You dogged me for being a blogger on this site yet your posting ads to try and boost profits. Did you get your card yet...????????


How obvious is it that you don't care about anything but the $$$$$$$$ you even were quoted that in an article. You have not done anything but try and funel business to your retail outlet.


I pi-s on you RR. Your a fake and I will continue to call you out...every timne I see your phony as- trying to get paid. Thats all you care about...how is your Cadillac running...?

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Funny how you only came on this site to boost your sales. You dogged me for being a blogger on this site yet your posting ads to try and boost profits. Did you get your card yet...????????


How obvious is it that you don't care about anything but the $$$$$$$$ you even were quoted that in an article. You have not done anything but try and funel business to your retail outlet.


I pi-s on you RR. Your a fake and I will continue to call you out...every timne I see your phony as- trying to get paid. Thats all you care about...how is your Cadillac running...?



Uh oh I think the gloves are coming off! :sword:





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i dont know u but agree with u 100% they are jokers with over prices meds, well i will say they better do all they can in these 90 days because once its up someone new is coming and they will be done, yes done. oh yeah how is your flat non medicating soda, clinical relief has garbage.




Funny how you only came on this site to boost your sales. You dogged me for being a blogger on this site yet your posting ads to try and boost profits. Did you get your card yet...????????


How obvious is it that you don't care about anything but the $$$$$$$$ you even were quoted that in an article. You have not done anything but try and funel business to your retail outlet.


I pi-s on you RR. Your a fake and I will continue to call you out...every timne I see your phony as- trying to get paid. Thats all you care about...how is your Cadillac running...?

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for being a "master" chef you say you are your edibles taste like bunny muffin and dont work, OUCH!

my comments are directed at this guy that seems to like getting PRESS and quotes as saying that he got into it for the "profit"..guess he watched Richard Lee to mant times about Oakstedam. Atleast RL has a legit Cali card...!!!!! Oh and they do have a suprise coming because I am going to be launching my site in the next few weeks and my prices are going to tinkle off a lot of people....my only issue will be gettingenough P/Cg's onboard. P2p is the way.


How stupid can you be to go on paper as stating u hopped in to seek out profits.....amazing. umm Patients, compassion , reasonable priced meds, sick people....is why I decided to expand to a CG and stay on as my own patient.

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Funny how you only came on this site to boost your sales. You dogged me for being a blogger on this site yet your posting ads to try and boost profits.


How obvious is it that you don't care about anything but the $ you even were quoted that in an article. You have not done anything but try and funel business to your retail outlet.


I pi-s on you RR. Your a fake and I will continue to call you out...every time I see your phony as- trying to get paid. Thats all you care about...how is your Cadillac running...?


i just went through this is another thread. FORTUNATELY, we do have money hungry entrepreneurs out there. FORTUNATELY we have old stoners in Michigan. because if you really think that 63% of the people in Michigan voted solely for the purpose of the patients you need heavier medication than MMJ for certain. not only were there a BIG number of old stoners at the polls thanking god they can finally find a loophole, pay a doctor a flat fee, and be legal, but HUGE part of that 63% saw nothing but dollar signs and future money possibilities FOR THEMSELVES as they checked the ballot.


thank them.......... because without their "impure" votes, there would not be MMJ laws in Michigan. that is fact.

feel free to disagree with their involvement with MMJ because their reason is different than yours, and move on.


seriously, whatever happened, happened. it's over. you have better things to do with your life than bash people on the internet i hope?? you don't have to agree with his/her business practices, and thats fine............ move on. let "them" be.......... but remember, without "them" you wouldnt have a card in your pocket from this state. we ALL know your feelings now about the facility..... no need to keep telling us.




and to the original poster, i'm sorry.

i do not know you. your place of operation, nor your business practices or prices, so PLEASE do not think that i have assumed anything about you guys or your facility.

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i just went through this is another thread. FORTUNATELY, we do have money hungry entrepreneurs out there. FORTUNATELY we have old stoners in Michigan. because if you really think that 63% of the people in Michigan voted solely for the purpose of the patients you need heavier medication than MMJ for certain. not only were there a BIG number of old stoners at the polls thanking god they can finally find a loophole, pay a doctor a flat fee, and be legal, but HUGE part of that 63% saw nothing but dollar signs and future money possibilities FOR THEMSELVES as they checked the ballot.


thank them.......... because without their "impure" votes, there would not be MMJ laws in Michigan. that is fact.

feel free to disagree with their involvement with MMJ because their reason is different than yours, and move on.


seriously, whatever happened, happened. it's over. you have better things to do with your life than bash people on the internet i hope?? you don't have to agree with his/her business practices, and thats fine............ move on. let "them" be.......... but remember, without "them" you wouldnt have a card in your pocket from this state. we ALL know your feelings now about the facility..... no need to keep telling us.




and to the original poster, i'm sorry.

i do not know you. your place of operation, nor your business practices or prices, so PLEASE do not think that i have assumed anything about you guys or your facility.

Bubble grower...I hear ya but U have no idea what is going with my BEEF. And 64% were not just Entrepreneurs...sick people and their families are the majority. The Dispensary owners are the minority but since your a MODERATOR is your job to step in and control my views and opinions..

? I have been helping and contributing a lot to this site and the movement. This clown that keeps talking to the press as of a few weeks back did not even have a CARD...please its its so fake. I tell the truth not spread rumors. Notice how RR never says anything back because its the truth.

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Bubble grower...I hear ya but U have no idea what is going with my BEEF. And 64% were not just Ebtrepreneurs...sick people and their families are the majority. The Dispensary owners are the minority but since your a MODERATOR is your job to step in and control my views and opinions..

? I have been helping and contributing a lot to this site and the movement. This clown that keeps talking to the press as of a few weeks back did not even have a CARD...please its its so fake.

FYI Bubble grower the main owner did not vote on our bill because he is from Denver...!!!!! He holds a Colorado card. Unless he too has decided to do a change address on his license....but thanks for clarifying up things.

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Your a fake and I will continue to call you out...every timne I see your phony as- trying to get paid. Thats all you care about...how is your Cadillac running...?


no dude........ i think you took me the wrong way. first, i didnt mean that the majority of the vote came from "immoral" voters. i simply meant, that without the percentage of money hungries and old stoners, we wouldnt have hit 50%........ let alone 63%.


and secondly, i understand you have a beef with him.. totally. i have beefs with people/businesses all the time. if i need to make it public, as a service to everyone, then i do.... one time.....

but then i maturely move on. i see no need to follow someone around and bash them openly over and over again....... if you have a continuing problem why can't it be taken to personal quarters?? and if the problem is over............ well then isn't it over?


just trying to make nice man.........

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no dude........ i think you took me the wrong way. first, i didnt mean that the majority of the vote came from "immoral" voters. i simply meant, that without the percentage of money hungries and old stoners, we wouldnt have hit 50%........ let alone 63%.


and secondly, i understand you have a beef with him.. totally. i have beefs with people/businesses all the time. if i need to make it public, as a service to everyone, then i do.... one time.....

but then i maturely move on. i see no need to follow someone around and bash them openly over and over again....... if you have a continuing problem why can't it be taken to personal quarters?? and if the problem is over............ well then isn't it over?


just trying to make nice man.........

It is over..he is not in my Vocab...but when I see him on this site when he made fun of me for being on it and actually contributing to the community it really irks me. he comes on here with NO CARD and trys to make money off us funk that man. I have to speak up so this community does not turn into a CORPORATE AMERICAN GREED STORY.!!

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There is nothing wrong with making money. But to do it at the expense of patients in need is immoral and essentially categorizes the business in with the drug companies. I would feel shame if I charged 70 for and 8th. I feel great about myself when I can give meds away. Just remember, the Universe is watching, karma is real and it can be a great facilitator or it can be a great hindrance; it is up to you.

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The media and the bloggers will sensationalize everything, be careful what you read. As for our focus, we have the patient in mind and that is our motivation. Do remember that without capitalism there can be little progress. We have less expensive strains than $70 and are at the mercy of quality caregivers, operating expenses and many other factors. We are looking to bring costs down like any business. And to agree with the free press, this is a business. To say we are not passionate about what we do is a lie, compliments from our patients trumps the ramblings of a few jealous competitors.


We hope to move the industry forward, but with progress comes a few squeaky wheels along the way.

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You come on here and give kudo's to someone who is ripping off patients with a $600 price tag on a product that should never cost near that amount of money? Then you wonder why someone would give you negative feedback? This law was voted in by the compassionate people of the state, like myself. Anyone who backs such pricing should get some thicker skin...lol...we will fight the profiteers to the bitter end...Peace j.b.


I get negative rep for telling them congrats and its good to see articles which show the positive of MMJ.... Hmmm that make a LOT of sense!

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You come on here and give kudo's to someone who is ripping off patients with a $600 price tag on a product that should never cost near that amount of money? Then you wonder why someone would give you negative feedback? This law was voted in by the compassionate people of the state, like myself. Anyone who backs such pricing should get some thicker skin...lol...we will fight the profiteers to the bitter end...Peace j.b.

i did not know the prices until recently. Yes they are a legit group Nick and Tony. With that being said I am done with these posts about them going forward. Let them do as they wish. Good Luck to everyone. It will not tolerate people that give me threats or remarks on intimidation. So I am discontinueing any more truthful comments on the group. This site for the most part is Democratic but when a business owner give me ultimatums of threatening to compromise my patients flow of medicine I am ending it all. Nothing is worth getting snitched on to LEO and spreading FALSE rumors. KEY WORD FALSE. I have told the TRUTH. DO all people in the Cannabis industry.....NOPE. I am taking my positive ENergy and redirecting it back to my patients and helping sick patients get quality, affordably priced medical grade meds. I am not purely about the $$$$$$$ I too am moving things forward and spreading love for the patients and plant at the same time.


And JB i did not mean u threatened me..I got a call to my VM from this dumbo....telling me to delete my posts by 4 today "or ELSE"...sorry for the confusion.

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I feel bad for anyone paying that outrageous amount, some innocent person who don't know any better, join your compassion club and meet patients and caregivers you can easily find cheaper and likely better or just as good in that kind of competitive market you get better quantity, quality, and more selections its a buyers market. If your compassion club stinks join a different one don't waste your time with these dispensaries.


I am not hating on the dispensary , they are just people with a dream and a passion that want to run a business and running any business is tough work and costly but really dispensary is not the way to go as a patient unless its your only option.

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I feel bad for anyone paying that outrageous amount, some innocent person who don't know any better, join your compassion club and meet patients and caregivers you can easily find cheaper and likely better or just as good in that kind of competitive market you get better quantity, quality, and more selections its a buyers market. If your compassion club stinks join a different one don't waste your time with these dispensaries.


I am not hating on the dispensary , they are just people with a dream and a passion that want to run a business and running any business is tough work and costly but really dispensary is not the way to go as a patient unless its your only option.

one Pos: Rep: for you JB

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i did not know the prices until recently. Yes they are a legit group Nick and Tony. With that being said I am done with these posts about them going forward. Let them do as they wish. Good Luck to everyone. It will not tolerate people that give me threats or remarks on intimidation. So I am discontinueing any more truthful comments on the group. This site for the most part is Democratic but when a business owner give me ultimatums of threatening to compromise my patients flow of medicine I am ending it all. Nothing is worth getting snitched on to LEO and spreading FALSE rumors. KEY WORD FALSE. I have told the TRUTH. DO all people in the Cannabis industry.....NOPE. I am taking my positive ENergy and redirecting it back to my patients and helping sick patients get quality, affordably priced medical grade meds. I am not purely about the $$$$$$$ I too am moving things forward and spreading love for the patients and plant at the same time.


And JB i did not mean u threatened me..I got a call to my VM from this dumbo....telling me to delete my posts by 4 today "or ELSE"...sorry for the confusion.



Dlovas that blows, some one called and threatened you? why I oughta :sword:


Thats not kewl! Maybe some one needs an old fashion detoit can of whoop arse opened up on them!

You didnt post anything that the mods deemed not apropriate for this thread, who the phaq do they think they are telling you to take off a post? +++++reps for you!



Free The Weed!


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Dlovas that blows, some one called and threatened you? why I oughta :sword:


Thats not kewl! Maybe some one needs an old fashion detoit can of whoop arse opened up on them!

You didnt post anything that the mods deemed not apropriate for this thread, who the phaq do they think they are telling you to take off a post? +++++reps for you!



Free The Weed!


NO it was not the mods it was the guy who's name I refuse to even say called my cell phone....now from Where I come from thats aggresive hostility you just don't go making articles in the news paper and what not if you are not ready to start taking heat. I baptized his as- publicly and washed him of his shade. So I am moving forward in a more logical manner.

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The Sad thing is that i know for a Fact

that this is not the first time someone

has been Threaten Harm to them or their Family ...


It is such a shame that people feel so threatened by

someone for what ? You can beat it's over Money ....


I would of Never Believed it , till i seen it w/ my own eyes ...


All i can say is that it is Bunny Humping CraZy ...


Like "bubblegrower " Said :


i just went through this is another thread. FORTUNATELY, we do have money hungry entrepreneurs out there. FORTUNATELY we have old stoners in Michigan. because if you really think that 63% of the people in Michigan voted solely for the purpose of the patients you need heavier medication than MMJ for certain. not only were there a BIG number of old stoners at the polls thanking god they can finally find a loophole, pay a doctor a flat fee, and be legal, but HUGE part of that 63% saw nothing but dollar signs and future money possibilities FOR THEMSELVES as they checked the ballot.



There is Alot of Truth to what he said ...


Theres alot of people that Voted for this that just to get HIGH ...


There's Alot of people that voted becuase they saw a way to make Good Money ...

Many people in Michigan are struggle and i can understand this ...

and would Kill You if you stepped in their way or interfered w/ them

making Money ... GUARANTEED !


There are some very mean people in this Program , yet there are those

that really have compassion and a Strong Desire to help others....


One thing I've learned is to Stay as far away from those that don't

have the same desires as i do ....


I 'm a firm believer What Comes Around , Goes Around and those that

are in it for the wrong reason , others will sooner or later see the truth ...


Allow them enough rope and they will hang themselfs ...


Only You know what is in your heart ...

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