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Who's Using A Light Mover?


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I'm seriously considering getting a light mover so I can get more coverage in the flower room. I use a large tent with a single 1000 watt bulb and only half of the space is being utilized.


I figure with the right light mover I could put double the amount in flower, maybe a little less to be on the safe side.


I do realize I'm going to lose some height, so I have to keep that in mind.


Anyone using one? If so how's it working for you? which one? The good's, the bad's. Let me have it! LOL



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I swear by them. it takes ALOT of work off your hands. I don't like to move my plants around. I grow in bubbles and don't like disturbing the roots unless nesessary. also...my 1000w lights (with cooling) are adjusted 4-6 inches above the plants with no burn.

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Well ask your self this simple question. What is the problem? Not enough light to cover the space. So there is your anwser. Not enough light. So if you dont have enough light now and than move it around the room you still don't have enough light. I would advise to get another light. The more macanices in your room the more to deal with. I have seen where the rubber wheels fall apart and fall on your plants, lurbricant from the track over head. Or they just stop and need to be rebuilt. Increase your lights, increase your yeilds. my opinion

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So there is no benefit to this if you have optimum lighting? I would think it would be just as beneficial as an oscillating fan. Comparatively speaking. I have no experience with these just my "Automation knowledge" :). Thanks for any input people have with these!

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What size tent are you using? a 4 x 8? I highly recommend AGAINST getting a light mover. I have owned 2 and they both broke. they suck. they run 24 hrs a day, and are very prone to balance pbms, dragging of the ducting and wires, and a ton of other unnecessary stuff. Plus they are expensive. i recommend getting another light.

the best set up for a 4 x 8 is 2 600 w HPS. a 1000 is a lot of heat. maybe you can do a 1000 and a 600. if heat is not an issue. hopefully you got an AC 'd room or a basement. then your cool.


expecially if your in a tent.

get more light.

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I Love mine, I swear it contributes with a few other things

giving me the high yields I get.


It's true.. the way the light reflects and refracts as the light moves causes a outdoor type scenario like the sun.. It helps the light find way's down in your plants... For the tent growers out there it is a bit more intensive to set up but can be done.. A quality light rail and motor that is properly hung and balanced should operate for years without a problem.. There are light rail stands built for use inside tents.. here's a link to a stand rail stand there are a few more out there just Google it..


Edit: I don't endorse the website posted above just used as an example..

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Arga mover, is the best.


Thanks coreyz, I hadn't heard of the 'Arga mover', so I looked it up. Pretty sure you're talking about something called the Agra Mover, which seems to be new to this industry and quite heavy duty.





I've never seen this, or used any light mover. I'm curious about them, though, especially after our recent discussion over whether or not to trim leaves, and what impact a light mover might have on shading of lower buds.

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Yeah you got the right idea.. Light mover in conjunction with some properly done pruning and Viola!! Big Beautiful Buds!! well there is other stuff along the way but you get the idea.. Agra movers are very reliable and I would recommend them as well.. A little pricier than a few others but no doubt HD

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Thanks for the input everyone. Good arguments on both sides leaves me up in the air still, lol.


I do have another 400 watter. Maybe I should just put that in the tent and see what happens. I do have a/c, so I might be ok.


Not wanting to add light=increased electric bill. The 400 I have already I use for veg occassionally so that expense has already been there.


Still thinkin' on this one....

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  • 4 weeks later...

To be honest, I have used these light movers and I have gotten a little more in yield, but nothing to get that excited about. Remember 1st, they are expensive, 2nd they will break down - mechanics law, 3rd they can be a headache esp. if your away and the motor sticks, or breaks down.


Better off adding light, and is what has been done by professionals for years, and your yeild will improve much better than adding a light mover.

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Everyone I know has used a lightmover, Including me, and ALL have broken down. Which SUCKS! especially if you don't notice i for a minute. then its broke, and some of your plants don't get light till you fix it, or get another mover, and then they Hermie out... and you don't want to get another light mover, so you get another light. So just skip the step, and get another light. your 400 should do just fine. you got AC.

but to each his own.

Good luck

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