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Starting A Compassion Club


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Welcome " Growrilla " to MMMA 2.0


If you have Luck like i do ,

It won't be Easy ...


But i refused to give up ...


The hardest thing for me was to find a Public Building

cause i did'nt have the money to pay rent ....


If there is a Public Library , See what are their open hours ...

Township Halls , Senior Citizen buildings ... Ask everywhere ...

Just don't give up...


Attent as many other Compassion Meetings...

Ask other members for help .... Try Many Meetings cause their ALL

Ran Differently and have different Goals ...


Just Don't Give up ... What Area yah from ?


I 'll help you anyway i can ...


Keep Us Updated Please ....

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  • 3 weeks later...

what about a so called "dispensary"... if i had a store with a consultation area where meds are available, would this be allowed, because im seein it done... and how do you operate on cash business and stay legal??? if you can help

I believe that you need to operate taking only "donations" for your meds. I am looking into starting a club as well, and will be speaking with an attourney about this venture. I think that any type of business venture that you plan on starting should start with at least a counciltation with an experienced attourney knowledgable in the field. As far as the "dispensary" question, that will be one that I will be asking my attourney, but I think that I will be leaning towards a "club". Lots of luck to you, get back with me in a week for any more questions as I will be more knowledgable then.

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Get very good advice before starting a CC or club.

It does not matter if you give away meds for free or for donation - its still considered a transfer.


You will find the first road block to setting up a CC or club is many cities have placed Memoriam on "any medical marijuana related ENTERPRISE" - so good luck at finding a building to open - as city inspectors will not approve your occupancy permit! (how do I know, I saw it happen to the MCC)


What is your club's purpose? If you plan to just distribute meds - then you are a dispensary playing a name game. If you plan a club that will educate, provide resources for its members, conduct social and political events, provide a safe meeting place, and provide a political base to conduct citywide community activism - then you got a Compassion Club!


Plan it first, study it, get it approved, then do it!



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Get very good advice before starting a CC or club.

It does not matter if you give away meds for free or for donation - its still considered a transfer.


You will find the first road block to setting up a CC or club is many cities have placed Memoriam on "any medical marijuana related ENTERPRISE" - so good luck at finding a building to open - as city inspectors will not approve your occupancy permit! (how do I know, I saw it happen to the MCC)


What is your club's purpose? If you plan to just distribute meds - then you are a dispensary playing a name game. If you plan a club that will educate, provide resources for its members, conduct social and political events, provide a safe meeting place, and provide a political base to conduct citywide community activism - then you got a Compassion Club!


Plan it first, study it, get it approved, then do it!




Hi soundless. Could you elaborate on your 2nd paragraph? I have not heard of this before. If I already own my own commercially zoned store front would this be an issue? Thanks.

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I believe that you need to operate taking only "donations" for your meds. I am looking into starting a club as well, and will be speaking with an attourney about this venture. I think that any type of business venture that you plan on starting should start with at least a counciltation with an experienced attourney knowledgable in the field. As far as the "dispensary" question, that will be one that I will be asking my attourney, but I think that I will be leaning towards a "club". Lots of luck to you, get back with me in a week for any more questions as I will be more knowledgable then.



cool thanx a lot man...

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Hi soundless. Could you elaborate on your 2nd paragraph? I have not heard of this before. If I already own my own commercially zoned store front would this be an issue? Thanks.



cool cool thanx again, seems like a lot, to do something simple... but ill b out there eventually

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Hi soundless. Could you elaborate on your 2nd paragraph? I have not heard of this before. If I already own my own commercially zoned store front would this be an issue? Thanks.

Don't wait for them to approve... a CC should be registered with the state as a not-for-profit. It's not a business, but a support group. It could be run like a business, but no profits. Hell, then you're just a club, meet a the libraries while you seek a more permanent location.

A CC is a C, not an LLC, or a DBA, etc.

God speed, PM me if you like, I'm willing to help.

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  • 11 months later...

Just for reference, there is no money to be made in an "Original Model" compassion club. As a matter of fact, it will cost money to maintain and run. I researched for several months before actually deciding recently to go ahead with beginning a CC. Much time and dedication goes into starting and maintaining a good club.


I think it is important to ask yourself what your intentions/goals are. If you want a place for people to be able to come support each other, learn about the medical usage of mmj and the legalities surrounding it, then a CC is the way to go.


If we are speaking of dispensing marijuana, in a store model, I would definatly suggest you speak seriously with an attorney, unless you have a WHOLE LOT of money for legal defense. I would also reconsider "posing" as a compassion club.


I am unsure of what area you are looking into beginning one, but the area will also play a part in the support. If you are in an area that already has operating compassion clubs that meet the needs of the community, it will be much harder to get the support.


I would encourage anyone with the means and time, to begin original model CC's in areas that are without. Patients and caregivers need these clubs and they are an asset to our community.


I can't offer much for experience, as I have just begun myself. But I am a few steps ahead of you and my advice is to research, get a feel for the patients and CGs in your area and what they want and the MOST important, remember a CC is purely about COMPASSION and assisting others.


Good luck!

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The question is: is it a compassion CLUB, or a compassion CENTER that you want to start? For a CLUB, then what juztbudz and northerngal has pointed out is dead-on. The most important thing is for you to read, read, read, then re-read the law many times over. Get an understanding as to what it says. If need be find and read the wording that was on the ballot, and the wording that was presented to the election board. What even you do, your donkey will be exposed, so cover as much of it as possible.


Keep your donkey tucked in and your head held up.


This auto correction is cool, donkey is not the word I used.

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