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Entire County To Ban Mmj

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Any responsible city would at least wait until the current court cases are resolved to make ANY sound decision. How can "elected officials" be so quick to judge based off of 2 arrest situations? And what is worse is that in these local municipalities, the decisions of 63% of the state are allowed to be overturned by 5-7 local board members. WOW.

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I know this is very sad and upsetting. If the voice of democracy is meaningless what recourse are we left with? Do we all need to find a new country to call home. I've lived in MI my entire life and love our beautiful state, but I'm really starting to feel like Canada could be my new home. It's not like I'd be tied to a great job and economy. My big question I guess is, How could this be legal.

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They can not do this crap...The STATE law is a STATE law..County does not over ride STATE. STATE laws over ride counties..and another thing..Fed laws over ride state law,they are right..BUT<again BUT when state law is made by the people..Then FED. laws DOES not over ride STATE law..ONLY time it doesnt,and because this hasnt happened before they are not smart enough to read and learn..

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@wolfgang Please!, Lets do that. I would be willing to buy pizza and pop or something like that prior for any who would be willing to attend. After words, if anyone was interested, we can meet around a campfire and have a few drinks, etc. Meeting is currently scheduled for Wednesday Nov.3 7:30 p.m., at the county building room 305. Here's the commission, in case anyone wants to share their thoughts with them.



@jamie Yes, I am.


Let me work on scanning the full article for everyone to read.

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They can not do this crap...The STATE law is a STATE law..County does not over ride STATE. STATE laws over ride counties..and another thing..Fed laws over ride state law,they are right..BUT<again BUT when state law is made by the people..Then FED. laws DOES not over ride STATE law..ONLY time it doesnt,and because this hasnt happened before they are not smart enough to read and learn..


Unfortunately, this is incorrect. Federal law always overrides State law. The Feds can go anywhere in America and enforce any Federal law and not any court would stop them. The only thing that stops this on a wide scale is that Obama directed his people not to target medical patients.


The Federal laws are unjust and draconian, but it is the law. Every medical marijuana patient in America is breaking Federal law. Bad laws put people in jail every day. Just because the laws are outdated and ridiculous doesn't make them go away.


The ironic (and pathetic) part, is that most of the people who are citing Federal law as a justification for the bans, are the same hypocritical Republicans who are constantly denigrating the Federal government for not supporting the rights of the State.


The only time these phony conservatives stick up for Washington is when they want to throw people in jail that they don't like....like all of us. So they use Federal law references when it suits their agenda and then turn around and slam the Feds for "interfering" in our lives.


Pure hypocrisy.

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Unfortunately, this is incorrect. Federal law always overrides State law. The Feds can go anywhere in America and enforce any Federal law and not any court would stop them. The only thing that stops this on a wide scale is that Obama directed his people not to target medical patients.


The Federal laws are unjust and draconian, but it is the law. Every medical marijuana patient in America is breaking Federal law. Bad laws put people in jail every day. Just because the laws are outdated and ridiculous doesn't make them go away.


The ironic (and pathetic) part, is that most of the people who are citing Federal law as a justification for the bans, are the same hypocritical Republicans who are constantly denigrating the Federal government for not supporting the rights of the State.


The only time these phony conservatives stick up for Washington is when they want to throw people in jail that they don't like....like all of us. So they use Federal law references when it suits their agenda and then turn around and slam the Feds for "interfering" in our lives.


Pure hypocrisy.




i guess they did not get the memo

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i am conservative, i am pro mj - just had to throw that in there, that it is not necessarily as a conservatives are a-holes issue. the democrats are also not in support of this



anyway, i am curious as to how the county can do this and how this plays out. to say state law trumps county law is like shooting ourselves in the foot, that fed law trumps state law. however, this was voted for by us and approved by us. i don't know if i'd like it put up for vote on the fed level, in the event that it wouldn't get voted through by the majority, and then have it removed from the table for good. i would like to know how the voting public feels about it, though. i feel it may get voted through as legal.

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We are fed up with Michigan and plan on moving next fall. I refuse to support a state any longer than needed that does not support its people when the people speak and vote in a new law.


The total lack of respect given us by our EMPLOYEES in Lansing just makes me sick. Their arrogance and snobbery is unsurpassed.


To target the sick and infirm for arrest and public humiliation is unconscionable and do so in the guise of law enforcement is a slap in the face to any real law enforcement agents out there.


Not the knuckle dragging cousin screwing half wits who pretend to be cops in this state.

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"REAL" conservatives do support the right to put anything in your body without government persecution. It's only the phony ones that don't and unfortunately they control the Republican party these days.


And if those guys in the dispensaries in Cali were selling cocaine, yes, the DEA will be involved. Medical patients are relatively safe from the Feds, not phony dispensaries selling all kinds of drugs.

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once again I point to Arizona they tried to make it legal for state and local leo to enforce federal law ie illegals sneaking in. The federal government sued the state and won. The judge specifically stated "the only ones who may enforce federal law is the feds!" So legal president has been set please refer these people to the united states vs the people of Arizona.


In her 36-page decision, Bolton wrote that the provisions would have inevitably "swept up" legal immigrants and were "preempted" by the federal government's immigration authority.


"The court by no means disregards Arizona's interests in controlling illegal immigration and addressing the concurrent problems with crime," she wrote. But, she added, "it is not in the public interest for Arizona to enforce preempted laws."

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"REAL" conservatives do support the right to put anything in your body without government persecution. It's only the phony ones that don't and unfortunately they control the Republican party these days.


And if those guys in the dispensaries in Cali were selling cocaine, yes, the DEA will be involved. Medical patients are relatively safe from the Feds, not phony dispensaries selling all kinds of drugs.




just i case some one missed this inn Cal they are still at it

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Huron County has no authority to enforce Federal Law. Just because people live in Huron County does not mean that they are exempt from being able to participate in the MMMP.



Jamie could you site something specifically that will illustrate that for me? Thanks in advance for anything.

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once again I point to Arizona they tried to make it legal for state and local leo to enforce federal law ie illegals sneaking in. The federal government sued the state and won. The judge specifically stated "the only ones who may enforce federal law is the feds!" So legal president has been set please refer these people to the united states vs the people of Arizona.


Big J if you could give a case# or link to this info it would greatly appreciated.

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We are fed up with Michigan and plan on moving next fall. I refuse to support a state any longer than needed that does not support its people when the people speak and vote in a new law.


The total lack of respect given us by our EMPLOYEES in Lansing just makes me sick. Their arrogance and snobbery is unsurpassed.


To target the sick and infirm for arrest and public humiliation is unconscionable and do so in the guise of law enforcement is a slap in the face to any real law enforcement agents out there.


Not the knuckle dragging cousin screwing half wits who pretend to be cops in this state.


Eddy , Baby, sing it with me now... "California here I come..."

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