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55,000 Pot Applications: County Leaders Call On State To Clarify Law On Medical Marijuana

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55,000 pot applications: County leaders call on state to clarify law on medical marijuana

Published: Tuesday, October 12, 2010


By Carol Hopkins

For The Daily Tribune



video and article at above link.




Oakland County’s top officials — County Executive. L. Brooks Patterson, Prosecuting Attorney Jessica Cooper and Sheriff Michael Bouchard — came together Monday at The Oakland Press to speak out about medical marijuana, urging the state Legislature to fix this law.


“I see (medical marijuana) as a direct threat on the quality of life in Oakland County,” said L. Brooks Patterson,


He referred to a convention promoting medical marijuana scheduled earlier this year at the Silverdome. That convention has been canceled.




“I don’t want Oakland County to be the center of medical marijuana.”


Cooper said her primary interest in amending the law revolved around children and medical marijuana. She said children can be issued patient cards with two doctors’ approvals.


“Children can be in the home when people (are smoking marijuana),” she said. “They are inhaling and learning from that. That is a grave concern.”


By contrast, Cooper said, tobacco is regulated.


“We regulate all sorts of things,” she said. “(With medical marijuana) there is no regulation whatsoever. There needs to be some legislative fixes to this act. We need to bring pressure to bear.”


The officials reported nearly $480,000 was recovered at a Ferndale dispensary after a raid.


“It’s people looking at this as a business,” Patterson said.


Bouchard referred to recent efforts by communities to figure out how to zone dispensaries or medical marijuana clubs.


“You can’t zone a crack house,” he said, comparing dispensaries to other drug operations.


He pointed out that the Michigan Department of Community Health specifies on its website that “there is no place in Michigan to legally purchase medical marijuana.”


In November 2008, Michigan voters approved a ballot proposal that included physician-approved use of marijuana by registered patients with debilitating medical conditions and allowed that registered individuals could grow limited amounts of marijuana for qualified patients. The proposal passed by 63 percent.


He noted regulatory problems, including the fact no photo is required on medical marijuana patient cards.


“There is no verification process,” he said. “People are out there berating law enforcement (for recent drug raids), but many of these people have an agenda to legalize marijuana.”


The officials said 55,000 people have received medical marijuana applications.


Bouchard also mentioned a Sept. 30 robbery attempt at an Ann Arbor medical marijuana dispensary where two armed men entered the building and bound seven of the people inside at the time with duct tape, police said. The victims were both clinic customers and employees. No injuries were reported.


Bouchard again stressed the Legislature should approach medical marijuana regulations in the same manner as members did when casino gaming was approved in Michigan.


It took three to four months of working through details, he said.


Bouchard, who said he is part of a legislative work group looking into medical marijuana regulations, said he doesn’t see any rush on the part of legislators to amend the act.


Lawmakers did recently ban K2, a synthetic form of marijuana.


“It’s like them to have that sense of urgency,” Bouchard said.


Cooper said courts may have to wait until a decision is provided by the Michigan Supreme Court.


“We as prosecutors will proceed through the legal system,” Cooper said, admitting that is often a cumbersome route.


But she still urged legislators to take action simultaneously on clarifying details in the act.


Jeffrey Perlman, a Southfield-based attorney who defends medical marijuana patients, disagrees the law should be changed.


“I like the law the way it’s written,” he said.


“If they leave patients and caregivers alone, there won’t be a black market (for marijuana) as there is now.”


Patterson said he believes voters envisioned medical personnel would be involved in distributing medical marijuana.


Voters didn’t believe people would be going to a gas station converted into a dispensary to get marijuana, he said.


“They’ve made a mockery of the whole thing,” Patterson said. “We need to clear up this mess.”




Michael A. Komorn

Attorney and Counselor

Law Office of Michael A. Komorn

3000 Town Center, Suite, 1800

Southfield, MI 48075

800-656-3557 (Toll Free)

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248-357-2550 (Phone)

248-351-2211 (Fax)

Email: michael@komornlaw.com

Website: www.komornlaw.com

Check out our Radio show:


NEW CALL IN NUMBER: (347) 326-9626

Live Every Wednesday 8-9:30 p.m.


w/ Attorney Michael Komorn


The most relevant radio talk show for the Michigan Medical Marijuana Community. PERIOD.


If you have a medical marihuana question or comment, please email them to me, or leave them on the forum for the MMMA, and I will try to answer them live on the air.



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Call-in Number: (347) 326-9626

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I feel so bad for Ms. Cooper that proceeding through the legal system was so "cumbersome". Her words to the reporter. It would be so much easier if she could just do as she pleased with no regard whatsoever for the law, the constitution, or individual human rights.

I still say it must be some mental deficiency that causes some human beings to believe that it is ok to rule over other humans without their consent (tyranny).

Shame on her and her fellow statists for their stance on the issue of who owns you, you or the state? If these democrats and republicans can do whatever they want to us, it is the total end of the republic as we knew it. Maybe already too late for saving...

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So how do we call on our county leaders to do the following?


1) Swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign or domestic? (some of them may have already lied on this one)

2) State openly that they will defend and uphold your individual human rights above all else (as long as you have not infringed on the rights of others)?

3) State openly that they will follow the will of the people and abide by our laws (as long as they do not infringe on individual human rights)?

4) State openly that they will never let their personal feelings overrule the will of the people or individual human rights?

5) State openly that a free country has people that (as long as they do not infringe on the rights of others) must be allowed the freedom to choose for themselves their own foods, medicines, and all other personal choices.

6) State openly that if any elected or non-elected official does anything to infringe on individual human rights, that official may be subject to criminal prosecution for abuse of power and other charges as warranted.

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Good morning all,


Wow, what a pile of dung, that has spewed from the mouths of these folks. Where do we begin to address this, I suppose with the most vile piece of it.


"Cooper said her primary interest in amending the law revolved around children and medical marijuana. She said children can be issued patient cards with two doctors’ approvals.


“Children can be in the home when people (are smoking marijuana),” she said. “They are inhaling and learning from that. That is a grave concern.”"


Can Cooper really be this obtuse and or naive? Does she not realize that cancer and other serious conditions affect humans of all ages? I can only imagine what extra hurdles she would like put in place in her amending of the law; here is a likely conversation after her changes take place. "Yes, Mr and Mrs Doe, there is a medication that will take care of the nausea, pain, appetite, and a few other good side effects, while your child is going through chemotherapy; however because of the prosecutor, sheriff, and county executive of Oakland county, I cannot recommend it. Take these Zophram, Norcos, and amphetamines for your child, and don't worry about the side effects or addictions...."


Children can also be in the home while Mr. Cooper has a threesome with the nanny and the pool boy, I wonder what they learn from that, while mommy sits back drinking and crying because she is a poor excuse for a human being. Hypothetically speaking of course.


Most folks don't realize that Ms. Cooper was at one time a civil rights attorney, as you can see she has sold her soul and credibility for power. The next step in her power play, comes from her very own mouth.


“We regulate all sorts of things,” she said. “(With medical marijuana) there is no regulation whatsoever. There needs to be some legislative fixes to this act. We need to bring pressure to bear.”


Regulate in political speak means one or more of the following.. revenue flow from taxation, control of the masses via bureaucracy, kickbacks, power by fiat. Make no mistake, that is what they are really after.


I will leave Ms Cooper alone for now as I reload for Bouchard and his outright lies... stay tuned for round 2.

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Great info!! We voted It passed. Go arrest some real criminals! Stop wasting tax payers monies on personal agendas!!



Why don't they try and eradicate the out-of-control gang violence on the streets of Pontiac?


I'll tell you why - those people shoot back!





Patterson, Bouchard & Cooper = THE THREE STOOGES :growl::devil::sword:

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Bouchard, who said he is part of a legislative work group looking into medical marijuana regulations, said he doesn’t see any rush on the part of legislators to amend the act.


For those that aren't able to translate politicianese, this means that Bouchard is the point of the spear being used to terrorize and intimidate people into begging for help with the law. His role is to scare folks into calling their legislator and begging for the law to be changed. If the legislators can't motivate themselves, he will do all he can to force the issue, just like our sweet Ms. Jessica R. (hang em high) Cooper suggests.

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Can Cooper really be this obtuse and or naive?


Rev, Obtuse? ! She certainly is. Naive? No. She knows full well what she is attempting.


But I liked the one about not smoking in front of the 'children'.


Does she and her 'legal' colleagues hold this SAME vehemence and hate for 'cigarettes' being used in front of children?


And what about alcohol... don't know if she's a drinker... but I'll bet SOMEONE in her house at SOME time tipped a beer in front of the 'kiddies' or enjoyed that 'lovely' little olive martini after a tough day at the 'law office'.


She along with other anti-cannabis folks are 'pi**ed off' that the voters went around them and passed the MMM Act.


They're taking it as a 'personal' affront that 'they' are losing control of the 'political' agenda.


Can't WAIT until California 'legalizes' cannabis for general use by the public.


If you could harness it you would be able to power a large city with the 'rage' that will be spewed by these folks when Cal does it.

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Bouchard also mentioned a Sept. 30 robbery attempt at an Ann Arbor medical marijuana dispensary where two armed men entered the building and bound seven of the people inside at the time with duct tape, police said. The victims were both clinic customers and employees. No injuries were reported.


What no mention of the many other armed robberies that happen at the liquor stores daily. Just one of manny things that hit a nerve. And I thought my wisdom teeth grew back.

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Hehe, the alcohol issue is a funny one, because by all accounts the County executive is allegedly a binge drinker, and likes to drive home after a few martinis... Some witnesses to these acts have posted such in the comments on the Oakland Press copy of the story... simply amazing.

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By Carol Hopkins

For The Daily Tribune


Bouchard referred to recent efforts by communities to figure out how to zone dispensaries or medical marijuana clubs.




“You can’t zone a crack house,” he said, comparing dispensaries to other drug operations.


“It’s people looking at this as a business,” Patterson said.



Voters didn’t believe people would be going to a gas station converted into a dispensary to get marijuana, he said.


The officials reported nearly $480,000 was recovered at a Ferndale dispensary after a raid.



“They’ve made a mockery of the whole thing,” Patterson said. “We need to clear up this mess.”




So much Mockery going on! Don't seem possible they found nearly a half mill in the Ferndale Store?

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