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I Would Like Your Opinions On A Concept/technique That Might Be Interesting


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In another post the technique of air layering was described. There seemed to be at least one persons opinion that it would still constitute one plant although I am sure it would be a point of contention in a court of law if it was a question of a conviction or an exoneration.


Ok so just to add a little spice to this soup. Let us suppose we had a plant that could produce long stems. Then do the air layering technique fairly high on the plant. While your waiting for roots you then either bend the plant down into soil or what ever. After that you might continue the process.


On top of this the bending would in itself increase the exposure of budding points to light which will result in greater yield. I know you would hate that.

So you have one plant that remains connected as an entity. you could grow the sucker out and just switch the lighting in the area.

But you could also cut off sections of one or more pots and create new independent big plants which of course would be counted as ind individual plants.


But do you think this one interconnected plant is still one plant? Imagine I was growing and using the new roots further up the plant as a NEW Source of Nutriants for the plant. First of all this is the science experiment I have been dreaming about and I am confident that at least one of you out there is going to have dreams about it until you try it to just to see what happens. You could make a a really big plant with trellis and then feed water and nutriants via a drip or what ever else someone devises. You could conceviably create a really big tree of a thing that would be one plant! This would be really good in the right climate or if you were going to do it indoors on a vertical basis you would have to get tricky.


then when the police come and tear the plant apart and thus finto smaller plants you could accuse them of creating plants through their actions. ( well it sounds funny to me!)


Go at it!

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Depending on the strain some plants will grow tall others will be short bushes. If your looking at growing trees then you need a afghan indica strain from Africa's elephant plant strains these plants will tower 18' to 20' in the right setting.

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i can see it now... LOL

soon we will have the largest living organism on the planet..

the cannatree would replace the great redwood forest and be the largest living thing on earth.... if i had my way.... one root...a million shoots..... can u imagine... a coast to coast cannabis forest


concept might be ok, but its still arguing over semantics.... and if you have to make the argument... your already most likely in trouble... i would rather clip the clone and call it that from the minute its been cut....


if the count is an issue.. then something may be wrong or needs to be tweaked with the system your running...


most anyone can fulfill a very bountiful harvest in rotation with 48 plants....

let alone 60.... or 72....


i would not sign a 5th patient and go to 72 no matter what at this juncture.... to do so would block me from transacting with any other outside legal patient. (the law says i can only assist 5 people at any given time with their medical use of cannabis.... so if i sign them up as a patient. that responsibility has been initiated and i cannot help more than those 5.....if they are my five, or any five. i can't help more than 5 at once)




to answer you... it is intriguing as a concept to me to see if the roots would form more shoots like a redwood, or if it would only prove to make the main shoots larger....

would they separate from each other and begin to take on their own qualities, or would the root mass stay intertwined and the plants continue to feed themselves through each others roots....

it would take a series of experiments and the ability to dissect the roots afterwards and follow the root trails to see where the nutrient uptake ended up at.


good question D





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In my opinion it a multi-rooted plant is a single plant, like a banyan tree. I believe it wouldn't become multiple plants until the actual confiscation where the police would have to break it apart to get it out. At that point, it may be construed that the police tampered with evidence by creating multiple plants from one.

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Depending on the strain some plants will grow tall others will be short bushes. If your looking at growing trees then you need a afghan indica strain from Africa's elephant plant strains these plants will tower 18' to 20' in the right setting.


Please don't give out misinformation. Bad info is worse than no info at all.

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I can not think of the name of the documentary, but it showed a gorilla grower that used that technique to hide the shape of the plant in a farm field. It looked like a huge vine that snaked around the ground.


It would seem that it would at least be a question of fact whether or not it was one plant. Since it is a question of fact a jury would be allowed to make the final decision, which is better than a question of law where the judge makes the decision. The same could be said for air layering.


Police , prosecutors, and judges are frequently not intellectually honest, so the irrational and illogical is to be expected.

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I've kinda done this outdoors at a friends. planted 2 white widows behind the garage in plain sight. we planted 2 cucumber vines with the plants. as the ww grew the cukes grew up the stalks and pulled it down to ground level. at harvest nothing was higher than 2 feet off the ground. you'd cut a branch from the base and when you pulled it up the branches were 12'+ long. roots in several places along the stalk. dozens of 12" colas on every branch. seriously a sight to see!!! and stealthy!!!

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I've kinda done this outdoors at a friends. planted 2 white widows behind the garage in plain sight. we planted 2 cucumber vines with the plants. as the ww grew the cukes grew up the stalks and pulled it down to ground level. at harvest nothing was higher than 2 feet off the ground. you'd cut a branch from the base and when you pulled it up the branches were 12'+ long. roots in several places along the stalk. dozens of 12" colas on every branch. seriously a sight to see!!! and stealthy!!!



Cat tail marshes are great for this....:phew:


Ran across a garden when i was hunting last year.. I was sitting on a small bluff over looking this marsh after a while i was like, man what is that green stuff in all this brown...... so i went to do alittle stalk and walk, and wow was i surprised at what i found.. Only problem was nobody sexed the plants, and it was full of seed.:sword:

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