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Can We Start A Forum Truce On Sunday 4-15

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That is really what we need to Do Jim. I do not recall you or I ever having much of any negative exchange, even in the last few weeks.


I can tell we are both obstinate. That is a good thing as we will need that willful determination to keep chugging forward through this.


I will say, how can anyone rest assured any "new" mod wont fall into the "Old Mod" traits. fact is, you cant, all you can do is trust those with a Mod or Admin Title has the Community as a Whole, at the front of their mind.



I believe that is what we currently have. To just flop them out with new faces, isnt a fix to the issue, its just a new band aid. Perhaps you all can ask us questions we can answer. I have said it many times here, and elsewhere, I am an open book, but that is Me. I can't speak for everyone, but at some point, there comes a time when we all have to make due with the lemons we have.


We can cry because we got lemon juice in our eyes, or we can make some sweet, delicious lemon aid.



I dont beleive me and you have had a problem, That is why I say nothing personal, I honestly beleive there are enough others that are good people and can be trusted to start fillin in the old mods, and I dont mean no one that gets admin taken away, that it has to be for ever, an I dont expect that to happen over nite,:rolleyes:



Well All good, Im tired of fighting! I will just wait and see! I may get some rest and come back though, Ya just never know with some one like me!




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Restless. you issue of the books of this organization is in the hands of the owner, that is out of my hands and you are well aware of it.


Fact is, I am almost 100% sure of why the site was crashed by Joe last fall.... but all I have for sure are my understanding of the fact i have now, and the time line on how things went down in respects to the forum crash....


but they are only my best guestimations of the scenario, but I believe if anyone were to hear them, they would agree, it is likely the most probable scenario, considering what we know today.


Tim how do you confuse that so much? I did ask MK to show us the books nothing to do with you.


I never said you had anything to do with the books, however you did say that at ROI which your PM was not private to the lady but public that somehow you were privy to the books


Timmahh - 04-03-2012 05:49 AM - permalink

"I'm pissed off because I stupidly gave the mmma almost $3000 over the past year and now it looks like that scumbag used it as his own personal stash account"


If this is true, I would Honestly like to speak with you about it. Over the phone even... If anyone stole or embezzled money from the 3MA, thus the Members and patients, I will throw the rope over the tree limb myself. Would you be willing to tell me who you gave money to? how it was given (cash Check CC ect) and perhaps dates and amounts?


I would be interested in cross referencing your donation times and amounts to the accounting books. If something is wrong, and money is missing. these small details May be the ones needed to prove culpability.

If it has actually occured, We (other Moderators and I) will bring charges ourselves.

Please let me know if you would be willing to share that info. We mods are only concerned with setting right Any wrongs that may of occured under Joes tenure.


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I said quite clearly in that note 10 days ago now, if you felt you had donations that were wrongly handled. I am willing to try to get you in touch with Mr Kormorn. That last Thursday, stated quite clearly on his radio show, If you made a donation, and there were some quirks you feel with it, to make contact with him.



Also as you are well aware, I said I was offered the ability to go look at the books, just like anyone else has the abilty to do. You have to make the proper requests and be granted them, but again, I have nothing to do with them, only the opportunity to go look at them, regardless of the false color you are trying to paint this as. Restless.


I said this to Mr Kormorn himself, If I thought there was a theft of such a nature, if it was proven beyond doubt, I would push the issue legally myself.


I offered to help you as you said you feel your donation was mis handled. that is part of the job of a Mod and or Admin of any Organization, especially in lieu of your post...

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Beagle has earned a 24 hrs mod status. The ball is in his park now and what he does with it is his choice.






I would say that was a pop quiz - failed.


Sunday folks.



PM I sent to Beagle Last week, over the demeanor of his posts. I have been trying, just want it to be known.


ok there was a whole lot more in the reply to it looked like pm's? Were them my pm's? no I did not know any one was putting my pm's in open forum! and If Ya pm'd me to tell me I didnt get it i cant into my pm's :rolleyes:


Did I read something in here saying I was going to have mod status for 24 hrs? and, I dont think i understood, or id be back on my posts being moderated! Is that why my posts are loading so slow, is some one reading what I write before it gets posted!


Im kinda having a hard time with whats going on in this thread, and how pms got involved? man some massive amount of vodka must of got me for a few days!:rolleyes:

Fill me in, I actulay thought me and timmah were just conversating in here, I had to reread this thread 10 times, to see what I missed, I see a beagle barking all around in here!:blink: or maybe i been :bong2: to much!


hey fill me in!




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I said quite clearly in that note 10 days ago now, if you felt you had donations that were wrongly handled. I am willing to try to get you in touch with Mr Kormorn. That last Thursday, stated quite clearly on his radio show, If you made a donation, and there were some quirks you feel with it, to make contact with him.



Also as you are well aware, I said I was offered the ability to go look at the books, just like anyone else has the abilty to do. You have to make the proper requests and be granted them, but again, I have nothing to do with them, only the opportunity to go look at them, regardless of the false color you are trying to paint this as. Restless.


I said this to Mr Kormorn himself, If I thought there was a theft of such a nature, if it was proven beyond doubt, I would push the issue legally myself.


I offered to help you as you said you feel your donation was mis handled. that is part of the job of a Mod and or Admin of any Organization, especially in lieu of your post...

Wow Tim how do you read things into posts? I don't belong to that forum. I am not that lady!

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the way your post read Restless, I thought it may of been you that posted that is all...I skym read your posts anymor, as every one has the same story.






starting to sound like a broken james hatfield quote to be honest.



it didnt appear you made that distinction in your post above, so I drew the reasonable conclusion, you were the same people. I do not know your RIU name, or if you do or dont have one. not my worry.




Phaq, My post you quoted was abuot Jim/beagle as noted in it, not you.


Beagle's Name is Jim as well. lol

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the way your post read Restless, I thought it may of been you that posted that is all...I skym read your posts anymor, as every one has the same story.






starting to sound like a broken james hatfield quote to be honest.



it didnt appear you made that distinction in your post above, so I drew the reasonable conclusion, you were the same people. I do not know your RIU name, or if you do or dont have one. not my worry.




Phaq, My post you quoted was abuot Jim/beagle as noted in it, not you.


Beagle's Name is Jim as well. lol


Hey Tim truce for the better of the members. I just want to see all the mods be on the up and up.

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Restless, please understand, I have Nothing but honorable intentions in helping our entire community. And I believe that is what we have with this group at the end of the day, and I'm sure we all will come and go throughout this adventure on many different levels.


The main reason I am in this is quite literally, I really hope my daughter (whos 19) wont have to be in our shoes in another 25 yrs man. Enough is Enough, and Our state must abide by the Will of the People.


I apologize for my gruff manor as of late, but putting this Forum and this Organization back on track is Job 1 imo. I truly believe if this forum does not come together, and in doing so, brings this community together, we are all going to pay the price down the road, just as we have been for a couple decades now.



It is true, I'm not much of a follower, And often I walk my own path, mostly out of choice of wanting to live a more simple life style.



But I feel I can no longer do that, and I am quite passionate about this issue, as it's eludes to more than just our MMJ Act, and digs down into our basic Civil Liberties.

I get a bit stonewalled in that sense.... I apologize if I come across as personal, but in a way, it is personal to us all right?



To Tomorrow, a Jib for tonight!

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I truly believe if this forum does not come together, and in doing so, brings this community together, we are all going to pay the price down the road, just as we have been for a couple decades now.




1. People need to download themselves from this forum and meet real people, in real life. If this forum crashes then we all pay the price down the road??

2. That is the major flaw of the 3MA. This forum BEING the 3MA. At this point in time the 3MA is nothing more than a forum to me. When are the 3MA meetings? (when I log on) What the heck does the 3MA do outside of this forum? Organize Protests and run a farmer's market? (nope, that was clearly all credit given to Mr. Cain)


I see lots of people saying (could be true or not, don't know) that the reps do not take 3MA seriously. Maybe because all that truly represents 3MA is this forum? If they want to be taken serious, then they need to do it. Put this forum in the backyard of the 3MA and make a site that represents 3MA.. Internet is full of forums and they ALL look the same.. Couple of serious posts, someone wakes up pissy, and thread goes to crap.. Dime a dozen.. At this point, that is what represents the 3MA a bunch of people trying to see whose is bigger...lol GO TEAM!! lol

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more loss of ground gained as a networked linked in Forum, and a solid online community for all Mi Citizens and Patients/CGs and others can get informed, connected, and intouch with the information, and network they may need to get going in their treatment. what else is there really?


the issues you are asking about is what should of been happening under the last leader, they were not, he is gone, and we are starting to put things in motion.


We may only be a forum now, but rest assured, that is only the continuing foundation of this community. Building the walls and roof is next.

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I agree with the being connected issue. But I waiver on the "informed." So many opinions stated as fact, and I know personally not to take forum advice for the most part, but some people see it and run with it. Needs a more concrete area to get this info (especially with a lawyer as the owner.) I hope what you say is true. But I also understand a forum usually gets more hits than a website.

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Timmah and Morhawk make a lot of sense to me.


I also know this whole mess of the last few days, and this thread is a prime example, is a huge deterent to any unified movement that must gather supporters enmasse. To the occasional poster but daily follower like myself, it appears chaos reigns and four or five people on one side are having a huge childish fight with four or five people from some other side and only those people really know why. Do you all really think you should be attempting to speak for 100,000 cardholders if you can't come to some sort of compromise on an internet forum? At the very least agree on a mission statement?


Our common goal is so similar these petty differences I seem to be reading should be easily surmountable.

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Timmah and Morhawk make a lot of sense to me.


I also know this whole mess of the last few days, and this thread is a prime example, is a huge deterent to any unified movement that must gather supporters enmasse. To the occasional poster but daily follower like myself, it appears chaos reigns and four or five people on one side are having a huge childish fight with four or five people from some other side and only those people really know why. Do you all really think you should be attempting to speak for 100,000 cardholders if you can't come to some sort of compromise on an internet forum? At the very least agree on a mission statement?


Our common goal is so similar these petty differences I seem to be reading should be easily surmountable.

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Timmah and Morhawk make a lot of sense to me.


I also know this whole mess of the last few days, and this thread is a prime example, is a huge deterent to any unified movement that must gather supporters enmasse. To the occasional poster but daily follower like myself, it appears chaos reigns and four or five people on one side are having a huge childish fight with four or five people from some other side and only those people really know why. Do you all really think you should be attempting to speak for 100,000 cardholders if you can't come to some sort of compromise on an internet forum? At the very least agree on a mission statement?


Our common goal is so similar these petty differences I seem to be reading should be easily surmountable.

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