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76 Percent Of Doctors Would Approve Med Marijuana


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76 Percent of Doctors Would Approve Med Marijuana

USA -- According to a survey in the New England Journal of Medicine, a majority of physicians would approve the use of medical marijuana. Doctors were given the hypothetical case of Marilyn, a 68-year-old woman with breast cancer which had spread to her lungs, chest and spine. When asked whether she should be prescribed marijuana to help ease her symptoms, a majority of respondents said yes.

The survey included responses from 1,446 doctors from 72 different countries and 56 different states and provinces in North America. In addition, 118 doctors posted comments about their decision on the survey.


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Obviously, according to Mayor Bloomberg, all these doctors are full of crap. What the hell would they know about medicine for God's sake? Same thing with climate change. A hoax perpetrated by Al Gore and all his "goofy science" buddies. What would a mere scientist know about the earth that isn't already explained in the Bible? Huh?

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Any stats on how many are signing Recomendations here in MI, Trix. Then how many are Residents of the State of MI.


Dr. Eisenbud musta died, along with the entire THC-F crowd. Either that or he made so much money he retired to the Turks & Caicos.

Edited by solabeirtan
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