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Driver's License,insurance, And Marijuana Card?

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I know someone who was pulled over a while ago.  Right away they asked for his drivers license, insurance & registration and medical marijuana card if he  had one?????  If a cop asks right off the bat if you carry a medical marijuana card, do you have to tell him yes?   i read on this website wait untill they find something, BUT if you do have one and tell him you dont, then they find out later you do, can they get you for lying to an officer?  what are your thoughts?   if i get pulled over and they ask if i have a card, do i tell them yes sir, or no sir? 

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I've not heard of any officers doing this and if they ask me I'm not exposing myself unless I'm  forced into it if they don't ask for my blue cross blue shield  card that I use for my doctor visits  why should I help them on their fishing expedition looking for medical marijuana patients by asking if they have a card ?

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You can't lie to a cop.  It's illegal.  You can remain silent, however.

Not according to the SCOTUS, which ruled this week that standing mute and silent can be used as evidence of guilt.


The Supreme Court rules prosecutors can use a suspect’s silence as evidence of guilt


By Dylan Matthews, Published: June 17, 2013 at 10:15 amE-mail the writer


The ruling is 5-4, with Samuel Alito writing an opinion that John Roberts and Anthony Kennedy joined, and Clarence Thomas writing a separate concurrence, joined by Antonin Scalia. Stephen Breyer wrote the dissent, joined by Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.




Yep. The train has pulled into the gulag. Note the partisan split. But hey. Money is still speech and corporations are still people. Hurray?

Edited by GregS
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Not according to the SCOTUS, which ruled this week that standing mute and silent can be used as evidence of guilt.


The Supreme Court rules prosecutors can use a suspect’s silence as evidence of guilt


By Dylan Matthews, Published: June 17, 2013 at 10:15 amE-mail the writer


The ruling is 5-4, with Samuel Alito writing an opinion that John Roberts and Anthony Kennedy joined, and Clarence Thomas writing a separate concurrence, joined by Antonin Scalia. Stephen Breyer wrote the dissent, joined by Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.




Yep. The train has pulled into the gulag. Note the partisan split. But hey. Money is still speech and corporations are still people. Hurray?



 I think what the SC said is that if the defendant doesn't specifically state that they are taking the fifth, then the silence can be incriminating. In other words, if you specifically state that you are exercising your fifth amendment rights, then they can not hold your silence against you. Pretty twisted logic.

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n Section 7 of MMMA, "(d) Fraudulent representation to a law enforcement official of any fact or circumstance relating to the medical use of marihuana to avoid arrest or prosecution shall be punishable by a fine of $500.00, which shall be in addition to any other penalties that may apply for making a false statement or for the use of marihuana other than use undertaken pursuant to this act." This section is the enforcement provision IF law enforcement has a problem with the use of this license. NOT a criminal court. This is a denial of Due Process to an Administrative Hearing. A fine of $500.00 is heard in an Administrative Hearing that can appealed to a District CIVIL Court.

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