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Historic Senate Hearing On Pot

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Awesome! wow nice job Bob, beet me to it, good work

here's another link to the Cspan connection jic
Cant believe they're still using the ugly M word, maybe they'll elaborate on that...

Here's some other recent important meetings. These are already recorded so available at your liesure ... good ones

The Bancrupting of Detroit 1950-2013 Sep 7, 2013

The Global Drug Trade Sep 2013  from Jorge Casteneda 1:04:xx to JKerry "What would you say to the last soldier to die in the Drug War?"

Edited by solabeirtan
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The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to hear testimony from Deputy Attorney General James Cole, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper's Chief Legal Counsel Jack Finlaw, King County Sheriff John Urquhart, and the Ann Coulter of the anti-drug reform movement, Drug Policy Institute Director Kevin Sabet.





Ann Coulter is speaking on behalf of dogma today. This should be entertaining.

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Make sure you tune in at 2:30pm ET to watch the Senate Judiciary Cmte. debate Marijuana Laws. The Justice Department officials will testify with law enforcement and marijuana legalization advocates before the Senate Judiciary Cmte. on the conflicts between state and federal marijuana laws. If you are unable to attend, watch the hearing Live on our YouTube Channel & leave your questions that you would like answered during our Live Google Hangout at 5pm ET -- http://youtube.com/watch?v=T1I8eUrflaM





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"The war on drugs was a failure... We (the government) failed the people, and now they want to try something else." John Urquhart King County Sheriff


I'm stoked that they mentioned allowing banks, security companies, and addressing the tax code to facilitate those in the medical cannabis field. They specifically mentioned caregivers in that group.


Whitehouse did give me the impression that his series of questions was paid for and concerning financial backers.

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What I found most interesting was Sabat. He seemed to not be the hard core abolitionist that I have seen before. I had the chance to sit and talk with him one on one over lunch when he was part of the presentation that was done at Wayne State back a year ago January. He was a no compromise abolitionist at that time.

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Brothers and Sisters

Let's flood our senators with emails, phone calls or old fashioned letters just like we the people did concerning the bombing of Syria.

I have included a link at the bottom.  Please click on a link and tell your senator what your wishes are.  Do it now, and it will be all over with.  Takes only a couple of minutes. 

You helped make this happen. And now we need all hands on deck to pressure the Senate to protect marijuana reform laws from federal interference.

Tell your U.S. Senators to protect state marijuana legalization laws now.

With your help, two states have legalized marijuana and 20 states and the District of Columbia have medical marijuana laws. We are winning battles at the state level, but the federal war on marijuana is far from over.

The Obama administration recently said they would let the states proceed with their marijuana legalization laws. But unless Congress acts, marijuana law reform will remain vulnerable to federal interference.

You forced the U.S. House to introduce several bills that would reform federal marijuana laws and end marijuana prohibition -- but so far no bills are in the Senate. Make them act: write your Senators and urge them to protect marijuana reform laws from federal interference.

Protecting our state victories and ending marijuana prohibition nationally is only going to happen if Congress takes action. Without a change in federal law, marijuana legalization laws will remain under threat of federal interference -- unless we come together and demand change.

On this historic day in the Senate, take one minute to demand that your Senators safeguard marijuana legalization laws at the federal level.


Bill Piper
Director, Office of National Affairs
Drug Policy Alliance


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What I found most interesting was Sabat. He seemed to not be the hard core abolitionist that I have seen before. I had the chance to sit and talk with him one on one over lunch when he was part of the presentation that was done at Wayne State back a year ago January. He was a no compromise abolitionist at that time.

Interesting? Abolitionist? as in ending the charade of prohibition? We talking about the same person Kevin Sabet? He's nothing of the sort! A shill* for the proponents of prohibition, the Pharmies, Prison Systems, Distilleries ...


* 5 of his biggest Lies...

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Interesting? Abolitionist? as in ending the charade of prohibition? We talking about the same person Kevin Sabet? He's nothing of the sort! A shill* for the proponents of prohibition, the Pharmies, Prison Systems, Distilleries ...


* 5 of his biggest Lies...

Yes, "Prohibitionist" would be a better choice of words
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