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Looking For The Facts


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How does the cg/ patient relationship really work? Do i have to name a cg to legally obtain my med (if im not producing it myself) or can i get in trouble for obtaining it the old school(pre-legal methods) way? Im new to the mmc thing and trying to make sure i stay legit through my needs. Also i AM interested in finding a cg around the kalamazoo area that i can work with if i can be pointed to a reputable option of some sort. Thanks to all respondants

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How does the cg/ patient relationship really work? Do i have to name a cg to legally obtain my med (if im not producing it myself) or can i get in trouble for obtaining it the old school(pre-legal methods) way? Im new to the mmc thing and trying to make sure i stay legit through my needs. Also i AM interested in finding a cg around the kalamazoo area that i can work with if i can be pointed to a reputable option of some sort. Thanks to all respondants

If i was looking for Cannabis and/or a caregiver i would find a compassion club and see if someone could help with getting meds or a cg most clubs won't sell cannabis but they may point you to someone

As far as how the relationship works it's done on a personal level you meet to see if you'll a good match and grow from their

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..........How does the cg/ patient relationship really work?      ...........Thanks to all respondants


While posting here searching for a caregiver, sharing your thoughts and opinions on medical marijuana, sharing experiences, etc., caregivers in your area, the ones with patient openings, will take notice. You may also initiate a conversation with any caregiver here and inquire direct. The two of you should interview each other, establish likes and dislikes, medical condition(s) being treated, mode of use, etc. It's very important that you both share your expectations with each other, discuss them in detail, and iron out the discrepancies, before you move forward. People are disappointed when their expectations are not met, make sure, as well as you can in an interview, that yours will be. As a patient I would ask questions about strains grown and favored. Pest control, fertilizing, water quality, dirt vs hydro, garden location-ie basement/attic/ spare room/separate building etc. I would want to know about environmental controls, co2 augmentation, visitors, security, and general gardening hygiene.

I know my brand of caregiving will not satisfy all, nor will my product choices. I try hard to match those who I believe will be happy with my garden, and respectively pass on patients who will not. Don't get bummed if  you have to pass in an interview, just move to the next one. When you do meet your caregiver it's a strange relationship, for about ten minutes, then you'll find you've met your match in most cases.


I've read a lot of forums and know that the established caregivers here are qualified, compassionate, educated and mature. I don't think you could find better in the state.

Feel free to ask any questions of any poster, and best wishes to you !

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to answer your question, the current consensus is that a patient may obtain medicine from anywhere, legally.

its the person who transfers marijuana to you, that is at fault with the law.


so find a dispensary near you with weedmaps. or find a cg. good luck!

(i am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice)

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