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I'm A Caregiver And My Patient Stole From Me, Wth?


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I'm so sick, I don't know what to do.  I hope someone can give me advice.  I had clones and plants drying and my patient was living with me in my basement.  In the middle of the night he stole all my plants and clones.  Come to find out this is the third robbery he and his girlfriend have done.  I have other patients as well that those plants were for.  I am afraid to make a police report for fear of CPS stepping in.  I also have more plants in veg....  Can anyone help?

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well, you know you're going to be scolded here, (locks, character judgment , access to your plants, and more valid ones too)

But if you fear the cps, or the law, eat the loss, change form your thief tenant out of your registry, and move on.

Lock your plants up, don't let patients move in with you, keep your children and all people locked out of your garden, make new clones,

start flowering soon. lessons learned I hope

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I'm so sick, I don't know what to do.  I hope someone can give me advice.  I had clones and plants drying and my patient was living with me in my basement.  In the middle of the night he stole all my plants and clones.  Come to find out this is the third robbery he and his girlfriend have done.  I have other patients as well that those plants were for.  I am afraid to make a police report for fear of CPS stepping in.  I also have more plants in veg....  Can anyone help?

Realllllly sucks to hear your story.. from personal experience DON'T INVOLVE THE POLICE! my roommate came and stole my plants the police got involved due to my own fault and I went to jail for it.. and the robber walked Scott free no questions asked cut your loss mark it as a lesson learned and start over.. I know how dumb that may sound. Also I understand those plants clones may have been for your other PT's but explain the situation to them and start over Don't involve the police!!!!

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Also, please don't let anger turn into revenge .. I truly have been in your position he/she will not get in trouble (Karma is a b1tch) but you surely will if you do anything. (They always see the relation never the fkn crime) but chock it up as a lesson learned "Trust no one, tell no one". Lawyer's can cost upwards of 10k court can take years off your life ruin you relationships possible felonies loss of your job.. its just not worth it.

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No, not unless he is in clear violation of the Act, which would have to be proved by you, in a court of law, at your expense. He's homeless, and he has no money. They will rob you again given the chance. "Daryl" was it ?  heard of this a few times, and that name came up more than once. huge craigslist rant about them a few weeks ago too. If it is, let us know?

Would the MMMA be able to take his license away???

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the michigan medical marijuana association (3MA, this website) is not responsible for administration of the law.

it is a forum for patients and caregivers and health / legal professionals to talk with each other.

(i wasnt sure if you were asking us the 'MMMA' or the law 'MMMA' about his license haha)


theres only two mentions of revocation of cards in the MMMA law.


(k) Any registered qualifying patient or registered primary caregiver who sells marihuana to someone who is not allowed to use marihuana for medical purposes under this act shall have his or her registry identification card revoked and is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 2 years or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both, in addition to any other penalties for the distribution of marihuana.




(f) If a registered qualifying patient's certifying physician notifies the department in writing that the patient has ceased to suffer from a debilitating medical condition, the card shall become null and void upon notification by the department to the patient.



so if you have proof his debilitating medical condition ceased to be, and his cert doctor notifies LARA in writing.

or proof he sold marijuana to a non patient, those seem like the only ways to get a card revoked.


trix's advice sounds very good and experienced.

you can read up on baby bree's case too.

steve green and his wife lost their baby to cps , only after a few months were they able to get the baby back.


its a bad situation. the judges and prosecutors and cops still dont like medical marijuana patients.

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