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Pot Shots Fired: Recreational Vs. Medicinal


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 Pot Shots Fired: Recreational vs. Medicinal

Washington State -- As Washington begins to accept applications for the state’s first regulated recreational pot shops, cries of protest about its plans for medical marijuana are coming from unexpected quarters: the left. A year after voters put their state on track to become one of the only places in the world where marijuana can be legally owned and sold for purely recreational use, the state legislature still has to decide what to do with its rickety, fifteen-year-old medical-marijuana system. With the Department of Justice’s hawkish eyes trained on the state—determined to ensure that the drug, which is still illegal under federal law—remains under strict control, some bureaucrats and lawmakers are afraid that Washington’s unregulated medical-marijuana system could doom the whole experiment.


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Its conclusion: The state should nix the collective gardens, make it harder to get a medical marijuana card by making patients with intractable pain ineligible, create a mandatory patient registry, and disallow patients from growing marijuana at home.


There seems to be a pattern emerging.

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There seems to be a pattern emerging.



Seems like every article I read lately has the same end game..


I didn't mind either way before about dispensaries, I've used them before.. possibly will in the future if need be, but it sure seems like they have really taken apart our law one unneeded arrest at a time.


People pushing the limits to make a buck.






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There seems to be a pattern emerging.



I am getting the impression that the prohibitionists think that the general public still does not understand the "dangers" of marijuana. They seem to think that the public's desire to legalize pot is misguided due to ignorance. It is looking like their plan is to keep opposing marijuana in hopes that the public will eventually come around to their view. This game could go on for quite some time.


Their other tactic is to tax it out of existence like they have been doing with tobacco.


Too many people still do not understand cannabis. The author of this article states that one big fear still is the threat of teenagers becoming addicted to pot. Latest statistics show that only 9% of chronic users become dependent - much less than coffee, tobacco, and alcohol. And so what if someone becomes "dependent" on pot? If they are still a functioning member of society, why the helll do you care? They are restricting tobacco use because it has been proven to cause disease. Pot, like coffee, shows no signs that it is detrimental to ones health.

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