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Hydro(Salts) Vs Organic


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I notice differences from day one between my hydro bottled nute system and my worm tea dirt ones. Even to the day of harvest, and use.

I have no problems with either as an end result. If I could have mastered the organic hydro flood and drain I would have most likely stuck with hydro. My plan B was in dirt fed by worms, and when those results starting coming in, I scrapped the hydro follies.


First, there are NO synthetic nutrients that our plants can uptake. Those are mineral salts. There are synthetic chelators in many formulas however, but plants don't uptake chelators either. The chelators facilitate a rapid uptake of the basal salts, supposedly, and wont ever grow you a new finger, supposedly.


Most of the commercial fertilizers sold in the grow store are a simple watered down(200% or so) version of what my neighbor uses on his corn field. seriously. fancy marketing, a few buzz words, some chems maybe, and voila, a viable product!


I'll borrow Beourbud's analogy here. I.V. = there is no better way for me to explain the differences, except consider two cows, one hooked to an IV with grass juice, and not allowed to move much, and the other basking in the pasture snorting out a grass meal. Drinking water when thirsty, eating when hungry, stressed when not fed or watered. which do you prefer and why? 


I see vigor, larger stronger stalks, crispier heavier buds, more trichome expression, Tougher leaves, stronger smells, and the thought of an organic grown  chronically used product is comforting, considering the alternatives. Commercial fertilizers come from the very entities keeping marijuana demonized; Big Pharma. They hydro garage mixers get there's from the same elevator as the farmer.  I don't like supporting my enemies by buying their products, most of which have been recalled at some point, for human harm.

I am fascinated by hydro, and secretly still  practice it in miniature in tissue culture. I've got near 40 gallons of hydro nutrients of various types on the shelf, all work for my culture, and enough forever.

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dirt growing is arguably cheaper, easier, less time consuming, harder work, with a better outcome. a little slower in veg, but who cares, you only need to supply five patients with the results. After your first proper perpetual harvest, you will never be concerned with shortages, not enough cuttings/clones, or vegging speed, you'll most likely reduce the number of plants you grow.


I cannot recommend any organic nutrient commercially available suitable for hydroponics. Jobes organic fertilizer spikes work on their own with only water added to happy frog, promix dirt. advanced nutrients mother earth teas work very well too, but maybe not so much in hydro.

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Is it possible to Veg a plant hydroponically and then transfer it to a soil grow medium? Interchanging systems for possible affect? Maybe I'll have to test that...


Yes - in fact I just addressed this in another post.  If you're looking to go that route, I'd recommend that you set up two aerocloners or clone/veg in two stages with just one unit.  Stage one would be plain water to develop roots.  Stage two would be in a sprayer with nutes in it....then forget the DWC.   Once you have a nice root mass, drop the plant in a 1-quart container with fresh soil and run with it.


I can't stress enough the need to watch your temps in hydro water.  An aerosprayer is more forgiving than DWC, but still if your water temps are 70F + you are headed for disaster.

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dirt growing is arguably cheaper, easier, less time consuming, harder work, with a better outcome. a little slower in veg, but who cares, you only need to supply five patients with the results. After your first proper perpetual harvest, you will never be concerned with shortages, not enough cuttings/clones, or vegging speed, you'll most likely reduce the number of plants you grow.


I cannot recommend any organic nutrient commercially available suitable for hydroponics. Jobes organic fertilizer spikes work on their own with only water added to happy frog, promix dirt. advanced nutrients mother earth teas work very well too, but maybe not so much in hydro.


Debatable....convince me


DIRT,  its Back to the Future

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OK, I'll bite. I only know one way to "prove" this, hopefully experienced hydro kings will chime in.

I wouldn't lie to you man.


Not that veg speed matters.


believe it or not, there are advantages and disadvantages to each chosen technique, even yours. we've covered some of those like suitable property, security (without pit bulls and guns), near six months without a flowering plant, sunlight, and freezing temps, storing enough product to last through those winter months, outdoor smells can easily be detected, outdoor pests can be persistent and difficult to control without pesticides, bud rot in rainy seasons and more. I love the outdoor grow show, and still do it here and there, patiently awaiting global warming.

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Or you could do the best of both world's and use a light soil base and cut it with a lot of perlite and vermiculite.  Then you have to feed almost every watering to keep up.  you have to add molasses or microblast because the ultra loose mix doesn't hold all the micronutrients you need.  You have to water everyday without fail(well if you don't add the vermiculite to hold more water).  Then you get the yield and fast growth of hydro and the organic soil taste and smell and burn.


And with the outdoor grow you could use autos for a full summer perpetual and then store enough hanging on the plants in a humidor for the winter from your normal harvest.  With a 3' hi box type frame with a lock and green chainlink you could be stealth and harvest from may on since they finish in about 8 weeks from seed.

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yes, and vice versa, and both work well. you get the faster hydro veg,and the cachet of dirt bud.


And vice a versa?  Say what?  This statement demonstrates a lack of experience...sorry.  You can always tell its a  story  when its short on facts and anecdotes.


Some strains will hermi changing light source especially Sunlight to artificial. We have developed strains resistant to light shock.


Hydro is too expensive, subpar and complicated for novice growers.


At the meeting in vanderbilt last august i asked everyone what was the best grow medium, 12 out of 13 replied they had tried other media but DIRT was not only the best but easiest and most forgiving for novice.


Besides that hydro bud aint that great ....Sun Grown in Soil is exponentially superior.


DIRT...its Back to the Future


We hang the entire plant rootball up during the winter,  some call it a cure....we call it a hillbilly hydro

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"enough" is subjective. Unfortunately the law will not accommodate the needs of me and my five patients with enough stored marijuana as wee will need for the winter months.

And with the outdoor grow you could use autos for a full summer perpetual and then store enough hanging on the plants in a humidor for the winter from your normal harvest. 

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You get faster veg, particulary in dwc, cus they eat more..as much as they want and less energy is expended pushing the roots through a medium.

if you look at my avatar you will see unlike your enemic roots our Sun Grown roots are soo vigorous they will defy sunburn to seek nutes , even if it is a Monster .  Sun Grown rootballs are BAD AZZ

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Hydro bud aint that great? You got 12 out of 13 votes for dirt cus its easier and all are probably novice growers. I dont believe any one choice of medium or food source makes this bud better than that bud. Its that simple.

Dude you got Nothin on Sun Grown.


I will say i do respect the opinions of my fellow farmers....especially those who care enough to gather in support of the cause.  Looking forward to next year.


Sun Grown....Naturally!

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Hydro bud aint that great? You got 12 out of 13 votes for dirt cus its easier and all are probably novice growers. I dont believe any one choice of medium or food source makes this bud better than that bud. Its that simple.

Hydro is Obsolete...you are just behind the curve.    Tonnes of used hydro equipment for sale.

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hydro IS more complicated than dirt growing. Its suitable for  techy. dirt is for dummies. that's a good thing, as it actually does produce a stronger more robust plant. I've grown all of the HT cup winners first in hydro over and over, then in dirt, over and over. Neither way produced subpar product. Both were top medical grades every time.


If a hydro grower has success with his technique there will never be a complaint of the fruits, guaranteed. Interesting that the growers who feels hydro is "too expensive and complicated" at the onset, or during/after the failure, actually do produce subpar meds. It's the others who used proven expensive equipment, proven costly nutrient packages and maintain expensive proper controls who produce world class medical marijuana indistinguishable from a dirt grown bud.


with that said, I've invested thousands into hydro, hundreds into dirt, grown both, even at the same time, long for hydro techy stuff and the cleanliness, sterility, but choose to grow with dirt, because that was the only way I could guarantee what was going in as food, and still have success. No regrets here, dirt is cheaper, easier, a little more labor maybe, and my plants are happier, which makes me happier, and well, I gotta give this one to beourbud...my dirt, tastes better than my hydro....but my patients never could tell the difference.....but I can ; )

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dude, get over it, my root bound plants also do the same thing, in the first 60 days of flowering. try a larger container, or more dirt maybe. roots don't like light.


hydroponics is our future, you should have paid attention in school.

if you look at my avatar you will see unlike your enemic roots our Sun Grown roots are soo vigorous they will defy sunburn to seek nutes , even if it is a Monster .  Sun Grown rootballs are BAD AZZ

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dude, get over it, my root bound plants also do the same thing, in the first 60 days of flowering. try a larger container, or more dirt maybe. roots don't like light.


hydroponics is our future, you should have paid attention in school.

You are just jealous....lol  Time will tell.....but the evidence is undeniable  


Seeing a lot of buyers remorse with the hydro...just the facts.  Patients want Natural Organic Sun Grown.......Keep up with the times  (Organic...which includes the Sun).....time to drop the overpriced hydro and come out of the closet.....or not


Hard to accept change when you have $$$ invested i know but the results speak for themselves.  Hydro folk will only fool the noobs soo long then their gear ends up on craigslist.  


get over it?.....just spreading the love bro


We have classes regularly for those who are either getting out of hydro or want Natural Organic Sun Grown.  People dont want hydro!  They want Natural Medicine.   Just because you cant provide that does not mean you could not upgrade your system.  


Hey how is that tissue culture project going?  is that the future too? 


The market is shifting , try to keep up.


Sun Grown   Natually!


Organic Hydro is a LIE


If it wasnt grown in the Sun it AINT Organic

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Theres alot of buyers remorse with hydro cus there lazy or didnt learn. Lots of sub par for the sAme reason. If i was comfortable leaving for more than 2 days with dro, id still run it. But im telling you, put it side by side, growers of equal skill, no one would know but the growers. But you cAn make me a believer. Ill be at the expo.

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the military counts heavily on a constant supply of a genetically modified tissue cultured sprout that illuminates when it comes near bomb making substances. they drop millions of seeds over miles of desert and locate mines. Work is under way to illuminate the medians of freeways with tissue cultured trees which will light up at night without power, using a gold/dna infusion. Most of our food is from tissue cultured vegetable stocks. I'd say tissue culture is the future.

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Hydro bud aint that great? You got 12 out of 13 votes for dirt cus its easier and all are probably novice growers. I dont believe any one choice of medium or food source makes this bud better than that bud. Its that simple.

You have some learning to do son.  Choice of fertilizers makes all the difference in the world.  If you do it right.  If your not flushing organics will shine thru by far.  If your not providing the right conditions both will turn out the same.


The reason outdoor seeds or strains hermie inside is the quick light drop from 18-12 in a day, not the light intensity.  The stress can hermie some strains if they are not very stable.  I've brought plants inside to finish without any problems.. 

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The reason hydroponics is our future is because we have split from quality to quantity.  Hydro can never match the plethora of beneficial nutrients derived from the soil.  That's why the terpene expression is so good in soil.  It's not just about NPK and the basic micronutrients to produce good flowers it's about all the other stuff they haven't id'd as necessary to grow good medicine.  Hydro strips it down to the basics and it's missing stuff, for lack of the total scientific understanding and terminology. 

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