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The Tale Of Two Cards

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Two family members submit paperwork from same doc for the same easily qualifying condition. Both previously had cards but they expired so these are for new cards. Paperwork sent together at the PO, both arrive same day. Both checks cashed a couple days later. 20 days later both folks are legal but will wait for the card.


One card arrives in about 4 weeks. Hey, not bad! The first time around it took months.


So the other card will probably arrive in the next day or two, right?


Nope, it takes 3 more weeks, 7 in total.


Very strange.

Edited by zachw
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thats interesting. was the handwriting on the form more difficult to read?

the checks were from the same bank/account ?

were either of them caregivers or signing up with caregivers? a background check may have also delayed things?


i'm curious as to the differences that would cause such a discrepency.

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thats interesting. was the handwriting on the form more difficult to read?

the checks were from the same bank/account ?

were either of them caregivers or signing up with caregivers? a background check may have also delayed things?


i'm curious as to the differences that would cause such a discrepency.


Both patients went to same certifying doc on the same day. Paperwork was almost identical, both prepared by the same person. Same bank account with sequential checks (both checks were cashed on the same day.)


Possibly the applications were being processed by different folks that had different backlogs? Dunno...

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  • 3 weeks later...

7 weeks is a delay? I have Alzheimer's, had card easily renewed twice. last renewal 2013? we waited months, told to send in new form. Sent new form. Check was cashed by State, application denied (told another new form was being used). Refiled. Been 10 months. Local prescribing/approval doctor office said it was almost everyone he represented did not get renewed. I have help on forms. I cry every day. The cannabis I had from a former local co-op helped me so much! They shut down, put on Pharma pills and left agitated, nightmares, muscle cramps, anger, anxiety issues, blood pressure up to over 140, pulse over 100, joint pain = no walking, weight gain, on and on. No regular doctor would write me prescription and help me use medical marijuana. People have offered in other site forums to help, but closest dispensary will not let me buy on expired card (that place is 150 miles from me, I no longer drive) I can not grow my own. We can call the LARA office every day and still no card. I am dying here because Michigan passed a law to allow medical marijuana, and the Governor (?) made changes to it which in effect makes opening a dispensary a fire and pitchfork event, changing forms often so it is delayed and then TRY AGAIN. I do not have ability left to initiate more action on my behalf. Cannabis is a good, safe medicine for Alzheimer's, I have read of terrific outcomes with people having its use. Suffering. It may be "legal" but not available, for me anyway.

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this hurts.  of course you shud have access.  this is a failure of LARA.  just one of many glitches that prevent sick folks access.  it sounds like you are isolated to the max.  BUT---

life is unfair.   to tip things in your favor you've got to open up and trust someone... there are cg/patient matching matching services.  there is a local cg who is saying where are the patients?  i want patients...there is a cg who says the dr. cert is good enuf for me... why aren't i finding patients?  remember the teens in your local high school do have safe access----do what is necessary to get your access....no one gonna help unless they know your need!  no one but you can make it happen.  you are whom the law is for, and if you network and connect, you'll have meds.  sitting quietly and crying it ain't fair is of no utility--you will just feel discriminated against and pity yourself so coming out is a risk but you need to slowly, carefully, wisely, come out out the cannabis closet and get yours.  high school kids do!

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 easily qualifying condition. .--??  I know of NO qualifying condition that is easy to qualify for the program. Is Pain easier to qualify than Cancer? I don't think so. A real physician will take conditions seriously, and be genuinely concerned. None have ever treated me like I was a "shoe in" with an "easily qualifying condition" I hope. We either have one of those listed conditions, or suffer from symptoms as a result of one. I'd rather not have any symptoms than feel the need to use cannabis personally.

peace out, and enjoy the side effects of this great herbal remedy !

One card arrives in about 4 weeks. Hey, not bad! The first time around it took months.


So the other card will probably arrive in the next day or two, right?


Nope, it takes 3 more weeks, 7 in total.  


Very strange.= Paranoia. no worries, several people working different stacks of mail.

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"easily qualifying condition" = unambiguous for the certifying doc. This is not directly relevant to LARA, since they only see if applications are filled out per their requirements and don't evaluate based on the condition. But I imagine that if a doctor was ever questioned about running a certification mill, they would have an easier time justifying certs that are on the "specific conditions" list. Just a suspicion.


"very strange" = "curious". "very strange"<>"paranoia".

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7 weeks is a delay? I have Alzheimer's, had card easily renewed twice. last renewal 2013? we waited months, told to send in new form. Sent new form. Check was cashed by State, application denied (told another new form was being used). Refiled. Been 10 months. Local prescribing/approval doctor office said it was almost everyone he represented did not get renewed. I have help on forms. I cry every day. The cannabis I had from a former local co-op helped me so much! They shut down, put on Pharma pills and left agitated, nightmares, muscle cramps, anger, anxiety issues, blood pressure up to over 140, pulse over 100, joint pain = no walking, weight gain, on and on. No regular doctor would write me prescription and help me use medical marijuana. People have offered in other site forums to help, but closest dispensary will not let me buy on expired card (that place is 150 miles from me, I no longer drive) I can not grow my own. We can call the LARA office every day and still no card. I am dying here because Michigan passed a law to allow medical marijuana, and the Governor (?) made changes to it which in effect makes opening a dispensary a fire and pitchfork event, changing forms often so it is delayed and then TRY AGAIN. I do not have ability left to initiate more action on my behalf. Cannabis is a good, safe medicine for Alzheimer's, I have read of terrific outcomes with people having its use. Suffering. It may be "legal" but not available, for me anyway.


I don't understand. It sounds like it's been 10 months since you refiled but have not received a card. If so, you are completely legal to procure cannabis.



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I called Lara again and she said "I don't see anything about you here." said she will call me on Monday.


I live in western U.P.


I suppose posting about crying seems...ineffectual self pity deal. It actually is part of Alzheimer's brain, overwhelmed by frustration confusion makes for spontaeous crying. Maybe I do feel 'ssorry for myself" but am working as best I can to educate people about Alzheimer's and how the environment + energy of people around them will = a calmer, deeper life for patient and caregiver.

There are things that break the bank in an ALZ brain and one of them is trying to reason with a person who can no long reason. People try to make us think in the manner they think. Anyway, I write about it alot in forums for patients and promote looking into using the MM for themselves or their patient. It helps alot to have the correct strain, which equals ease of use.

Perhaps someone wants to open a dispesary in this part of U.P. Small scale but a population of aging, injured, disabled people. I would do it if I could.

The difference ebtween what is going on in other states and here - the information on what works for what type of illness & person - want to do what I can to promote both the healing properties, LACK OF DEADLY SIDE EFFECTS, the presentation of the medcines, the comfort level for new users, elderly users. But especially for people with dementia. Runs in my family, it does not have to be a descent into hell for the patient or the one who cares for them. None of the things that make Life Dignified and Peaceful for those involved with this illness come from AMA medical people.

Infrared sauna, super hydration, exercise daily, curcumin for inflammation, essential oils for morning and evening, massage, animal companions, a quiet bedroom, not arguing with patient, just enter their world alittle. No approaching from behind. Wait for an answer, it may take m inutes before we have processed what you said or asked. Stop asking all the time. Our visual field is likely distorted. Pretty much show the respect one would to any other majoy illness. Brain tumor? Brain injury? those people are treated with respect. Alzhiemer's? People imagine we are evaporating, disappearing, a problem with no personality. I am fighting for recognition of the patients as living sentient feeling beings. And I cry with my dog and it helps me.

Modnay I will come back here to get more good advice and Maybe the LARA office will have some news. It was helpful to describe the need for legal, clean, appropriate cannabis medicine here and to get some advice. Some suggest oils. I do what I can. I appreciate all help, even when people show me where my behavior is not helping. My husband sent in last papers and did not send them with tracking. He does not understand what it means to have something that works, a natural remedy, and not be able to get it. People here understand that.

Love to all.

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 I am a good listener. My family started in Copper Harbor,and Mom was born in Calumet,Dad in Hancock. We are trolls under the bridge now,my older brother was up in Ironwood for years,but he passed a little while ago. His ashes are in the Big Lake now, forever. Not one of you yoopers are in this persons area? Dagnabit,somebody help her. 

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