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Clinic Requests More Paperwork In 30 Days But Doc. Signed Rec?

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So I renewed my card and my paperwork from my doctor was sufficient and the doc signed off, however he told me in the next 30 days see my personal doc again and email the clinic the paperwork from that visit or he would pull my card (like 20 or so other people).


Is that even possible or are they just using a scare tactic to protect their business. By then I may even have my physical card, I'm just curious as to what they even could do at that point. I have no problem seeing my doc again I am just curious how they could back up their claim.

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Hell no it is not required. It is your call whether to inform your primary care provider.


Sec. 3(4) If the patient has given permission, the physician has notified the patient's primary care physician of the patient's debilitating medical condition and certification for the use of medical marihuana to treat that condition.


You will have to find another certifying doctor if this does not work out for you.

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I think but im not sure,,,,,,this pt got certed by an mm dr. but didnt have any records from a primary care dr. like he just wrote he only had one visit with his primary dr. so be careful what you tell this person, it sounds like he/she is just trying to get legal, not that anything is wrong with getting legal,,,,but your mm cert dr. is looking out for his own arse,,,,sounds like he gave you a renew on your word with no records,,,,,if im wrong sorry about that!




edit=  I  have every dr record from my accident that disabled me, I need a file cabnet to keep just them in, every 6 months I get another copy of my visits, since 98 every single dr. visit says chronic pain on it.


sounds like what his renew doc wants is just the records from the next visit to build up a file on said pt, all he has to do is ask for a copy of the paper work fromt next visit and send it to mm dr. no biggie!

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A certification doctor can require anything they want, you are not forced to see him.  I have my own procedures to follow with my patients.  They follow them or I don't see them.  


I've not heard of a doc mandating a follow up with the primary, but if that is what he wants, you should do it.  I does help to establish the section 8 relationship by showing communication with the primary, and that might be the reason he wants it.


Dr. Bob


PS, yes a doctor can pull a card, but I'm not aware of any having done so based on the annual reports from LARA (no cards revoked)

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A certification doctor can require anything they want, you are not forced to see him.  I have my own procedures to follow with my patients.  They follow them or I don't see them.  


I've not heard of a doc mandating a follow up with the primary, but if that is what he wants, you should do it.  I does help to establish the section 8 relationship by showing communication with the primary, and that might be the reason he wants it.


Dr. Bob


PS, yes a doctor can pull a card, but I'm not aware of any having done so based on the annual reports from LARA (no cards revoked)

Thanks Doc i've never heard of a Doc pulling a card until today but it has not happen yet as we know of i think most pt would do whatever they could to stay legal and out of Court


thats what most did when they signed up and got their cards thinking they were legal but i bet if you ask most pt today they would have not signed up and imho i feel like the dispensaries had a lot to do with more people getting cards and that was a good thing back then

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We still have quite a few new people getting cards, I think they are just better qualified and documented now.  It has become much more respectable since the mills were shut down.  Many folks that went to those no record mills were well qualified and simply brought them in this time around.


Dr. Bob

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cert doctor wants more records from another doc.


standard practice. kind of sucks he would jump it on you like that , get him more records but also find another cert doc...

I mean he gave me my cert and I already sent it in the mail. He just wanted me to send the clinic stuff after the fact and stated 20 or so people have failed to do so when he mentioned pulling the card. This does not line up with Dr. Bob's LARA records which only adds to my suspicion. Do dispensaries have a database? Most of the time they just look at my card and ID.

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If the doc was kind enough to sign a referral for ya just do what he asked.  i give the MJ docs tons of credit because they are literally putting themselves out there as much in the same capacity as us CG's do...having our info on the P's cards.



I know one of mine went to a doc in Troy and he wanted a follow up visit but she already has 2 docs as she was shot in the back in Detroit years ago and walks with a bootie kinda cast thing.  She did not go for a follow up because she does not need to because she has ample paperwork from her 2 primary docs.  The primary docs are affiliated with larger corporate style hospitals and on the insurance ryder it specifically states they cannot have anything to do with MED MJ.


I know tons of docs affiliated with DMC, Beaumont, Huron Valley...etc...etc that are not allowed to sing MJ referrals because of this issue.



If this patient of mine ever went to court for some weird reason she has a 100% lock down case because she could barely walk 6 years ago and has no feeling in her right leg because of the bullet fragments that scattered inher back.  It caused nerve damage down her lower limbs.


Sad stuff.  She was shot at a bus stop with her daughter 2 decades ago by some random crack head. 

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theres a few dispensary patient-record checker services. even one or two in michigan.

but due to the MMMA confidentiality, i'd say theres slim chance any of the dispensaries are using them.


the stats of LARA revoking cards are slim. but LARA doesnt report doctors who revoke cards i dont think.

so its possible doctors revoking recommendations happens more than we've heard.......


then the other side of the coin is that a dr gave you a rec, and then revoked it because you didnt suffer from that condition? i mean, hes going to look pretty stupid to LARA if he says something like that. either he was fooled by the patient or he lied... but like motorcity says, we do have to give cert drs some credit. the mmj thing is volatile and they are risking their livelyhood / ability to practice in some cases by dealing with mmj patients and writing prescriptions.


i've only heard of a cert dr threatening to revoke one other time, at a cert place in ann arbor/ypsi when a pt ran into some legal trouble and needed to contact his dr. 


you didnt get certified at that place in ypsi did you? :P

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