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Northern Michigan Radio News Director Facing Drug Charges - Pleads Guilty Update

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Northern Michigan radio news director facing drug charges


MASON, CO. -- A 49-year-old radio news director is facing charges on Tuesday for delivery of marijuana in Pere Marquette Township.

Steve Ruba, of Ludington, is the news director for a seven-radio station network including WLDN radio.

Mason County Sheriff's office arrested Ruba around 8 p.m. Sunday during a traffic stop at Lakeshore Drive and Iris Rd.

According to the sheriff's office, Ruba was arrested with about 20 grams of marijuana in his possession that were packaged in individual bags.

He is out on bond and is scheduled to be back in court for a preliminary hearing on July 9.

If Ruba is found guilty of the charge, he could face four years in prison.






Northern Michigan radio news director pleads guilty to drug charges


MASON CO. -- A 49-year-old northern Michigan radio news director pleaded guilty to drug charges on Tuesday in Mason County.

Steve Ruba, of Ludington, plead guilty to possession of marijuana.  Ruba is sentenced to one year of 'discretionary jail', which means if Ruba gets in any further trouble, this incident will resurface.

Ruba is the news director for a seven-radio station network including WLDN radio. 

Mason County Sheriff's office arrested Ruba in the end of June during a traffic stop at Lakeshore Dr. and Iris Rd.

According to the sheriff's office, Ruba was arrested for possessing 20 grams of marijuana that were packaged individually.

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According to the sheriff's office, Ruba was arrested for possessing 20 grams of marijuana that were packaged individually.


There ya go everyone, if you make doses of your meds, you will be charged with selling it, even if you dont...         little packages will get you charged...

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According to the sheriff's office, Ruba was arrested for possessing 20 grams of marijuana that were packaged individually.


There ya go everyone, if you make doses of your meds, you will be charged with selling it, even if you dont...         little packages will get you charged...

interesting, if you remember in 5104 they wanted to label each package of marihuana (edibles and usable bud)

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dispensaries often sell grams at a time, enclosed in individual bags even.

With or without a card these days, does anyone even care anymore ? dispensaries sell to more than their five patients, why not to more than just carded ones? Do cops stop stealing your money and raiding your home the moment they see a card ? Do courts ever disallow a physician's marijuana testimony or a patients' possession of a state issued card? When a craigslist goof gets caught selling to "carded patients only" does the court let him slide? could it be that the advertiser just says that to thwart CL reading police a little ? Will that seller take it to court and fight for the right to supply another carded patient not registered to him, or take a plea bargain? Are carded people being raided more than non carded people? sentenced longer?

phaq it, what's the fight for anyways?
phaquing ranter :o

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