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Trying to figure out what this has to do with MMJ ?? :bong2:


Legal Professionals: Area for legal ideas or suggestions. Reading Opinions and the like I find it beneficial to know more Latin. Figured some others might also enjoy.



Medicalus Marijuanus ??  (I had two years of Latin...... and that's all I got.  LOL)


You seem to know as much as you need already. :gym:

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canna, cannae n - 1.cane-sugar 2.panpipe/flute 3.small reed/cane 4.small vessel/gondola 5.windpipe
cannabis, cannabis n - 1.canvas/linen (medieval) 2.hemp 3.hemp rope.
cannabinus, cannabina, cannabinum adj - 1.made of hemp, hempen, hemp-
sativus, sativa, sativum adj - 1.sown 2.that is sown
medice, medices n - 1.doctor (female), physician, healer
medicina, medicinae n - 1.art/practice of medicine, medicine 2.clinic 3.remedy, cure 4.treatment, dosing


Medicalus Marijuanus ??  (I had two years of Latin...... and that's all I got.  LOL)

I believe Marijuana is a pejorative anglicisation of the original Nehautl/Inca word for Cannabis, which apparently hasn't changed in several millenia.  

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