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Creating Retail Market For Medical Marijuana Would Drive Tax Revenue, Job Creation,


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All I've heard so far is parroting what has already been said/ discussed by others.


If you are here looking for support and working on building a platform to run on...


you will need to put a some meat with what you are dishing.


You know, I am sorry you haven't been paying attention and have nothing but negative things to say, and I've put up with a lot the last couple of weeks from you and others.  But had you actually listened to things I've posted over the years, you would know I've always been a proponent of farmers markets rather than dispensaries, and I've always promoted putting laws in place to make them legal.  I've also been a long time fan of legalization and criminal justice reform.


In fact, I just happened to look these up for you- why don't you have a look at them and come back and post what you found?



Perhaps you might like to have a look at my blog-  Specifically look for articles in the medical marijuana section with titles like:

Dare Propaganda and School Drug Education.

Marijuana Enforcement is far more Lucrative than Marijuana Certification,

The Drug War Debunked

Medical Marijuana Laws May Cut Deaths from Drug Abuse,

Response to an Editorial about the Dangers of Decriminalization


some of those go back to 2010


Most of those are original articles written by me.  Sorry they didn't make an impression on you, or did you just never bother to read them?  Now how about you getting off my back?  Folks are trying to do something important for the community here, there are people that actually have worked in Lansing on this, and defended people in court.  I'm always up for constructive criticism, but I can call BS when I see it, guess that doesn't make me politically correct, but I don't have a problem defending my record or standing up against a troll.




Dr.  Bob

Edited by Dr. Bob
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You raise a good point, and I noted that on the video as well.  The concept of a farmers market is farm to market.  That means caregivers sign up and meet directly with the patients.  I don't believe that I limited that to a certain few caregivers, and we were discussing concepts not specifics of THAT market.


Dr. Bob

If you really want it to work, we need to bring back p/p transfers. 

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Knowing the background of that, I don't see it happening any time soon.  There was a time back in 2010 or 2011 where we were looking at a compromise of caregiver to caregiver transfers, but ran into too much resistance from the legislature and surprisingly the medical marijuana community.  So it went nowhere.  Might be time to look at that again, but I think the farmers market is a better option because it opens it up to patients.  Caregivers would provide the meds, and they are background checked already (another issue, some patients cannot be caregivers for that reason).


These are some of the things I'd like to go over with Mal.  But I bet we could come up with something workable.


Dr. Bob

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Knowing the background of that, I don't see it happening any time soon.  There was a time back in 2010 or 2011 where we were looking at a compromise of caregiver to caregiver transfers, but ran into too much resistance from the legislature and surprisingly the medical marijuana community.  So it went nowhere.  Might be time to look at that again, but I think the farmers market is a better option because it opens it up to patients.  Caregivers would provide the meds, and they are background checked already (another issue, some patients cannot be caregivers for that reason).


These are some of the things I'd like to go over with Mal.  But I bet we could come up with something workable.


Dr. Bob

I guess it would be easy enough for two patient/growers to name each other caregiver. 

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Unfortunately that doesn't do much to help.  Setting up a daisy chain doesn't really solve the problem.  What I am thinking about is a farmers market where caregivers can get tables, patients with cards can enter and buy a limited amount of cannabis.  Caregivers are already background checked, and have the capacity to have extra to sell.


Issues that need to be looked at include:


Record keeping (what if any)

Taxation or Licensing (what if any)

How much to allow a caregiver to bring to the market, how much to allow patients to purchase

Locations available, local ordinances and zoning.


This is doable- I mean we have gun shows operating on this model.  


Worth kicking around, but the first issue is getting there and in the position to introduce this.


Dr. Bob

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Unfortunately that doesn't do much to help.  Setting up a daisy chain doesn't really solve the problem.  What I am thinking about is a farmers market where caregivers can get tables, patients with cards can enter and buy a limited amount of cannabis.  Caregivers are already background checked, and have the capacity to have extra to sell.


Issues that need to be looked at include:


Record keeping (what if any)

Taxation or Licensing (what if any)

How much to allow a caregiver to bring to the market, how much to allow patients to purchase

Locations available, local ordinances and zoning.


This is doable- I mean we have gun shows operating on this model.  


Worth kicking around, but the first issue is getting there and in the position to introduce this.


Dr. Bob

He's talking about for the background check to be allowed to sell as a patient, technically they will be cg for each other which gets them the background check and then they can sell their extras, plus they can now possess 2.5 ozs more each and the same 12 plants.

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He's talking about for the background check to be allowed to sell as a patient, technically they will be cg for each other which gets them the background check and then they can sell their extras, plus they can now possess 2.5 ozs more each and the same 12 plants.

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