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How Do We End The Hypocrisy In This Country

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Now how can we get Law enforcement and the Government to recognize this Naturally God given Plant that has miraculous healing benefits along with its other uses such as Food Fiber Fuel building materials heck you can even make a car that is lighter and stronger then steal out of hemp that runs on hemp and this is all out of hemp that is renewable and probably the most environmentally friendly plant on the planet and this world is Starving to go Green and is desperately searching for a resource that is renewable and environmentally friendly. Hey why cant they see this is it that Profit is more important then saving the Planet is that why this Plant that has so many uses and is renewable and environmentally friendly is still being denied ignored and propagandized.Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness

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i agree with you John. we have to frame more arguments around sustainability and environmental protection. it is important to emphasize our medical necessities when arguing ABOUT medical uses. But in the bigger picture, decriminalization or full legalization is going to happen MUCH faster if we frame our concerns environmentally.

one thing i have been thinking about lately with regards to both cannabis used medicinally and industrially, is the implication of its legalization. i honestly believe many of us (including myself) have been thinking and imagining things in a very utopian manner. but what i/we need to consider is the context in which cannabis would be legalized: a virulently capitalist system. this same system that preys upon people and denies us natural medicine because they have not created a way in which to limit it once it becomes legal, and that would hurt their ability to profit from it. This is the same system that denies us the ability to help others by growing more than our share, because we may share with others (like baby girl) that they might otherwise profit from.

are these reasons to not continue to push for legalization of Cannabis? Certainly not. But they are most definitely things to consider when we imagine ways to propose laws. we can bring more and more boundaries on the forces that would use legalization as another tool of our oppression, instead of the cure for so many physical, environmental, and social ills.

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Money - only money will motivate them and it has to be large enough to turn their heads -or- as was done here and in many states, get it on the ballot for legalization.

It was money that made it illegal in the first place and will take that or a flex of the will of the people to change it.

Can anyone name me 1 person who is in congress who is not "well off'? Massive class warfare is being practiced in the US right now.

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Money - only money will motivate them and it has to be large enough to turn their heads -or- as was done here and in many states, get it on the ballot for legalization.

It was money that made it illegal in the first place and will take that or a flex of the will of the people to change it.

Can anyone name me 1 person who is in congress who is not "well off'? Massive class warfare is being practiced in the US right now.


420Peace DT61,


You are correct sir, the Golden Rule applies as it has throught history

'The One With the Gold Rules'

The Good news is we can grow Gold (read Mairjuana) and will soon rule...

Hitting up the ballot box will get us there even sooner!

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Sure, we will pay the terrorists off. I am 100% sure they will begin honoring individual human rights then. Why didn't we think of this before? Just pay them off by taking (through the use of force) from some individual humans, and giving it to our protectors to do what they think is best for us. Why don't we just give them everything and let them decide what we need? This would save a lot of time instead of fighting issue after issue. Just give everything to the government and let them take care of us! Then we know they will honor their oaths to the constitution to protect and uphold our individual human rights! Right?? Great idea!!:(

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I think a good start would be to end it first at home , in our own lives. Most of the time people know whats right but they go along with the status quo. We are all guilty.


We know we all have a hand in the environmental state of our planet yet we still don't do what we should all be doing. Sure I recycle but still haven't changed my lifestyle enough yet. It's not ALL bp's fault. This spill thing showed us an ugly picture of greed & it's destructive nature but we use the oil & can't get enough.


Another example is Walmart (Its hard for me to even say their name) How many posts here mention buying parts & supply's at walmart. Even after their treatment of one of us & the obvious danger their business philosophy poses. The prices are cheap but can we afford to get our stuff there.


It's the same deal with the MMj issue. We are just in that minority that is figuring out what is right & have to fight against the disillusioned status quo.


IMO As long as everything is decided on the basis of economic impact our judgment will be clouded. On everything....................

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With the industrialization of India and China the world will see a tenfold increase in carbon pollution. No amount of money or effort are going to change this basic fact. I believe the science of global warming but have no interest in wasting resources determining the timeline to the demise of my own species. Crying for my children or the generations to come will accomplish nothing. Individual efforts are a farce, stop driving and oil will still be pumped from the ocean floor, leak, and be burned by the millions of gallons on the ocean surface. There is no will to stop burning fossil fuels quickly enough to save this planet. Not saying don't make the effort. Green energy development will create jobs and be therapeutic.


As for money? I'm no gold standard nut but when you treat currency exchange like monopoly money, spending and printing it at will, it's just a game and the rich make the rules. We can't fund this fight so where's all this money going to come from?

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Money - only money will motivate them and it has to be large enough to turn their heads -or- as was done here and in many states, get it on the ballot for legalization.

It was money that made it illegal in the first place and will take that or a flex of the will of the people to change it.

Can anyone name me 1 person who is in congress who is not "well off'? Massive class warfare is being practiced in the US right now.


There are quite a few folks who are of relatively modest means when they begin their terms in office, especially the county level state representatives.


No one leaves a congressional job, even a job in the state legislature, with-out being well off.


Even though future entitlements they voted themselves will eventually bankrupt our economy, once elected, politicians seem to find comfort knowing that until the bubble bursts they will enjoy a life-sytle grossly in excess of the average citizen and better than most mid-level corporate salarymen.

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Good point so how do we eliminate greed

You make the greed work for the people. A good start would be tying Congressional salaries to the median income (post tax) of citizens, with none of the cost of living increases they like to give themselves. If they want a raise they will have to work hard to increase the living standards of the folks that are paying their checks. Seems fair to me.


Just one quick thought on it...

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As long as there's ppl, there will always be greed. As long as they're so wrapped up in it, they're unable to see a better way, that would bring them true richness. Until we get a majority of elected officials in power who can see past it, to see how it's destroying our planet, we'll keep struggling against it. Sadly it may be true that we have to show them how they can profit from legalizing Cannabis. As with everything they touch though, they'll try to keep control over it; they can't see that they cannot control everything. Their efforts to control only causes destruction- they're trying to control nature, and nature is fighting back. They're trying to control us, and we have to fight back, too. I'm so tired of fighting, but I'm doing my best, as weary as I am. For as long as there's been ppl, there's always been a struggle for us to be Free.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Now how can we get Law enforcement and the Government to recognize this Naturally God given Plant that has miraculous healing benefits along with its other uses such as Food Fiber Fuel building materials heck you can even make a car that is lighter and stronger then steal out of hemp that runs on hemp and this is all out of hemp that is renewable and probably the most environmentally friendly plant on the planet and this world is Starving to go Green and is desperately searching for a resource that is renewable and environmentally friendly. Hey why cant they see this is it that Profit is more important then saving the Planet is that why this Plant that has so many uses and is renewable and environmentally friendly is still being denied ignored and propagandized.Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness


THIS might be an idea-who says it cant be filed by the Citizens of a State.... We can have the Federal Laws nullified because it is interfering

in the Pursuit of Happiness.....our quality of life is being deprived of Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness....dont ya think? I am not

involved in this at all...just ran across it tonight and thought it might be a tool we could use....never say never....



State Sovereignty: A Tool to Protect Freedom

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by Debra Medina


EDITOR’S NOTE: Debra Medina will be joining us as a featured speaker at Nullify Now! on 09-04-10 in Ft Worth, Texas. There are just a few tickets left – Click here for more information and to reserve tickets now – or call 888-71-TICKETS




The ties between England and what would become the United States of America were severed, as Tench Coxe, delegate from Pennsylvania to the Continental Congress, put it, in large part due to the perversion and mal-administration of the British government. Two hundred years later, Americans are manifesting similar levels of frustration with government and inflammatory terms like secession are being used by politicians ever anxious to grab the media spotlight and secure their re-election. But what have they done exactly to correct the “perversion and mal-administration” of the government?


Our founders, astute students of history, well understood as St. Augustine had described, Libido Dominandi, the lust to dominate. They knew that if permitted, the federal government would transgress the limits of the constitution, and, as Thomas Jefferson remarked, “[annihilate] the state governments and erect upon their ruins a general consolidated government.”[ii]


Mr. Jefferson wrote in 1799, “lest [our] silence be construed into an acquiescence…the states…being sovereign and independent, have the unquestionable right to judge of [the federal government’s] infraction; and “That a nullification, by those sovereignties [states] of all unauthorized acts done under color of that instrument [the Constituion] is the rightful remedy.[iii]


Mr. Jefferson understood that a stronger response than mere petitions and protests would be necessary but he sought ever to preserve the union and thus viewed secession only as a last resort.


He understood that the states must stand in defense of the liberty of the people. He knew the federal government would seek to annihilate the states and dominate all American life.


Thomas E. Woods Jr., in his recent best-seller, Nullification, references state representative John Breckinridge’s comments to the Kentucky legislature of 1799, “the people at the state level ought to make a legislative declaration that, being unconstitutional, they [federal actions] are therefore void and of no effect.” With regard to unconstitutional federal actions, Breckinridge hoped “Congress might repeal them, or that decent judges might refuse to act upon them” but in the interim recognized the states obligation to “nullify those acts and to protect their citizens from their operation.”






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As long as there's ppl, there will always be greed. As long as they're so wrapped up in it, they're unable to see a better way, that would bring them true richness. Until we get a majority of elected officials in power who can see past it, to see how it's destroying our planet, we'll keep struggling against it. Sadly it may be true that we have to show them how they can profit from legalizing Cannabis. As with everything they touch though, they'll try to keep control over it; they can't see that they cannot control everything. Their efforts to control only causes destruction- they're trying to control nature, and nature is fighting back. They're trying to control us, and we have to fight back, too. I'm so tired of fighting, but I'm doing my best, as weary as I am. For as long as there's been ppl, there's always been a struggle for us to be Free.




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Money - only money will motivate them and it has to be large enough to turn their heads -or- as was done here and in many states, get it on the ballot for legalization.

It was money that made it illegal in the first place and will take that or a flex of the will of the people to change it.

Can anyone name me 1 person who is in congress who is not "well off'? Massive class warfare is being practiced in the US right now.


+ rep True that. And it is not just money but it has to be money to feed the police and prison system or their lobbyist will fight it tooth and nail. If it was the children of rich people going to prison for cannabis this war would have been over years ago. We have all seen how privileged wealthy people are treated just look at how long Lohan spent in jail. One only has to realize that marijuana became illegal shortly after alcohol was made legal again. They did not call them revenuers for nothing. In the name of honesty we should still refer to DEA and their ilk as revenuers today.

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Only a revolution of consciousness can do it. There are so many levels to the control system that it takes a highly analytical mind almost unlimited in vision to comprehend it. We have to remake our minds to change everything. We have to increase our intelligence so that enough people understand how humanity is being suppressed that change happens naturally. Only a relative handful are keeping the rest of us seven billion under control. That's a lot of people, most of whom only want a good life for their self and their family. They would choose the better way if given a choice.

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+ rep A "revolution of consciousness" I like that. It seems to me the arguments used in fighting against legalization are essentially the same arguments used to fight against every revolution of consciousness. It usually starts out with some obscure and not even truthful reference to the downfall of morals in society.

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