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The Judge In Waterford Today

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One patient asked if he would be able to medicate during the trials and the judge said....DUI drivers have to stop drinking when on trial, so you have to stop smoking. To me this is bonkers.


Alcohol is not medicine, obviously another case of a high official that lets theyre own personal view get in the way of them doing his/her job, glad I dont pay taxes in that county!

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So they're comparing our medication to booze? If that doesn't tinkle every patient off from the Ohio border to the tip of the Keweenaw enough to attend the Rally on the 8th I don't know what will. Gross.


Yes I agree we need to form car pools now for those who cant drive or are unable to any one driving through Saginaw

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So they're comparing our medication to booze? If that doesn't tinkle every patient off from the Ohio border to the tip of the Keweenaw enough to attend the Rally on the 8th I don't know what will. Gross.

When the applause broke out I thought he might rule in our favor. I'm sure they can actually file an appeal to that specific ruling.


It blew my wife and I away as well. He would rather a patient take all sorts of highly toxic pain medications vs their medication of choice.


I felt like that could have been me up there. I know exactly what that is like and it is HELL! When you have a consistent supply, my wife and I can decrease our myriad assortment of pain medications to nearly ZERO.


What this judge did this afternoon as simply pushing HIS agenda and NOT following the law. But, then...why is this such a shock? The law enforcement officers who conducted these bogus raids didn't follow the law either!


Lastly, what is the name of the female prosecutor who stood there and told the judge and the court that there were other substances a patient could use to treat their pain!!! WTF!!!???? She is definitely NOT a doctor.


I'm just kind of at a loss as to what else to say.



Mizerman :thumbsd:


bump this up and hopefully some more people will comment on what all was said in court today

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The attorneys need to post on here and more artfully explain how the judge IGNORED the law today.


And, now...more than ever...we need to unite and put aside any and all petty differences and show up at the rally on September 8th because how this case goes will affect each and every one of us.





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When the applause broke out I thought he might rule in our favor. I'm sure they can actually file an appeal to that specific ruling.


It blew my wife and I away as well. He would rather a patient take all sorts of highly toxic pain medications vs their medication of choice.


I felt like that could have been me up there. I know exactly what that is like and it is HELL! When you have a consistent supply, my wife and I can decrease our myriad assortment of pain medications to nearly ZERO.


What this judge did this afternoon as simply pushing HIS agenda and NOT following the law. But, then...why is this such a shock? The law enforcement officers who conducted these bogus raids didn't follow the law either!


Lastly, what is the name of the female prosecutor who stood there and told the judge and the court that there were other substances a patient could use to treat their pain!!! WTF!!!???? She is definitely NOT a doctor.


I'm just kind of at a loss as to what else to say.



Mizerman :thumbsd:


bump this up and hopefully some more people will comment on what all was said in court today


she was are PA when i heard her voice i could not believe it she was a B for sure and yes she does think she is a Doctor

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this makes me sick. I know this may sound a little far fetched, but is there anyway to contact Fox 2 or channel 7 problem solvers on these types of issues? They chances of them taking on somethin like this is probably slim to none, but there is still a chance. The best way to get the point across that ILL PEOPLE NEED THEIR darn MEDICINE is probably through tv.

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I posted this in a different thread, but thought it might go better in this one. http://www.tokeofthetown.com/2010/08/judge_says_no_marijuana_for_patients_arrested_in_r.php#more


Thanks Wingnut....


Shirts reading "This is Michigan, not a Cheech and Chong movie!" were worn by about two dozen people in the crowd. The shirts were referring to a quote last week from Sheriff Michael Bouchard, who uttered those unfortunate words while criticizing medical marijuana establishments raided by his officers in Waterford and Ferndale.


Sheriff Bouchard claimed his comment was meant to indicate that notwithstanding Michigan's law allowing medical marijuana, his officers found "widespread drug dealing and abuses" at the dispensaries.


That claim was vigorously disputed Tuesday by a dozen defense attorneys, including even former Oakland County prosecutor and stalwart drug foe David Gorcyca.

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Thanks Wingnut....


Shirts reading "This is Michigan, not a Cheech and Chong movie!" were worn by about two dozen people in the crowd. The shirts were referring to a quote last week from Sheriff Michael Bouchard, who uttered those unfortunate words while criticizing medical marijuana establishments raided by his officers in Waterford and Ferndale.


Sheriff Bouchard claimed his comment was meant to indicate that notwithstanding Michigan's law allowing medical marijuana, his officers found "widespread drug dealing and abuses" at the dispensaries.


That claim was vigorously disputed Tuesday by a dozen defense attorneys, including even former Oakland County prosecutor and stalwart drug foe David Gorcyca.

Dude all these raids and they only found 1.2 lbs and some medibles...what a joke. these peopel are out of their FUXIng minds. Get a grip, go after wife beaters or guys that do not pay child support or rapists, or killers, or maybe even a DRUG CARTEL...mexican mafia. Columbian/Cuban COKE runners....or THE Middle east Heroin Connects. Wtf is wrong with these pricks..? If they actually went after some Major Distributors they might actually get some REAL WEIGHT to show off on TV. I swear I think this country is just getting more and more like Russia or China every day..!

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I thought that the defense attorney is supposed to bring in a motion to quash the evidence due to it having been obtained illegally. Is that not what a preliminary exam is for?

The preliminary exam is supposed to be an opportunity to determine if there is enough evidence to procede with charges and to determine that the defendant is the one who committed said crime. Is that not the time to introduce a motion to quash the evidence and therefore dismiss the charges?

I'm no lawyer, so I could be wrong on that theory.

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I thought that the defense attorney is supposed to bring in a motion to quash the evidence due to it having been obtained illegally. Is that not what a preliminary exam is for?

The preliminary exam is supposed to be an opportunity to determine if there is enough evidence to procede with charges and to determine that the defendant is the one who committed said crime. Is that not the time to introduce a motion to quash the evidence and therefore dismiss the charges?

I'm no lawyer, so I could be wrong on that theory.


October 7 is the date set for introduction of motions.


There were about ten lawyers there. There should be a ton of motions filed.

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