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No Marijuana For You: Judge Denies Use By Patients Arrested In Oakland County Raids

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No marijuana for you: Judge denies use by patients arrested in Oakland County raids

Published: Wednesday, September 01, 2010, 7:19 AM Updated: Wednesday, September 01, 2010, 8:16 AM

Jonathan Oosting | MLive.com




Attorneys for a group of medical marijuana patients arrested last week during a series of raids on dispensaries and homes in Oakland County on Tuesday argued their clients need their medicine.


District Court Judge Richard Kuhn Jr. disagreed, refusing to modify bonds which strictly forbid them from using the drug while the case remains in court.


The Oakland Press reports dozens of supporters packed the 51st District courtroom in Waterford Township on Tuesday at a hearing for 10 defendants arrested during the raids. An attorney for Candace Teichman argued it was inappropriate for the court to decide treatment for his client, who is legally registered to use marijuana as a pain reliever.


"The law says this is a medicine," Michael Kormorn said. "It's a medical issue. Why should the law say what people should use?"


In denying the motion, Kuhn compared the restriction to drunk driving suspects who are not allowed to drink while on bond.


Teichman and her husband own Everybody's Cafe, one of three "compassion clubs" raided by the Oakland County Sheriff's Office. She is charged with several counts related to the delivery and manufacturing of marijuana.


Her husband, William Teichman, faces similar counts and an additional firearms charge after authorities found a weapon in his home. The Detroit Free Press reports he also was arrested earlier this month during a traffic stop. Authorities believe marijuana use impaired his driving and say he possessed marijuana-based pills, but he has not yet been charged.


A total of 16 defendants arrested during the raids were arraigned this weekend. They face felony charges that carry up to four years in prison. Most claim they use marijuana to alleviate serious illnesses and pain. Several of the defendants face a separate hearing Thursday in Hazel Park's 43rd District Court.


Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard said clinic operators were operating outside the boundaries of Michigan's medical marijuana law and suggested undercover officers were able to purchase the product without state-mandated licenses.

Related topics: Medical Marijuana, Oakland County Medical Marijuana Raids

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This just POs me. No MJ yet I can take all the Oxy and Vicoden I can stuff down my throat -- which is hugely bad for you. Actually has been proven that Oxy; long term like they had me on eats holes in your brain!


I have been thinking about this and what do you suppose would happen to our government; who declared this miracle medicine illegal and have waged war on us -- the citizens of the great US -- if they finally find that MJ which grows as a weed is the cure for cancer? Would we overthrow the government for all the lies? Would we overthrow them because of all the deaths? Would we overthrow them for all the billions of our money spent looking for the elusive cure when it grows, if left alone, free at the side of the road and in our public parks?


When did the judge get his/her medical degree? When did he/she decide they knew what was better for me than my physican of 12 years?



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I don't live in Oakland County and I don't know if there is any type of recall procedure where elected officials can be forced into a special election. If that is an option, an Oakland County resident should begin the procedure immediately.






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I spoke with one of their family members tonight and she told me:


"i dont know about the court case but pray for them they lost everytng their kids the car and even bank accts are frozen"


There has got to be something we can do to stop this and help these people out, but what?


Why can't we (the countless, compassionate, advocating members of the MMMA) all expediently issue a State-Wide paper media publication campaign - in honor, and universal support and recognition - of the unfortunate, harmless, violated victims of The STATE's violent crimes against "WE the PEOPLE of Michigan / America?


It's NO secret AT ALL, including to many of you - the well-spoken, articulately-stated, good-listening people of Michigan / America here and out and about in the world ... I sure do - Like YOU, the compassionate folks here - have A LOT TO SAY about what we daily/nightly/weekly/monthly, year after year all see, hear, think and feel about our MOST RELEVANT of personal and communal issues - OUR HEALTH, SANITY and SAFETY!


Unfortunately, as all too many of us - sadly and painfully know - the MASS[ively manipulating, yellow wannabe "journalists" of propogated] Media Moguls - woefully and harmfully ALL - FAIL at HELPING to STIll the STORM of violence, fear and hate-crimes against Humanity.




CANNABIS CURES - Without Fears.



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This just POs me. No MJ yet I can take all the Oxy and Vicoden I can stuff down my throat -- which is hugely bad for you. Actually has been proven that Oxy; long term like they had me on eats holes in your brain!


I have been thinking about this and what do you suppose would happen to our government; who declared this miracle medicine illegal and have waged war on us -- the citizens of the great US -- if they finally find that MJ which grows as a weed is the cure for cancer? Would we overthrow the government for all the lies? Would we overthrow them because of all the deaths? Would we overthrow them for all the billions of our money spent looking for the elusive cure when it grows, if left alone, free at the side of the road and in our public parks?


When did the judge get his/her medical degree? When did he/she decide they knew what was better for me than my physican of 12 years?



I agree with you 100%. In hindsight, I should have stood up from the gallery in the court room and asked the judge and the prosecutor, (Beth Hand - who lost the case for Oakland County against Bob & Torey) - if they both also had medical degrees in addition to their law degrees?


These politicians who don't like the law are simply condoning armed robbery of patients and are now an accomplice to murder.




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jQuery(document).ready(function($) {$('a[rel*=facebox]').facebox()})


Michigan's Legislature may not have gone far enough when it approved legislation following voter approval of medical marijuana in 2008. But it was clear that it did not legalize the sale and purchase of marijuana by those with no medical needs.


And the law and how it should be implemented weren't all that difficult to read, even for someone in a pot-induced haze.


So what's the fuss about raids of several sites in Oakland County where marijuana was allegedly being smoked, bought and sold?


The raids were conducted by Oakland's Narcotics Enforcement Team.


Team members may not have been gentle as they seized marijuana valued at $750,000 from "patients" and non-patients alike.


Sheriff Michael Bouchard said Everybody's Cafe in Waterford, is a cafe that reopens as a "compassion club" at 4 p.m.


Operators required a membership fee, Bouchard said. Undercover officers allegedly made purchases there and observed other transactions not involving patients and their caregivers — those who are allowed to grow and provide pot for patients.


Officers found other things not connected to medical marijuana patients and caregivers, such as guns, and an alligator was guarding someone's operation in Birmingham.


Compassion clubs' value as a support group for medical marijuana users and what should and should not occur at their meetings are spelled out by an umbrella organization, the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association. Affiliated compassion clubs are not for hook-up sessions or a place to swap seeds, the association's website tells us. They're not a place to smoke pot or even possess it there. Meetings are open to the public and often held in public places.


When voters approved the 2008 ballot question, many who backed the proposal and voted for it did so with a wink and a nod.


Those folks saw it as a foot in the door to legalizing marijuana.


We don't know if the Medical Marijuana Association is operating with a similar wink and a nod, but its guidelines suggest to us that complaints about the raid and the seizure of supposedly legal marijuana from patients in need of it are groundless.


More people appear to believe that legalizing some illegal substances would make things a lot easier for users, law enforcement and those of us who pay taxes for the war on drugs.


But that day hasn't arrived. As long as laws are on the books, they should be followed; lawbreakers should be punished. If more laws are needed, as Bouchard and Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper tell us, they should be enacted.


But we don't believe for a minute that those present at that "club" didn't know that illegal acts were taking place.



it sure would be nice to get some Pic's of them gator's



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can someone please explain to me how cops and even judges can blatantly ignore the laws? they are ignoring laws that were written into this state. as far as im concerned this judge should be dis-barred, and these cops should lose their badges.

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can someone please explain to me how cops and even judges can blatantly ignore the laws? they are ignoring laws that were written into this state. as far as im concerned this judge should be dis-barred, and these cops should lose their badges.



in our court room that first day in court the Judge said their will be NO medical Marihuana in my town he said that righr inn the court room

It blow away the Lawyer's


i love my button

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if they finally find that MJ which grows as a weed is the cure for cancer? Would we overthrow the government for all the lies? Would we overthrow them because of all the deaths? Would we overthrow them for all the billions of our money spent looking for the elusive cure when it grows, if left alone, free at the side of the road and in our public parks?


They did find that cannabis cures cancer in 1974 and covered up. You probably already knew, but others might not.



"A Spanish medical team’s study released in Madrid in February 2000 has shown that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active chemical in marijuana, destroys tumors in lab rats. These findings, however, are not news to the U.S. government. A study in Virginia in 1974 yielded similar results but was suppressed by the DEA, and in 1983 the Reagan/Bush administration tried to persuade U.S. universities and researchers to destroy all cannabis research work done between 1966 and 1976, including compendiums in libraries."


"If it turns out-as my story would seem to indicate-that cannabis is the cure for cancer and the government suppressed this information for 25 years (and continues to suppress it), then the body count alone will make this the biggest holocaust in recorded history. Virtually all federal drug policy makers of both parties since 1975-including legislators, presidents and the DEA-will be complicit and criminally liable."


Sorry about your situation Glyphia. I think that the public is starting to realize.

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