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Femanized Seeds & Hermaphrodite Issues

Guest drcanna-pest

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Guest drcanna-pest

I have seen femanized seeds that hermie and will also make the other plants have seeds. Is this an issue with all the femanized seeds? I know how they make them so it leads me to believe they will all have a tendency to have a few seeds in them. I just don't like my other plants getting seeds so I havent ordered a femanized seed in a while. it makes the yield much less and the potency as well. Agreed? Anyone else seen this issue?

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Guest drcanna-pest

I bought 13 god bud seeds from bcbud depot earlier this year all but one of them hermied and polluted my blueberry with seeds although i ended up with seedy bud it wasv still some very top notch medicine. :thumbsu:



They can be very potent...but that leads me to another question. If I find a seed in a bag of good bud...is that seed that strain? (in any case like this) Maybe because it was a hermie...or maybe a special blend because it mixed with a diff male strain? i have sprouted seeds from bags of great smoke but always wondered this...what do you think?

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They can be very potent...but that leads me to another question. If I find a seed in a bag of good bud...is that seed that strain? (in any case like this) Maybe because it was a hermie...or maybe a special blend because it mixed with a diff male strain? i have sprouted seeds from bags of great smoke but always wondered this...what do you think?

Im far from a pro breeder but you would think that the hermaphadite bud would have a ton of immature white shelled seeds along with the others .


I saved some of the hermie seeds from my blueberry crop for chits and giggles ill be doing some testing over the winter.

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Guest drcanna-pest

I always like to runs tests. You never know what a seed can posses. Other than having the potency un-affected what do you think about the yield? I have had purple stains not turn purple because they were pollinated and it just seems the buds don't fully mature like they should...

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Im far from a pro breeder but you would think that the hermaphadite bud would have a ton of immature white shelled seeds along with the others .


I saved some of the hermie seeds from my blueberry crop for chits and giggles ill be doing some testing over the winter.


This is a great thread am doing some seed's too but not at my house he is a fiend of mine that lives far far away


anyways these so called seed's happen to be from long long ago so he tells me anyways i think he said they may be from a Hermie


they seam to grow a lot slower so he tell me i will also post back here when i see him again if i ever do

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Guest drcanna-pest

It seems that a good number of strains do end up hermie if you let them go for a long time. some strains i work with only seem to do this outdoors...although I can't help but keep growing them outside. the yield is much better and its a hard strain to grow indoors. anyone think a sativa or indica has a higher tendency to hermie?

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It seems that a good number of strains do end up hermie if you let them go for a long time. some strains i work with only seem to do this outdoors...although I can't help but keep growing them outside. the yield is much better and its a hard strain to grow indoors. anyone think a sativa or indica has a higher tendency to hermie?


Sativas are more likely to hermie than indicas. Strains from tropical environments and strains grown close to the equator tend to be a little fragile in the hermie dept.

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I have seen femanized seeds that hermie and will also make the other plants have seeds. Is this an issue with all the femanized seeds? I know how they make them so it leads me to believe they will all have a tendency to have a few seeds in them. I just don't like my other plants getting seeds so I havent ordered a femanized seed in a while. it makes the yield much less and the potency as well. Agreed? Anyone else seen this issue?

No this is not an issue with feminized seeds at all. It's an issue with the particular strain you're dealing with. How easily a plant reverts to hermaphroditism is determined 100% by that strains genetic background.


Feminized seeds also do not have reduced yields or reduced potency. I do NOT agree with that in the least bit. And as a matter of fact, it is biologically impossible for something like that to take place. Implying that you can alter the plants genetics by feminizing is beyond ridiculous...


I had made a pretty in depth post on this topic not too long ago;


Here's a link to that post - http://michiganmedic...-clarification/


I hope that provides a little more clarification on the topic.

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Sativas are more likely to hermie than indicas. Strains from tropical environments and strains grown close to the equator tend to be a little fragile in the hermie dept.

Really? :blink:


This is new to me... And I specialize in Sativas. Oh and I usually use nothing but feminized seeds.


Honestly I beg to differ. I have noticed that it's strains that are Indica dominant that tend to be more prone to hermaphroditism.


The last hermaphrodite I had was almost pure Indica. It was Big Bang from Greenhouse Seed Co. This happened quite a long time ago; About 2 yrs ago while I was experimenting with various different things. It was the first one I had seen in YEARS and it was actually from a batch of regular seeds, not feminized...


I suppose it just goes to show the unpredictable nature of the hermaphroditic tendency. It's clearly a genetic trait that can be spurred on at different levels of stress, depending on the genetics of that particular strain.

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Guest drcanna-pest

I have read that letting light get to flowering females can cause them to hermie? Is this true



absolutely it is true. light stress will cause them to hermie. it is NOT JUST decided in the genetic make-up...some strains will always and some only with the right stress.

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Guest drcanna-pest

No this is not an issue with feminized seeds at all. It's an issue with the particular strain you're dealing with. How easily a plant reverts to hermaphroditism is determined 100% by that strains genetic background.


Feminized seeds also do not have reduced yields or reduced potency. I do NOT agree with that in the least bit. And as a matter of fact, it is biologically impossible for something like that to take place. Implying that you can alter the plants genetics by feminizing is beyond ridiculous...


I had made a pretty in depth post on this topic not too long ago;


Here's a link to that post - http://michiganmedic...-clarification/


I hope that provides a little more clarification on the topic.



really? i dis-agree. so does my biology degree and years and years of growing cannabis. feminized seeds don't cause reduced potency and yield..but will make the strain have a tendency to hermie. if you spray a plant with silver nitrate to stress it to the point it becomes a hermaphrodite you don't think that changes genetics?

Light stress and many other things will cause a cannabis plant to turn hermie. it is NOT JUST in the genetics...some will have it and always do it...some only with a certain stress.

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Guest drcanna-pest

Really? :blink:


This is new to me... And I specialize in Sativas. Oh and I usually use nothing but feminized seeds.


Honestly I beg to differ. I have noticed that it's strains that are Indica dominant that tend to be more prone to hermaphroditism.


The last hermaphrodite I had was almost pure Indica. It was Big Bang from Greenhouse Seed Co. This happened quite a long time ago; About 2 yrs ago while I was experimenting with various different things. It was the first one I had seen in YEARS and it was actually from a batch of regular seeds, not feminized...


I suppose it just goes to show the unpredictable nature of the hermaphroditic tendency. It's clearly a genetic trait that can be spurred on at different levels of stress, depending on the genetics of that particular strain.



I dont think that statement can be verified. 99% of the seeds you but or clones you get are a hybrid. THC-Farmer: I think instead of ordering seeds from Greenhouse (which didnt ship to USA 2 yrs ago) you should concentrate on your own if you only work with sativas and are such a pro...which after reading many posts of yours im starting to doubt. sorry...

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really? i dis-agree. so does my biology degree and years and years of growing cannabis. feminized seeds don't cause reduced potency and yield..but will make the strain have a tendency to hermie.

Then please, by all means, provide us with some educated information as to WHY you disagree and HOW you think stressing a plant alters the genetic compound. Are there not other ways to stress the plant to induce hermaphroditism? You don't HAVE to use a chemical hormone to do this you know... You can cause a Cannabis plant to turn hermaphroditic in MANY different ways. It's a completely natural hormonal response.


To the best of my knowledge, it does not alter the genetics in any way. Please inform me of how it does alter the genetics if you're claiming it does...


You disagree, which we are all obviously entitled to but you also provide no legitamate debate or information supporting your disagreement.


Light stress and many other things will cause a cannabis plant to turn hermie. it is NOT JUST in the genetics...some will have it and always do it...some only with a certain stress.

Thank you for reiterating a portion of what I have been saying from the beginning. Yes, indeed, you can induce a Cannabis plant to hermaphrodite in many different ways. Some are more sensitive to the hormonal response than others. But you're also incorrect in that statement. The hermaphroditic tendency is a genetically controlled growth response. So it IS in fact ALL in the genetics. A biology major would know that, yea?


if you spray a plant with silver nitrate to stress it to the point it becomes a hermaphrodite you don't think that changes genetics?

Nope. It wouldn't alter the genetics in any way. All it does is stress the plant out to the point where the plant itsself triggers the hermaphroditic hormonal response, which is also a survival adaptaion. This is something that can be done and observed without chemicals. In both instances nothing changes in the genetic material of the pollen produced by that plant or the seeds produced after it pollenates itself.

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I dont think that statement can be verified. 99% of the seeds you but or clones you get are a hybrid. THC-Farmer: I think instead of ordering seeds from Greenhouse (which didnt ship to USA 2 yrs ago) you should concentrate on your own if you only work with sativas and are such a pro...which after reading many posts of yours im starting to doubt. sorry... ]

Honestly my man, I don't appreciate the personal insult. I'll ignore the bigotry.


Do you honestly think I havn't bred Cannabis before? Which portion of my statement can't be verified? The fact that Big Bang is "almost pure Indica"? It is a hybrid, yea, but it is an Indica dominant hybrid. Key word there is ALMOST. I'm not quite sure what you're implying here, care to explain?


I never said I ONLY work with Sativas. You're seriously mistaken there. I said I specialize in Sativas. What that means is that I enjoy growing Sativa dominant strains more so than I do other strains. It's my specialty. I've just always had a nack for growing those hard-to-grow monster Sativas. But that does not limit my capabilities nor does it mean that I don't cultivate other strains. I grow and consume any strain I like.

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absolutely it is true. light stress will cause them to hermie. it is NOT JUST decided in the genetic make-up...

Yes, light stress can cause strains that are more photo-sensitive than others to resort to hermaphroditism. However, it is in fact entirely determined by the genetics of that particular strain.


some strains will always and some only with the right stress.

And what exactly is it that determines which strains are more prone to the response than others? I'll give you a hint, one word, starts with a G.

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If I was a MOm and pregnant and drank liquid Mercury do you think it would be passed onto the next generation...???? So glad I don't have time to BANTER over these topics.


Some of these debates are so high school. Cannabis with Hermies can also have reduced potency if it has to divert it's energy to produce seeds.

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If I was a MOm and pregnant and drank liquid Mercury do you think it would be passed onto the next generation...????

Ummm... I'm not sure how you're relating that to this topic... And I'm sure if a pregnant Human drank Mercury they wouldn't survive...


So glad I don't have time to BANTER over these topics.

dry.gif Apparently you do because you just did... And I don't really consider it bantering. I considered it a casual debate. That is, until personal insults were thrown in. But I'll just ignore them...


Cannabis with Hermies can also have reduced potency if it has to divert it's energy to produce seeds.

Yes indeed. But that is only AFTER it has turned hermaphroditic and has pollenate itsself. We're not discussing that at all. This is about feminized seeds being more susceptible to turning hermaphroditic.


PS- I don't know who gave you a negative Rep. on that but it wasn't me man.

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It is more complicated than JUST genetics or JUST environment....

These plants can have XX, XY XXy XYY, and any combination of chromosomes Up to 4 in one plant.

They are present within the seed.. and depending on which are dominant (capital X or Y) or recessive (lower case x or y) they MAY or MAY NOT be effected by the environment....



<< this isn't where I got my Info-- but it sums it up pretty well..

Botany, Genetics and Mendel's Law all are in effect here....


If you are into this sorta read-- try googling "Mendel Cannabis" (Mendel was a famous geneticist that showed how chromosomes from each parent can effect the offspring and the different combination's etc...)

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I have seen femanized seeds that hermie and will also make the other plants have seeds. Is this an issue with all the femanized seeds? I know how they make them so it leads me to believe they will all have a tendency to have a few seeds in them. I just don't like my other plants getting seeds so I havent ordered a femanized seed in a while. it makes the yield much less and the potency as well. Agreed? Anyone else seen this issue?


I have been using Nirvana's fem seeds for the last three grows, and everyone of them, are pure female plants. You need to understand that they cannot possibly make a plant female from certain strains, even though they claim they have them.


There are only a few "pure" fem seeds that are true on the market today. Furthermore, Nirvana does actual genetic research. The bubblicious has made rave reviews with my patients. Good luck.

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Guest drcanna-pest

I have been using Nirvana's fem seeds for the last three grows, and everyone of them, are pure female plants. You need to understand that they cannot possibly make a plant female from certain strains, even though they claim they have them.


There are only a few "pure" fem seeds that are true on the market today. Furthermore, Nirvana does actual genetic research. The bubblicious has made rave reviews with my patients. Good luck.



Nirvana seeds? I will have to order some and check it out. The only fem seed I have purchased was a Super Lemon Haze. I have made over 100 successful clones and none of them have turned hermie...

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