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Canada To Ban All Personal Growing By 2012

Wild Bill

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Here are the "Proposed Improvements" To Canada's Medical marijuana program. Do you think Michigan is far behind?


Proposed Improvements to Health Canada's Marihuana Medical Access Program


3. The Improvements under Consideration


The improvements being considered would not alter the Program's intent to provide seriously ill Canadians with reasonable access to a legal source of marihuana for medical purposes, where conventional treatments are not appropriate and/or have failed to provide necessary relief.


The core of the redesigned Program would be a new, simplified process in which Health Canada no longer receives applications from program participants. A new supply and distribution system for dried marihuana that relies on licensed commercial producers would be established. These licensed commercial producers, who would be inspected and audited by Health Canada so as to ensure that they comply with all applicable regulatory requirements, would be able to cultivate any strain(s) of marihuana they choose. Finally, the production of marihuana for medical purposes by individuals in homes and communities would be phased out.


Individuals wishing to use marihuana for medical purposes would still be required to consult a physician who is licensed to practice medicine in Canada.

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Part of the healing is in the satisfaction of being able to provide for oneself. NIH believes that the HID light helps those in the north to combat against SAD (seasonal affective disorder).


Light therapy using a special lamp with a very bright fluorescent light (10,000 lux) that mimics light from the sun may also be helpful. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0002499/

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:thumbsd: Hope they don't do that here -


H.B. No. 4661: Would criminalize any growing of Medical Marihuana within 500 ft. of a church, school or day care.


This is one of the worst of the proposed bills IMO, right up there with the one that would give police access to the Registry information.



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:growl: So tired of this constant bullchit being hurled at us; I think MI is trying to phase out personal growing, too. :thumbsd: I wanna know what's in my meds, or any MM being grown, I wanna be sure patients aren't adding to their illnesses by consuming poison from pesticides and other toxins. Too many people have no idea what's going on. I hope they have a strong MM community there.


Too bad CA didn't get to legalize mj. :( It'll happen someday, I wish it would be in my lifetime; it was my wish since about 1972.



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Great, you know they would put the RIP (Reduced Ignition Propensity) fire "safety" chemicals in. Guess MM will be a moot point once all the patients are dead.



The Harvard School of Health reported that when comparing Cigarettes (RIP) versus Regular Cigarettes, the RIP cigarettes produced 13.9% more Naphthalene and 11.4% more carbon monoxide than regular cigarettes. Naphthalene is commonly found in moth balls, and exposure in high amounts can result in headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, malaise, confusion, anemia, jaundice, convulsions, and coma. Therefore, it has been proven that RIP cigarettes contain higher levels of chemicals that are harmful to smokers. To date, no studies have been performed on the effect this has on humans, but it has produced tumors in mice". The tobacco companies have removed some of the nicotine to make you smoke MORE, but replaced the nicotine with Naphthalene and vinyl acetate.

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Part of the healing is in the satisfaction of being able to provide for oneself. NIH believes that the HID light helps those in the north to combat against SAD (seasonal affective disorder).


Light therapy using a special lamp with a very bright fluorescent light (10,000 lux) that mimics light from the sun may also be helpful. http://www.ncbi.nlm....lth/PMH0002499/



There is no doubt this is true . Growing is healthy activity . People are scaring us patients . We need legislators to support normal medical routines for patients when incarcerated including but not limited to pain control . It is wrong to risk patients health and medical stability by throwing someone into withdrawls when their pain must be treated . It is wrong and cruel and unusual punishment and they do it everyday in Michigan and elsewhere . Cannabis use is a ridiculous reason to expose patients to health risks , violence , and the criminal lifestyle after taking away employment and educational opportunities including driving privileges .That these caring prohibitionists advocate this for " their children " instead of education with personal responsibility is beyond me .




Marinol is schedule 3 and cannabis should be there too .or even lower as it is proven safer and non toxic unlike marinol .

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NIH believes that the HID light helps those in the north to combat against SAD (seasonal affective disorder).


Even though I have bought reading lights are supposed to help with depression I never though that my HPS lights might help. Seeing healthy plants makes me happy but I never considered the lights. Bonus.


Also... F Canada.

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This will happen in the US. Cannabis will be legal for every adult however the plant will be illegal to possess unless you are one of the lucky buddies of the government official(s) who decides our fate.


The drug war must go on to many people depend on the $$$.


What would happen to any business that losses 30 or 40% of their customers ?


The Government will never allow such a thing to happen, just common sense. They must protect their interest at all cost, we the people don't matter.

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Part of the healing is in the satisfaction of being able to provide for oneself. NIH believes that the HID light helps those in the north to combat against SAD (seasonal affective disorder).


Light therapy using a special lamp with a very bright fluorescent light (10,000 lux) that mimics light from the sun may also be helpful. http://www.ncbi.nlm....lth/PMH0002499/



They are using lites like them for growing now..

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