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Obama Possibly Going To Jail!


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The Constitution does not define the phrase natural-born citizen,


Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as president of the United States:


No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.


This court case is a Bunch of IDIOTS who don't do like Obama


I agree completely with your post. He is our president and we owe him at the very least the courtesy and respect of the office of the President. I too am upset with him for his lies about MMJ, HOWEVER, the alternatives to him are even worse. We know where Ginrich and Romney stand, they hate our guts. As far as Paul is concerned, he has shot himself in the foot over racist remarks in his publications way back in the 70's.


I will write in Hillary this fall, I have already informed the president that I could not make a donation to his re-election as a result of his position on MMJ.


Thank you for your post, Christy.


As for the rest of you, let me remind you that we are fighting tyrants right here to save our law, lets remain focused on that issue.

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they do not even have a case, this is bull. i do not favor Obama newt or Mitt.. but obama would be better for patients than Newt or Mitt,


they are all crooks skull and bones or what ever

is absolutely clear that Mitt Romney is NOT a Natural Born Citizen unless he can prove that George Romney gained citizenship from naturalization prior to Mitt’s birth in 1947.


Mitt Romney’s father George was born in Chihuahua, Mexico in 1907


It's not about who we favor. It is about shouldn't the elected leaders of the nation follow the law. If you or anyone would like to address the specific complaints stated in court and explain why some or all of them are bull I'd like to hear it. Otherwise I consider it an emotional outburst.

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I think this should have been looked into a little more before he got in! Who Is He??? He is the reason this Country will fall apart, its complete corruption, Terrorists have worked for years to get someone in that position of power to help brake it from the inside.. This should be alllllll over the news! Why is it NOT????

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I think this should have been looked into a little more before he got in! Who Is He??? He is the reason this Country will fall apart, its complete corruption, Terrorists have worked for years to get someone in that position of power to help brake it from the inside.. This should be alllllll over the news! Why is it NOT????


Obama is only the latest in a long line of puppets. It could be argued Bush Senior was more of a puppeteer with his intelligence background but no matter - they are all working for the same thing which is global tyranny.

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You realize the question is whether he was born in the USA right? I don't think it is racist to demand an answer to the question. I mean in your opinion would it still be racist if he in fact was not born in the USA?


As to his relative saintliness I think his policies dispel that notion. He is very close to Bush on foreign policy. It might be a slightly different flavor of international bellicosity but it is about the same intensity. Here at home we've seen the advancement of the tyrannical Homeland Security agenda against We The People while bankers got bailed out to the tune of trillions.

The whole birther movement is a coverup to racism. They want him out so bad they will do anything, it is kind of funny. Deport him? Deport him to where? Hawaii? I know for a fact that if you are born in a US state, which has been proven already when they released his Birth Cert from Hawaii, then you are considered a US citizen. And all you need is 1 us citizen parent, which his mother was and you can be born abroad and still be considered a US citizen at birth, making you a natural born citizen.


And all of the conspiracy talk about secret societies, do you really think these secret societies are stupid? What you are proposing is that they are too stupid to pick 2 people who are already citizens to have a baby, then take that baby and raise him to do their bidding... Why wouldn't they have just picked 2 people born in the US, because otherwise, if they had picked him to be a puppet president, they would just be too stupid to carry out any tasks once they got him into office.


And this is complete BS. Yeah, exactly what I want is my president to spend his time going to each state and spending weeks on end defending his birth certificate. Screw all the republican racists in Georgia, this has been put to bed already, he is a citizen, it isn't a photoshopped Birth cert, and all of the other crap birthers claim, it is all false. The newspapers even had an announcement in 1961 that a boy was born to his parents. To make this happen they would have had to have people in government, people in the newspapers, people in the schools, all covering up the story, in which case why would it even be a question, and if they are that widespread, it really doesn't matter, they control it all anyway, we have no say and our votes mean nothing anyway... If they were that powerful, they would control all of the judges anyway, and there wouldnt' even be the question.


You want to go over the falsehoods and lies? Look it up.




So Mez, it has already been anaswered and proven, time and time again. And really, they say that he was covering up his religion and name being muslim and mohammad, why? Hussein was a MUCH worse name at the time he was running for president than mohammad, if they were changing it or covering it up they would have changed it to something like Patrick or something, not Hussein, unless once again, the conspirators who got him into office are just a bunch of complete and utter morons who need help tieing their shoes. So either they are brilliant masterminds, and none of it matters, and they control Obama, and all of the judges, and all of everything except a few hundred people in the US, or they are complete and utter morons and can't even make a decent cover story.


This is all a farce to try to keep him busy in court instead of doing what we elected him to do, and that is run the country.


Not arguing for or against his reelection this time around, just showing that these court cases are utter wastes of time, taxpayer money, and all to cover up blatant racism, just because a black man is in office. Does anyone question Romney? Santorum? Gingrich? Nope, and why? Cause they look white.


And people say there is no more racism... It is blatantly obvious here that it does still exist.

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My point about how Obama's non-eligibility could easily have been planned for a reason seems to be lost on you, Cedar. If the story disappears then my guess is it wasn't. If Obama is disqualified from being on the ballot in Georgia it will have major implications that could support what I am saying. Civil War with a side of Martial Law anyone?


Can you critique the expert testimony about Obama's Hawaii Birth Certificate being photoshopped? If not then isn't this another emotional outburst? The link you gave didn't even address it. It's not up to date.

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Yes it did, the eperts said that the birth cert was a fake because "kenya" wasn't Kenya until 1963, that the hospital wasn't known by that name until 1978, and that a black father in 1961 would have been listed as "Negro" or "Black". However all of those are false.

All of these arguments are erroneous. The country now known as the East African Republic of Kenya became a British protectorate referred to as Kenya in 1895, obtained colonial status in 1920, and gained full independence from Britain in 1963. The Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital was known by that name between 1931 and 1971 (After which its name was shortened to Kapi'olani Hospital). And although "Negro" was the typical demographic term used for American blacks in the early 1960's, "African" was commonly used for blacks who (like Barack Obama's father) were actually native-born Africans.


So yes, it was addressed. Because they have released copies of the long form birth cert. The "expert" if you can call him that isn't saying that it was specifically photoshopped, he is saying it is forged. You said it wasn't updated, but it was updated in April 2011, do you have another expert I am not aware of?


Maybe you should read the whole thing before saying it isn't addressed. Still, it is a coverup for racism. And these secret societies like control and power. Not general anarchy unless they specifically cause it.


I just don't buy into this conspiracy theory. If they went through all of the trouble to put someone in as president, they would want him to act as president and get as much done as possible. If they wanted civil war, they could do it with any president in power, and wouldn't need to have spent the millions to get him there. It makes no sense in what you are saying, except that there are racists all over who can't stand it that a black person is in power. There is no need to put him in if civil war is what they wanted, it would have been easier with Bush/Cheney in office.

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Mitt Romney’s father George was born in Chihuahua, Mexico in 1907, the son of Gaskell Romney and Anna Amelia Pratt. Three generations of Romneys lived in Mexico because Miles Park Romney, a polygamist, moved the family there in 1884

The 1882 Edmunds Act stripped polygamists of the basic rights of U.S. citizenship, denying them the right to vote, serve on juries or hold office. Not dissimilar to current immigration raids, U.S. federal agents hunted and arrested polygamists. Polygamists were forced to leave the country or risk jail.


It is absolutely clear that Mitt Romney is NOT a Natural Born Citizen unless he can prove that George Romney gained citizenship from naturalization prior to Mitt’s birth in 1947.


So we have Obama and Mitt, hmmmmmm guess that leaves us only Paul,, :)

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Yes it did, the eperts said that the birth cert was a fake because "kenya" wasn't Kenya until 1963, that the hospital wasn't known by that name until 1978, and that a black father in 1961 would have been listed as "Negro" or "Black". However all of those are false.



So yes, it was addressed. Because they have released copies of the long form birth cert. The "expert" if you can call him that isn't saying that it was specifically photoshopped, he is saying it is forged. You said it wasn't updated, but it was updated in April 2011, do you have another expert I am not aware of?


Maybe you should read the whole thing before saying it isn't addressed. Still, it is a coverup for racism. And these secret societies like control and power. Not general anarchy unless they specifically cause it.


I just don't buy into this conspiracy theory. If they went through all of the trouble to put someone in as president, they would want him to act as president and get as much done as possible. If they wanted civil war, they could do it with any president in power, and wouldn't need to have spent the millions to get him there. It makes no sense in what you are saying, except that there are racists all over who can't stand it that a black person is in power. There is no need to put him in if civil war is what they wanted, it would have been easier with Bush/Cheney in office.


I'm talking about the information in Beagle's original post in this thread; the court testimony given just a few days ago.




these secret societies like control and power. Not general anarchy unless they specifically cause it.


Getting warmer!:devil:

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But what you are proposing is them not actually controlling the anarchy. And Like I said, they could do it without putting in a president, an unnecessary step, unless they are horribly stupid. That's like buying a boat so you can drive your car cross country.


In beagles original thread.


Obama’s father’s place of birth, Kenya East Africa is entered into evidence.

Not Contested.


Pages 214 and 215 from Obama’s book, “Dreams from My Father” entered into evidence. Highlighted. This is where Obama indicates that, in 1966 or 1967 that his father’s history is mentioned. It states that his father’s passport had been revoked and he was unable to leave Kenya.

Not contested. Barack was born in Hawaii in 1961, so his father has to have been in the US on or around the end of 1960, not 1966-1967.


And it actually says nothing about conception, so you can get knocked up in Kenya, and travel to the US, as long as the baby's first breath is over US soil, you are a US citizen upon your birth.


Immigration Services documents entered into evidence regarding Obama Sr.


June 27th, 1962, is the date on those documents. Obama’s father’s status shown as a non citizen of the United States. Documents were gotten through the Freedom of Information Act.

Not contested. He was a citizen of Kenya, not the US.


Testimony regarding the definition of Natural Born Citizen is given citing Minor vs Happersett opinion from a Supreme Court written opinion from 1875. The attorney points out the difference between “citizen” and “Natural Born Citizen” using charts and copies of the Minor vs Happersett opinion.

Natural born citizen is WIDELY accepted as ANYONE with a natural right to citizenship upon birth. Where they do NOT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING to claim citizenship. This is a) born on american soil (Obama Check) b) has an america parent (Obama check), or c) has 2 american parents and be born anywhere in the world.


Because the Supreme Court has never once actually pinned down exactly what a natural born citizen is, Georgia is trying to write their own to exclude him to retroactively make him a criminal.


The point is, to be a natural born citizen, one must have 2 parents who, at the time of the birth in question, be citizens of the United States. As Obama’s father was not a citizen, the argument is that Obama, constitutionally, is ineligible to serve as President.


This is actually false. Natural Born is defined by not having to do anything to claim citizenship at birth. Obama having been born in the US had to do nothing, he was a citizen from birth, therefore being natural born. There is NOTHING anywhere that says both of your parents have to be citizens, in fact, there is nothing saying EITHER of them have to be citizens as long as you were born on american soil. So this sentence is just fabrication to get ignorant people to believe what they want.


Normal republican BS, they lie and then back it up with a lie, assuming 90% of the people on your side don't know and won't look it up because they want to believe you.


As stated, try turning off Faux News and reading some of the truth... It is out there

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But what you are proposing is them not actually controlling the anarchy. And Like I said, they could do it without putting in a president, an unnecessary step, unless that are horribly stupid. That's like buying a boat so you can drive your car cross country.




I guess they could control it pretty good through Martial Law. There might even be false flag domestic terrorist attacks carried out with the ultimate goal of exactly that - Martial Law. How does widespread use of NDAA on Americans grab ya?


I'm not sure I follow why it's unnecessary to use a constitutional crisis regarding Obama's legitimacy to provoke civil unrest. It would be pretty efficient and no doubt would be designed to advance the agenda in a number of ways.

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OMG Mez,


You're right, they (those who are shoe-tying challenged) WANT to get Obama reelected. I got it... They put in some real losers in the republicans, ones that can't have a chance to win if they were going up against a loaf of bread, then they make the republicans look like racist jerks outside of that by having them push the birther movement, being obstructionists in the house and senate, etc etc...


They want Obama reelected...


OMG, the only one that isn't part of this is Ron Paul!!! They can't control him!!!! SO he MUST be our next president, cause he isn't part of this. But if we elect him, then those who are unable to tie their own shoes will probably take him out, so we can't vote for him... We need RP to stay where he is so he can try to tackle the issues from the inside, otherwise we will be left without his voice at all!!!


I think we should just all write in George Clooney for President, blind side them, confuse them, and then we can regain control!!!

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Is there anyone reading this who has ever seen a Birth Certificate with no signatures? :mellow:

His Certificate of Live Birth has no signatures... Which Hawaii produces upon request, and isn't required to have one...


His birth certificate is signed, have you even looked into this or are you just arguing the same BS that you hear from Rush Limbaugh?


Or is it because it wasn't signed on the same day he was born? Foolish, because if you check other birth certs from the same hospital around the same time, there are a lot like that....

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OMG Mez,


You're right, they (those who are shoe-tying challenged) WANT to get Obama reelected. I got it... They put in some real losers in the republicans, ones that can't have a chance to win if they were going up against a loaf of bread, then they make the republicans look like racist jerks outside of that by having them push the birther movement, being obstructionists in the house and senate, etc etc...


They want Obama reelected...


OMG, the only one that isn't part of this is Ron Paul!!! They can't control him!!!! SO he MUST be our next president, cause he isn't part of this. But if we elect him, then those who are unable to tie their own shoes will probably take him out, so we can't vote for him... We need RP to stay where he is so he can try to tackle the issues from the inside, otherwise we will be left without his voice at all!!!


I think we should just all write in George Clooney for President, blind side them, confuse them, and then we can regain control!!!



Well I didn't say that but an Obama re-election could certainly be the plan. Think about Dole. What an easy victory for Clinton. Then there was the Skull & Bones gruesome twosome Bush and Kerry. Didn't matter who won that one because the Order would get their man in office either way. Do you have any idea what that means?



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alright, I am done here, you can keep your racist birther arguments, and your paranoid "the order" conspiracy theories. I was having fun for a while with it, but the ignorance and paranoia it takes to be on your side, well it just frightens me...


Good luck with however it turns out for ya Mez... I don't suggest drinking any more of the koolaid though, it might effect your brain if you keep it up.

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His Certificate of Live Birth has no signatures... Which Hawaii produces upon request, and isn't required to have one...


His birth certificate is signed, have you even looked into this or are you just arguing the same BS that you hear from Rush Limbaugh?


Or is it because it wasn't signed on the same day he was born? Foolish, because if you check other birth certs from the same hospital around the same time, there are a lot like that....


The only Rush I listen to is a band from Canda. I don't watch Fox. I don't even watch TV unless there is something on youtube I want to see.


I'm just saying I've never seen one or heard of one before this controversy. Are there pictures of other Hawaiian Certificates of Live Birth around? Is it the same as a Birth Certificate exactly or is there a difference?

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alright, I am done here, you can keep your racist birther arguments, and your paranoid "the order" conspiracy theories. I was having fun for a while with it, but the ignorance and paranoia it takes to be on your side, well it just frightens me...


Good luck with however it turns out for ya Mez... I don't suggest drinking any more of the koolaid though, it might effect your brain if you keep it up.


Whether you consider "Birtherism" to be racist or not doesn't bother me. I know I am not racist. I'm not a Birther as far as I know. :unsure: Maybe that's what you think because of what I have said but whatever. I would appreciate not being pigeon-holed because I'm not trying to be in one.


Cedar if you want to call reality paranoid maybe that says something about you! Skull & Bones is not a joke. They have immense power. Imagine a secret society that admits only fifteen people a year counting both Bush and Kerry as members. What does that tell you!



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The only Rush I listen to is a band from Canda. I don't watch Fox. I don't even watch TV unless there is something on youtube I want to see.


I'm just saying I've never seen one or heard of one before this controversy. Are there pictures of other Hawaiian Certificates of Live Birth around? Is it the same as a Birth Certificate exactly or is there a difference?

he has released his full long form birth cert... it was on the link I posted, with signatures... And Hawaii even said they don't normally do that, ever.


I know I can't get my original birth cert from California.


It is all a huge waste of taxpayer money to keep going after this... But any distraction from what the "Order" is trying to do is good... so they can get a Norweigan (non-us citizen) in as Secreatary of state, and then their plan will be complete!

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