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Unity? Lansing On May 29th Medical Cannabis Rally

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So we have choice. Sit home and let the lawmakers pass whatever they wish without any regard to the impact of their constituents or........show up at the capitol and make the lawmakers aware that the laws they pass effect real people and those people are watching and taking names.

It could be a silent protest and still get the message across.

I'm not sure what is planned, but sitting it out isn't an option in my mind.


There are other choices as well. You can call your senator's office and express your opinion. Get all your friends in his/her district to do the same thing. A combined letter writing campaign is great too. Real authentic hand-written individually composed letters, not a form letter or automatic email. We could really use someone to organize something like that in your area.


How about organizing a public meeting to give a presentation on MMJ, what it is, how it works, who it helps. Try to get several local patients to get up and talk about how it's changed their lives by helping them. Invite your senator and representative to attend the meeting.


As long as we mentioned a letter writing campaign, how about writing the editors of all the newspapers and local publications, succinctly explaining the exact nature of the current legislation and how it will hurt patients. Remember, you're writing to a newspaper and they sometimes have the bad habit of fact checking so make sure everything you say is spot on the truth.


There's three good ideas for you to get working on that should keep you busy for a couple of hours.

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One cannot control the message to that extent unless there is no message.


How about these messages for the media....


Patients Steamrolled by Senate


No Sympathy for Cannabis Patients


Is the Senate Really Deaf?


Second Class Citizens Speak Out


Muffled Cries for Help


Who Will Protect the Patient?



Zap, do you have an idea to get positive press...or any press. The rally could do that and with participation could make an impact on the public perception. This is prohibition repeal. It is painfully slow.


Why don't you speak at the rally? I have heard you on the radio show and you are very well spoken. There is an opportunity to make those statements and you could represent the patients terrifically. Just show up and speak the messages.

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Our club is inviting primary candidates and current Rep's Senators to our meetings every month until election. We media release it.


We are in the U.P. so i assume the vast vast majority on this forum do not get to see them. :-)


We will also be getting good Press for our yearly "Tools for Schools" program which is starting up next month again.

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Who wants to attend a rally that's sponsored by those that would stretch the law like old underwear?


I could run around with a shirt on that says 12 plants and 2.5 ounces, no sales, but that would be a dud, no?


This rally is for those that are half of the problem. The other half of the problem only enjoys your rally as an example of why they are cracking down.


You might find that it often is about how one perceives the law, on this site as an example we have often seen different takes on a given section of the law. That's human nature and it is what makes us unique. The house heard our voice and still passed the bills. In all honesty do you really think a republican controlled Senate is going to listen or make changes that would give some of us some hope of less aggressive leo towards MMj patients and caregivers?

It is said if you do not take a stand for something, you will fall for anything.

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This rally is for ME, to try and keep my Liberties

This rally is for YOU, to try and preserve your Rights

This rally is for Our Law, that has not been fully implemented as of yet

and lastly, This rally is to Show them, I am NOT a CRIMINAL, and beleive in this Law as writen.


Everyone living a better life because of this needs to attend this rally. If only 50 show up, then I will be with 49 Friends.



This is our message. We all are aware of marijuana's medical benefits and the improvement in the quality of life it provides to the sick and dying.

We may not see eye to eye on many matters, never the less I think we all can agree on this one point.


I must say I am dismayed and impressed by some of the things I have read. I will simple ask this much: How do you all suggest we proceed?

Obviously some do not think a rally is going to be effective, Well I for one sent several emails to the house rep's to little avail.

One thing we all can bet on is the senate will not make positive changes to the house bills.

I have taken a risk here by stepping up and speaking out for unity, sadly I see a lot of nay sayer's. But not one has offered an alliterative to this rally.

I agree with state wide organizational efforts and willing to become a foot solder for the cause.

As for the dancing leaf, well I think a causal word to that person would be far more effective then just ignoring them. It is inoperative that we learn to communicate without pointing fingers to this one or that one. That process is self defeating.


I leave you with this thought. What happens if these house bills become law? What then. Do we await leo's knock on our doors to prove our worst fears?

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Let me answer the question then.


A rally or protest without an organized message, quality speakers, and with chaos WILL get press. Do we, as a community, want the press and the legislature having a take home message about bj's in a parking lot and legalization? Do we want a photo of a screaming pot plant on the front page of the Lansing State Journal? Do we want Rick Jones have a chance, and column inches, in the state journal talking about how 'people using medical marijuana to justify drug abuse- look at the way they behaved on the capital steps....there were school children for God's sake....we have to protect the little children and puppies from these people abusing the law'.


Joe can gather a crowd, so can a car wreck on the side of the road. The problem is, he can't take that crowd he got and use it to effectively lobby. So what is left? He uses the crowd to effectively damage our efforts. I don't want to be in another meeting where they say 'who is this blueberry guy' and laugh. I'd rather be working on convincing them that unwarranted searches of homes are a civil rights issue, not a marijuana issue. That people are entitled to their day in court and to present any defense they want. That telemedicine provides access to rural areas that don't have doctors willing to sign certifications. I don't want to have to explain how the communtiy is not the farmers market, and that the 'right to farm act' is not what we are talking about. We are talking about sick people and something that eases their suffering in their own homes.


Dr. Bob


Doc you have a point there, that's why I reached out. I had so hoped we had some with better speaking skills and the knowledge to send our message. This rally is for the rights we voted for. The law says I can grow 12 plants. My understanding is I could grow them in a controlled environment on my property. But enough of that, If I had the powers of persuasion I would try to encourage you to speak on our behalf. And there are others here that have the gift to articulate our concerns in a manner that would be of great benefit to all concerned.

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I see several suggestion be given and totally disregarded by you who want our support. IMO for a rally/protest to be effective planning must start more then a week before the rally. It takes time to line up credible speakers formulate the proper message. Then who do you get to give that message to the people and press I feel they should be one and the same. I like Zaps idea of having a picnic for the reps and I will gladly offer up my BBQ skills to provide the food for the lunch. Dress accordingly, I'm nothing but an old hippey , but I know how to dress when going to see my reps in Lansing. If you want a bunch of people in Lansing how about scheduling a bus fill it with people and help them go see there reps. Put the face of the patient in the reps office that way they cannot ignore them. Help them with their message so it is clear and covers all the talking points. I realize it is easy to come here and mudslinging against us because we need to see more of the reasons that aren't being given which has a huge effect on the rally. Show me a clear plan with listed speakers, what they will be speaking on. Do you plan on giving patients a chance to give their stories. Are you going to give out attire guidelines? I don't see any answers for those questions and really doubt there is any answers to the questions being brought up by everyone.

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Want to be effective, write a letter to your rep, tell him how this wonderful medicine has improved your life. Discuss specific problems you have with the bills, and how it will affect you and your family. Enclose a photo of you and your family. Tell him you trust his judgement to do the right thing. Convince him why your cause is something he would want to be involved in.


That is highly effective.


Dr. Bob


This was effective with Jeff E. He understood my problems and voted no on every bill. But others seemed to not care less. And voted yes.

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Okay, let's talk about message. Could we have some sample quotes from the newspaper the day after the rally? WHO would say WHAT in the newspapers the next day after a protest on the capital steps on May 29th? Who is in the photo that runs? If there is television, who makes it into the edited footage and what do they say? What is Rick Jones going to say when he gets his chance? Let's do this thought exercise, as it speaks directly to the effectiveness of any public action on behalf of medical marijuana patients and caregivers, or cannabis users in general, or whatever, or whoever, this rally/protest is for.


Now we are cooking, run with it Zap.. I like that direction.

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Our club is inviting primary candidates and current Rep's Senators to our meetings every month until election. We media release it.


We are in the U.P. so i assume the vast vast majority on this forum do not get to see them. :-)


We will also be getting good Press for our yearly "Tools for Schools" program which is starting up next month again.


This is great stuff and we need more things like this. Like food for families etc...

Ummm that gives me an ideal..... you all thinking what I am?

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"Tools for Schools" was awesome last year. We raised about $4000 and gave a huge box of school supplies to every teacher at four areas schools. I got to drop the supplies off at some of the schools and the people made me feel like a superhero. On top of that, our compassion club got a bunch of free press.


As far as food for families, we do a canned goods food drive for the holidays and give the proceeds away to a local food bank.


We also have an ongoing book drive where we collect books and donate them to the library which has a book sale to raise money.


There's lots of ways to get good press, and get people in the community at large to see you as a contributing member of the community.

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I'll write up another guest editorial for the Lansing State Journal if you like. Wash, what points specifically would you like me to address? I'll do my best for you, and the last one about putting me out of a job got read, we heard comments on it in the capital.


Dr. Bob


PS, I was doing it anyhow over the importance of telemed in the UP and N. Michigan, but I'll change it to cover anything you want because I want to help you get your message out, even if I am not really interested in a rally on the steps of the capital.

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Dr. Bob, that is a generous offer. Thank you.


I'll put a rough draft together. I'll PM you.


You don't need my help to write something, but I'll see what we can do together, might be nice to put in two guest editorials to increase the effect, especially if they are coordinated. They want 300 words, so it has to be concise and to the point. Just a note on the style they want.


Dr. Bob

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Wow what a change in direction! You all I was getting so disgusted with the lack of care about how we can stand together to help get the word out. Then bang it all changed and now we are working together! Flyers, cookout picnic, tents, speakers, you all are coming up with some great ideas.


Maybe someone could be the coordinator on this? Figure out what needs to be done and assign tasks, when would be the best time to have this? This is very productive and hopeful. I'll help in anyway I am capable.

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This was all happening, we just don't have a full time cheerleader anymore. The old cheerleader was doing nothing but shouting cheers and neglecting the entire state to work in one community. There's LOTS going on right now, we just don't have a bullhorn. This episode has shown us that we need one. I think you can start expecting a weekly update on things happening all around the state in the near future.

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So when is this cookout/picnic with the reps and Sens?


I sure hope it is in the next week or two, or it will be too late to impact this legislative session.


I fear that this is more talk of how to plan an event as opposed to the planning of an actual event.


Is there a tentative date for the event?

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This was all happening, we just don't have a full time cheerleader anymore. The old cheerleader was doing nothing but shouting cheers and neglecting the entire state to work in one community. There's LOTS going on right now, we just don't have a bullhorn. This episode has shown us that we need one. I think you can start expecting a weekly update on things happening all around the state in the near future.



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It is just talk of how to plan an event. I thought we were giving you ideas about how to better be able to gain participation in your upcoming rally.


1) Not a protest, only a rally

2) No shouting, signs, free the weed, public smoking, tie dies, etc.

3) Make it friendly, not hostile for the Legislators

4) Make it educational, and have good food and music

5) Have the media message, quotes, etc agreed upon beforehand.


The difference between a mob and a rally is organization, message, attitude, and yes, dress code. It is the capital, not Dracula's castle, leave the anger, torches, and pitchforks at home. This is a step in the right direction, thanks for the leadership Zap.


Dr. Bob

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