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Some Stuff On Sec. 8 But Also Some Other Stuff And Some Bickering, Off Topic Stuff And Some Name Calling-sprinkled With A Pinch Of Tangential Opinions

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GanjaWarrior ganja soldier are two different people......i think one is getting blamed for the others actions,


thank you.... i can be a stubborn donkey and all that....i do not hide. i do not have other names. i do not play games like that. im here to learn, help and voice my opinion.... none of that would i do under a dif name.

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Changing the title of the thread?

I changed it. I started the thread for a very specific purpose. Not for a general discussion on section 8 but specifically so people will make sure they qualify for section 8 if they may need to use it in the future. It has become 14 pages of off-topic and very tangential b.s. The idea was to provide a resource for people to read with black letter law. Not everyone's guesses or opinions.


If you have a better title for this thread throw it out there. I'll change it again if you like.

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Inasmuch as it is entirely germain to the topic, as is medical use, It should remain here. Even given the distractions, which are to be expected everywhere online, there is valuable stuff in this thread that address the reasons why and why not anyone would decide either way. To start that thread would likely serve to essentially be a continuation, and the same differences will appear. is there some benefit to having two funny, twisted threads rather than one?


Will someone get a stick this guy can bite on?


Okay I can understand what you're saying, but please everyone respond to the posts and not about the poster with cheap shots we are all adults so lets act like it.

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I changed it. I started the thread for a very specific purpose. Not for a general discussion on section 8 but specifically so people will make sure they qualify for section 8 if they may need to use it in the future. It has become 14 pages of off-topic and very tangential b.s. The idea was to provide a resource for people to read with black letter law. Not everyone's guesses or opinions.


If you have a better title for this thread throw it out there. I'll change it again if you like.


The only honest thing to do is to restore it. Thanks.

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The only honest thing to do is to restore it. Thanks.

Honest? The reason I changed it is because it didn't reflect the content of the thread. In that repsect it was DIShonest.


I copied my first post and started a new thread with it! We can try this again! I even edited some typos in the first post so maybe I look smarter now!


So, by all means, carry on here and let off steam and call eachother names! Talk about the Tigers sweeping the red sox in the home opening series and then getting spanked by the sox a few weeks later. And now the Tigers' recommittment to excellence.


Maybe you had recent dental work and want to show off a picture of your shiny new crown? Maybe this drought is costing you a king's ransom to keep your lawn green? Broke your shoelace this morning? Post about it here!


It's now the "water cooler talk" thread!

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I was wondering if there is anyone who still believes that there is any sort of cohesive "medical marijuana movement" and is there any value whatsoever in having one?


its sad to see the damage joe did is still pulsing thru this community...we cant even have a discussion w/o....oh you must be that joe guy or ur from that other site.... wtf why cant he disappear.

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I was wondering if there is anyone who still believes that there is any sort of cohesive "medical marijuana movement" and is there any value whatsoever in having one?


That sounds like a pretty good thread by itself.


Yes, there would be value in having more cohesiveness. Look at the NRA, for instance. They have a great deal of clout. The members disagree about a lot of things but they have been able to come together as a lobbying force and as a voting bloc. (They also have clout because they all carry guns and the politicians are afraid of them on a personal level, but that's for another discussion).


I think the cohesiveness is diminishing over time.

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Aren't you the CEO? Shouldn't you be telling us?


I was wondering if there is anyone who still believes that there is any sort of cohesive "medical marijuana movement" and is there any value whatsoever in having one?

Edited by GregS
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This is part of the problem. A movement is not one man, or even a handful running a corporation. This non-profit has one successful venture, one that has been torn away at by every frustrated ex-member and ex-staff, and is still grinding away three years later without having ever even come close to creating a cohesive bloc. That is the website, and it appears that despite our best attempts as a community, it is impossible to dislodge it from its position. That website could be a powerful tool in building a movement.


If you look at the history of the website, we have been trying our damnedest to kill it since early 2009. When are we going to actually start doing the work to support it, rather than just taking advantage of the fact that it is here magically?


At this point, my question remains: is it something we want to do, and who is it exactly that wants this to happen, and what are those people willing to do to make it happen? Are we willing to make the compromises ourselves to make it work, and are we willing to do what it takes to draw people under that banner when we have agreed upon the words emblazoned on that banner?


For things to work the MMMA needs a paid staff. People who can devote attention to the issue full time. That means the members need to step up to contribute. There are ways to get this done. Heck, I would be willing to bet a grant writer could even get some funding for the MMMA. It needs to transform into a full time org. It will take seed money. People need to be willing to front some cash. The org owner(s) need to want it to happen.

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well your thread is all over the place with attacking and usual mmma stuff....bruised egos and all--


but what I read in this topic of discussion was if you could mount a defense without a card in light of the new SC ruling and I guess no one here reads anything except the hilarious bickering over he said-she said nonsense


not even the front page of the free press--the part where it says.."even without a card"...


and I see one of the group even started another thread of their own version of FBL....devoted to their own viewpoint on the subject backed up with the regular references the decisions---

I guess well just have to watch forthe next test cases to resolve this issue

and I personally feel safer without the card if I had to stand on my medical use---but that's another thread

every body has an opinion....and you know what they say about opinions...

and I'll leave the movement question alone if you please ...

from this side of the screen the movement is headed in many directions and I am not sure one 'group' could lassoe the collective mindset



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I truly hope that nobody questions Michael's dedication to this organization, nor that of any of the staff. We all want it to happen.


This sitting on the fence has gone on too long.

Don't misinterpret my comment. It was more meant to indicate that the only way for the organization to do what needs to be done is with the backing of the members. It cannot possibly function to its full extent without financial support.


Someone brought up the NRA. The NRA gets tremendous financial support from its members.

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I will maintain a card as usual like I have for the last 13yrs with ALL my doctor records .20 yrs worth..X-rays...yada-yada....for insurance purposes(legal)..

..if my condition will never change why not a doctors recommendation stating such? the only need for the card is the legal aspect and as far as medical ....well...I have found which medicine works best for me along time ago...and my doctor agrees

and the doctor I currently have WiLL go to court for his patients....at a considerable cost and not begrudgingly


I am just a patient and don't grow so I am awake on possession

you are aware that you can now legally fly with your medicine in certain places and from certain state to medical state?

just sayin if you want those clones....1-2in your carryon bags


but with all the new unfettered access violating HIPPA protections and such...I really don't like the idea of some disgruntled trooper running my plates and putting me on the registry and into a trick bag


my doctor should be the only one that knows what my medical conditions are....and what they require


you think if I had aids or some communicable disease I would want a state trooper to get behind my car and be able to access that?


other states recognized the doctors recommendation as valid proof of a patients condition and the need for HIPA protection

and that is why a lot of patients quit registering with the respective states they were in....why would you want to be on a govt register that only recognizes federal law at this juncture....??...

the whole bona fide crap should be self evident....some of us are life long here

and articles like the front page of free press make me feel safer ....public opinion and SC decisions changing??

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you are aware that you can now legally fly with your medicine in certain places and from certain state to medical state?

just sayin if you want those clones....1-2in your carryon bags


Um, not a good idea. The TSA will be going through your carry-ons. They have the authority to seize contraband. Remember, the TSA is a federal agency....

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The "movement" is like herding cats. I am blown away at how crazily fractured it is. Before the MMJ laws we all toiled in the shadows, the internet forums were the place we shared our knowledge and shared our love of this magical herb. Sadly the medical side of it has really torn that friendly community to shreds.


We never spoke of the financial side of this back then, I guess that is where the blame lies.


I have given on behalf of this cause, as have many others. Still many more give nothing but opinions. I don't know what the answer is anymore. The lunatic fringe among us always seem to attract a following..

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