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Obama: The Nobel Peace Prize Winner!

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4 more years. The body pile of radical islamic killers will stack up some more. The road to world peace is paved with misfortune and death for our adversaries thanks to the tenacity of President Obama. Don't forget that Osama Bin Laden is in that pile because of President Obama and his elite troops. Any Osama Bin Laden fans out there? I didn't think so....

Good job and keep up the good work.

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Mexico just inherited their new Cartel President, Pena Nieto, they might be good till 2018 now . Another Unfair election with Big $$$, Peina Neito, just like the last one /w Piliph Culderone the judicial winner.


Its very disheartening. Then EHimpleHolder is found not guilty ???? today ??? wtf


There have been more people killed in Mexico since 2006 than all of our casualties for the entire Vietnam War. Probably more than half of them by dismemberment and torture.


More than Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, 911 towers, Yemen, Pakistan ... combined .


Early 2012 Mexican Election Results

Edited by solabeirtan
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there is no oil in mexico or at least not enough or its too close use all that middle east oil first.

Sorry your logic is off a little. Though not as well published, Mexico has ample supplies. That is at the heart of the problem. As well the fact Pemex the only oil company is government owned and mismanaged.


According to this chart they're #16 wiki/List_of_countries_by_proven_oil_reserves

Edited by solabeirtan
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4 more years. The body pile of radical islamic killers will stack up some more. The road to world peace is paved with misfortune and death for our adversaries thanks to the tenacity of President Obama. Don't forget that Osama Bin Laden is in that pile because of President Obama and his elite troops. Any Osama Bin Laden fans out there? I didn't think so....

Good job and keep up the good work.


i cant see osama his bodies covered 2with innocent woman and children searching for fire wood. obamma doesnt have eliet troops america does. obammer uses drones to kill babies...just becase they wanted to be warm.

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i cant see osama his bodies covered 2with innocent woman and children searching for fire wood. obamma doesnt have eliet troops america does. obammer uses drones to kill babies...just becase they wanted to be warm.

So you are now advocating for the Taliban? Why else would you cut down our soldiers like that? If this did happen it was their mistake. Why would you ever want to point that one out? Why oh why would you go there? It's a terrible situation that doesn't deserve your soldier bashing commnets. I would like to see you talk to one of those soldiers face to face like that. Then you would get what you deserve for your comment, reality, not internet scolding. A real dressing down by a hero that made a terrible mistake, out of trying so hard to make things right, so far away from home.

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So you are now advocating for the Taliban? Why else would you cut down our soldiers like that? If this did happen it was their mistake. Why would you ever want to point that one out? Why oh why would you go there? It's a terrible situation that doesn't deserve your soldier bashing commnets. I would like to see you talk to one of those soldiers face to face like that. Then you would get what you deserve for your comment, reality, not internet scolding. A real dressing down by a hero that made a terrible mistake, out of trying so hard to make things right, so far away from home.



WEAK! whats next call me a racist.... you're blind, If you love our troops bring them home. If you love our troops stop supporting obammer... hes a war hawk killed 20 innocents in the last week or so. If you think he takes any credit for those brave navy seals ( your way wrong) then hes gotta take it for the drones....

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WEAK! whats next call me a racist.... you're blind, If you love our troops bring them home. If you love our troops stop supporting obammer... hes a war hawk killed 20 innocents in the last week or so. If you think he takes any credit for those brave navy seals ( your way wrong) then hes gotta take it for the drones....




Most vets will tell you the war is wack! (I included)

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Muslims will eventually need to impose Sharia Law on its community, it is a part of Muslim religion to live under Sharia Law.


You will have to submit under sharia law, and you will have less rights than a dog as a non-muslim.

Despite our great history of accepting all religions peacefully in this country - muslims want the US Constitution changed, to use Sharia Law instead.

Read up on Sharia Law before you start saying "Muslims are a peaceful religion." Ask anyone from England, Germany, or France - how they enjoy "no-go zones' for non-muslims, in their own country - where sharia law rules.


This is not a war over oil anymore.

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though the

Muslims will eventually need to impose Sharia Law on its community, it is a part of Muslim religion to live under Sharia Law.


You will have to submit under sharia law, and you will have less rights than a dog as a non-muslim.

Despite our great history of accepting all religions peacefully in this country - muslims want the US Constitution changed, to use Sharia Law instead.


Read up on Sharia Law before you start saying "Muslims are a peaceful religion." Ask anyone from England, Germany, or France - how they enjoy "no-go zones' for non-muslims, in their own country - where sharia law rules.


This is not a war over oil anymore.


This is one of the great jingoisms of all times. The acceptance only came as it was convenient and necessary to acquire the citizens that occupied the land they had misappropriated from the other Colonial Power - Spain.


This statement could be true if you added this to the end of your comment, DN: It's about the land over top of the oil, including any land we need for pipelines, storage facilities, shipping terminals, etc.


Have to keep in mind that these laws are virtually unchanged from medieval times - like 1500 yrs ago. Very patriarchal and Religously justified. However the one good thing that they have to their credit is their disdain of it. Credit was another thing they frown on, more specifically it is the charging of interest for borrowing money. called Riba :


The laws of contract and obligation are also formed around this egalitarian Quranic requirement, prohibiting unequal exchanges or unfair advantage in trade. On this basis, the charging of interest on loans is prohibited, as are other transactions in which risks are borne disproportionately to the potential returns between parties to a transaction. The limits on personal liability afforded by incorporation are seen as a form of usury in this sense, as is insurance. All these inequities in risk and reward between parties to a transaction, known collectively as riba, are prohibited. For this reason, Islamic banking and financing are partnerships between customers and institutions, where risk and reward are distributed equitably. Partnerships, rather than corporations, are the key concept in collective Islamic business. Financing and investments are accomplished in this manner, as purchases and resales, with equity shifting over time between the institution and the client as payments are made or returns are recognized. Conversely, no individual is shielded from the consequences of poor judgement or bad timing. The Islamic financial and investment models have taken root in the West and begun to flourish, even as the financial underpinnings of large Western corporations collapse under the weight of unevenly distributed risks. Classic Islamic law details the manner of contracting, the types of transactions, the assignment of liability and reward, and the responsibilities of the parties in Islamic trade.

more Sharia_wiki

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