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Illegal And Foolish Landlords Farm The Mmmp

pic book

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Actually they intend to farm the growers, looking for a piece of the action.  I pay $500 and the landlord does not expect a premium.  But a lot do.  In looking to see what's available found this ad for a house: 1200 or 550 cropsplit.  Only way this could come near working under the law--andyou can bet this ad placer knows the law--is him become the renter's patient.  Around here, many landlords have two rates with a hier one for CGs, which they consider a profitable business run out of their house. 

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what do any of us care what others do in their homes/on their property? esp if no one else is getting harmed


really... why do u care in the least? u going to call the cops on em because u feel there might be 'illegal' activity? lol, let em be, none of our biz

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what do any of us care what others do in their homes/on their property? esp if no one else is getting harmed


u going to call the cops on em because u feel there might be 'illegal' activity? lol, let em be, none of our biz

whoa, easy there, mr. live-and-let-live I find that a low blow...I'm thinking of myself, looking for a better larger house with a taller basement and looking for what is avail, came across these 'propositions' unique to bt in which it is obviously ok with the landlord that a guy grows, so that is one concern solved, but the arrangement may create a legal concern for me...unless the landlord signs with me.

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whoa, easy there, mr. live-and-let-live I find that a low blow...I'm thinking of myself, looking for a better larger house with a taller basement and looking for what is avail, came across these 'propositions' unique to bt in which it is obviously ok with the landlord that a guy grows, so that is one concern solved, but the arrangement would create a legal concern for me...unless the landlord signs with me.

lol... my bad, uv found one of my buttons :-)


but i hear u, i rent and my ll is my patients, so i get it. peace

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Personally..if I was the LL and let a grower medical grow in His house and does not charge a premium thats stupid. Growing can cause fires,water damage, mold to grow...etc..etc. not all grows are equal and some people are down right lazy and will destroy the home. I would charge double the rent an not feel bad bcause your taking a huge risk. Forfeiture ..etc..etc.


The risks are high in just about every aspect of everything med grow related. So there should be rewards when there is risk.

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I solved my problem buy buying a really cheap house($5000.00), put a new roof on it($4000.00), and built my grow room next. I couldn't rent and do this. I'd be worried my landlord would let himself in sometime(I have had it happen more than once while renting!)and make my life hell! Had to live with Mom awhile and save my money, but I did it!

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oh god, picbook, seriously? 


This is why I called you a douche in the last thread about landlords.  You were saying how growers cause large amounts of damage.  Now, you are saying they shouldn't charge a premium?  You are flip flopping the Issue.


If what you say is true in the other thread, then what is wrong with charging a premium?

Edited by garyfisher
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm all for the cheap house.houses in Wayne,garden city, nice neighborhoods, houses need work but are livable.i figure with the almost 9k a year I pay in rent after a year or two of no rent minus prop tax n insurance I can use that money to update and fix said home. Trouble is savn up that 15k. My ll knows what I got goin on, he dnt care, it's legal and this house is bunny muffin anyway he's just happy someone's payn Rent...lol he's loose it anyway...owes about 8k in back taxes.i cld probably steal out from under him if I wanted to go that route. Pic:Mine man...always mine.lol

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are there tree roots in your drain pipe? you have to get them to grind it out with a cutter snake.

forget those tree root chemicals, those never work.


think it cost me $150.

thats after wasting $100 on the air-pressure snake job that only cleared the blockage but not the roots.


guy said i'd have to get it done every year because of all the trees.

but havent had it done in like 5 years, still going good.

i think it would cost like $3k to have the pipe dug up and fixed. what a pain.

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oh god, picbook, seriously? 


This is why I called you a douche in the last thread about landlords.  You were saying how growers cause large amounts of damage.  Now, you are saying they shouldn't charge a premium?  You are flip flopping the Issue.


If what you say is true in the other thread, then what is wrong with charging a premium?

I'm saying that on-the-sly growers caused damage that I was suprised to find after they'd moved.  And I'm talking property in a state that has never had med 420.  And this happened a number of times across a number of houses.

Here, I think a patient needs to offer a landlord a larger deposit--it's good for the grower to have latitude to make changes.  And generally landlords are more grow-ok if they have your $ on hand to repair any damage.   I don't see justification for charging a patient hier rent just cause he grows.  I think that both hier rent and hier deposit is to be expected anytime a CG is running a business out of a property. 

And I see it as a bad idea (for both parties) to have a LL as partner in a grow (getting a % of the crop, or of sales, as, say, a shopping center does).  For legal reasons, like the Roseville City Prosecutor sent to Rags, or the US Justice dept sent to all CA landlords.  And it's a bad idea for a MI CG under our law.

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yep. its not detroits fault.  If your lines are messed, its probablly tree roots.  Call a Roto Rooter guy.



the sewer pipe from my house doesnt even go under my trees, it goes 150 ft diagonally across my neighbors property.

its his tree roots in my pipe! so even if you dont have trees in your yard. it might be the trees next door causing the problems.

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I'm saying that on-the-sly growers caused damage that I was suprised to find after they'd moved.  And I'm talking property in a state that has never had med 420.  And this happened a number of times across a number of houses.

Here, I think a patient needs to offer a landlord a larger deposit--it's good for the grower to have latitude to make changes.  And generally landlords are more grow-ok if they have your $ on hand to repair any damage.   I don't see justification for charging a patient hier rent just cause he grows.  I think that both hier rent and hier deposit is to be expected anytime a CG is running a business out of a property. 

And I see it as a bad idea (for both parties) to have a LL as partner in a grow (getting a % of the crop, or of sales, as, say, a shopping center does).  For legal reasons, like the Roseville City Prosecutor sent to Rags, or the US Justice dept sent to all CA landlords.  And it's a bad idea for a MI CG under our law.

Right On
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