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Quick Question

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Most dispensaries will check your card and record your information.  If they are raided in the future, your information will become the property of LEO.  As of right now, LEO cannot access the MMMP registry.  The state police is building a database of people they know are MMJ patients and caregivers.  You end up on their list when they pull you over on a traffic stop, when they visit your home, when they raid a dispensary and confiscate your information.  For that reason alone, I personally, would never go to a dispensary.

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It depends on the dispensary and how they operate.  Many will deal with anyone with a card, some will require you to be your own caregiver.  Dispensaries all operate with their own guidelines/rules.  I have heard of them working both ways.  Call ahead of time and ask!


Good luck!

Edited by northerngal
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Ive only been to one farm market and they just checked to make sure you had a card, no record keeping, no need people who had vendor tables were either c.g's or pt's with grow rights! no one was allowed in if you didnt have a card, and it was realy nice, ive checked out a few despensarrys, as soon as they said they wanted to copy my card/cards I said sorry I dont realy need anything. lol!


I dont know if the fm's are still like that or not, but either way if I was to spend my $$ and not be to my c.g or for my own growing needs, I would do a f.m over a despense!  It is pt's and c.g's like our selves for the most part (the only dif is they are willing to take a chance at selling their overages and im not) but id donate what they are asking on a few dif strains!



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Most dispensaries will check your card and record your information.  If they are raided in the future, your information will become the property of LEO.  As of right now, LEO cannot access the MMMP registry.  The state police is building a database of people they know are MMJ patients and caregivers.  You end up on their list when they pull you over on a traffic stop, when they visit your home, when they raid a dispensary and confiscate your information.  For that reason alone, I personally, would never go to a dispensary.

 As of right now, LEO cannot access the MMMP registry i am sorry but i disagree i do agree they should not be able to and i can not prove that they can it's just my own opinion

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Most dispensaries will check your card and record your information. If they are raided in the future, your information will become the property of LEO. As of right now, LEO cannot access the MMMP registry. The state police is building a database of people they know are MMJ patients and caregivers. You end up on their list when they pull you over on a traffic stop, when they visit your home, when they raid a dispensary and confiscate your information. For that reason alone, I personally, would never go to a dispensary.

Ok say they are building this database.. As a practical matter, what is the big deal? Especially if you are not a grower? Just wondering.

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if any unauthorized agency is collecting that data and then compiling it in a list form.. they are in a direct violation of the MMMA.



(g) Possession of, or application for, a registry identification card shall not constitute probable cause or reasonable suspicion, nor shall it be used to support the search of the person or property of the person possessing or applying for the registry identification card, or otherwise subject the person or property of the person to inspection by any local, county or state governmental agency.

(h) The following confidentiality rules shall apply:

(1) Subject to subdivisions (3) and (4), applications and supporting information submitted by qualifying patients, including information regarding their primary caregivers and physicians, are confidential.


(section  3 and 4)

(3) The date of issuance and expiration date of the registry identification card.

(4) A random identification number.



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after I edited this post I realized that the last words of that statement in section G would prevent any local township or city the right to inspect your grow.

I know there were some communities that were requiring inspections and local registration to be a caregiver or grower in your home.


the MI-SC ruled that the MMMA has supremacy...

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