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Canabis Being Used As A Way To Slander Me...

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Oh also, my mother is a strong believer in Christianity, she used to have the same fears of Cannabis that seem to be prevelant in people of her age range, but she's seen the positive effect, that it's had in my life, and the lives of others.  I think that a lot of eyes have been opened thanks to the positive reinforcement of late from Fox News (? never thought I'd write that.) and CNN.  I also agree, that I shouldn't have it at our house, but I also don't think this is something I should have to worry about, when we the people have voted to legalize medical use, especially when the person making accusations, has no first hand knowledge, except for knowing I'm a medical patient, the rest has been imagined, by a person, with what appears to be mental problems.  I do know that bi-polar disorder runs in her fathers side of the family (my brother-in-law) and her brother has suffered with bi-polar disorder the past 10 years.  From her actions of the past 7 months or so, I would say she's suffering from something as well, but as the butt of her latest attack, I don't feel inclined to offer her help.  My mom is a sweet and wonderful person, I feel sorry for her getting tangled up in all of this.


One good thing that happened today, was after the third hate letter my mom recieved, her neice/friend called to shoot the poop.  She didn't mention anything that MY neice said, but it shows that her viciousness, is making herlook bad, and my mothers neice is willing to put differences aside for the sake of friendship.

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Whoa, I read your opening post I thought, this man is uber distraut.

I have read a few (lol, like you have a bunch) of your posts & they

are well presented ideas, opinions, questions pertaining to the subject.

Your opening post was anything but, no offense :)


Sorry that this is happening to you.


Most people who don't have control over their lives try to control

others, even if it is to create harm as it seems to be with your neice.


I would keep my friends close and my enemy's closer.


By that I mean, I would not filter any of her hate mail.

I would want to know as much as possible about what she is saying.

Some people a full of rightiousness and/or just down right mean.

All of you could make new email accounts also, maybe ?


You will ultimately do what you feel is right for you and yours.

I wish you all the best.


edit to say that I had written this post and it didn't post.

When I can back to my pc I posted b4 I read any new posts lol.

Edited by imiubu
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  • 2 weeks later...

Shut it down or move it bro !! I realize how hard it is, but no ex's, friends, and barely any family will know where I grow again. (Not that I grow..)

I don't necessarily not trust them, but regardless, you don't want them coming in with guns breaking your wife's nose and strip searching the females. that's what happened ti us in ONE if the raids.. over SMELL

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