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Cannabis Dosages from mayoclinic

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interesting find i found. since no one really has a clue about dosages, they just took the dosages from the research studies and put them into one easy to read article. so here it is





The below doses are based on scientific research, publications, traditional use, or expert opinion. Many herbs and supplements have not been thoroughly tested, and safety and effectiveness may not be proven. Brands may be made differently, with variable ingredients, even within the same brand. The below doses may not apply to all products. You should read product labels, and discuss doses with a qualified healthcare provider before starting therapy.


Adults (18 years and older)

To treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (nerve cell disease), 10 milligrams of THC has been taken by mouth daily for two weeks.

To prevent nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy, five milligrams per meter squared of dronabinol (Marinol®) has been taken by mouth 1-3 hours before chemotherapy, then every 2-4 hours after chemotherapy, for a total of 4-6 doses daily. A dose of two milligrams of nabilone has been taken by mouth the night before chemotherapy, 1-3 hours before and after chemotherapy. A dose of 2-3 milligrams of nabilone has been taken by mouth 2-4 times daily. A dose of three milligrams of nabilone has been taken by mouth three times daily as a one-time dose, a four-day duration, and the duration of two cycles of chemotherapy. Cannabinoids have been taken by mouth over a 24-hour period as follows: 1-8 milligrams of nabilone daily as 1-4 milligrams daily, one milligram 3-5 times daily, or two milligrams 2-4 times daily or 24-50 milligrams per meter squared of dronabinol daily as 10 milligrams per meter squared 4-5 times daily, 12 milligrams per meter squared twice daily, or 15 milligrams twice daily. A dose of one milligram of nabilone has been taken by mouth 8-12 hours before chemotherapy, followed by 0.5-2 milligrams of nabilone 2-3 times daily after chemotherapy, depending on body weight. A dose of 10 milligrams per meter squared of THC has been taken by mouth two hours before and four, eight, 16, and 24 hours after chemotherapy. Cannabinoids have been injected into the muscle over the course of 24 hours in the form of 0.5-1 milligrams of levonantradol three times daily.

To treat atopic dermatitis (itchy, scaly skin rashes), hemp seed oil has been taken by mouth for 20 weeks.

To increase appetite in people with cancer, 2.5 milligrams of THC has been taken by mouth with or without one milligram of CBD for six weeks.

To treat chronic pain, cannabinoids have been taken by mouth in the form of capsules or sprayed into the mouth as THC, benzopyranoperidine (BPP), cannabidiol (CBD), nabilone, dronabinol, or synthetic nitrogen THC analogs (NIB), with doses of 2.5-20 milligrams for an average of 25 days. Cannabis-based medicines have been used for 1-6 weeks. Ajulemic acid has been used for one week. Doses of nabilone of 0.25-2 milligrams have been used daily for 4-6 weeks. Doses of smoked cannabis of 1-9.4 percent have been used for six hours to 14 days. Cannabis has been smoked 3-4 times daily for five days. Doses of dronabinol of 10-20 milligrams have been used daily for six hours to six weeks. In people with cancer, 5-20 milligrams of delta-9-THC has been taken by mouth daily, as have the following doses: 2-8 milligrams of nabilone by mouth daily; 0.25-1 milligram of nabilone by mouth daily for four weeks; 1-2 milligrams of nabilone twice daily for a year; 1-2 milligrams of nabilone twice at an eight-hour interval; and 0.5 milligrams of nabilone twice daily for seven days, followed by two milligrams daily for three weeks. A dose of 0.5-1 milligrams of nabilone has been taken twice daily. A dose of 10 milligrams of THC has been taken by mouth, increasing to a maximum tolerated dose for six weeks. A mouth sprayhas been used in divided doses of 2.5-120 milligrams for two weeks. Doses of Sativex® have been sprayed into the mouth, up to 48 sprays daily, for 1-2 weeks, then 10-15 sprays daily, or 4-8 sprays, with eight being the maximum one-time dose or within a three-hour period.

To improve appetite in people with cystic fibrosis (mucus buildup in the organs), a dose of 2.5 milligrams of dronabinol has been taken by mouth, increasing to a maximum of 10 milligrams daily for 1-6 months.

To treat dementia, 2.5 milligrams of dronabinol has been taken by mouth twice daily for six weeks.

To treat eating disorders, 7.5-30 milligrams of THC has been taken by mouth daily for four weeks.

To treat epilepsy, 200-300 milligrams of CBD has been taken by mouth daily for up to 4.5 months.

To improve fatty acid status, hemp seed oil has been taken by mouth.

To treat movement problems caused by Huntington's disease, 1-2 milligrams of nabilone has been taken by mouth daily for five weeks. A dose of 10 milligrams per kilogram of CBD has been taken by mouth daily for six weeks.

To treat sleep disorders, 40-160 milligrams of CBD has been taken by mouth.

To treat multiple sclerosis symptoms, 2.5 milligrams of dronabinol (Marinol®) has been taken by mouth daily, increasing to a maximum of 10 milligrams daily for three weeks. A dose of 15-30 milligrams of cannabis extract capsules has been taken by mouth in five-milligram increments, based on tolerance, for 14 days. Cannabis extracts, including Cannador®, have been taken by mouth for 2-4 weeks. Cannabis plant extracts containing 2.5-120 milligrams of a THC-CBD combination have been taken by mouth daily for 2-15 weeks. A mouth spray (Sativex®, containing 2.7 milligrams of THC and 2.5 milligrams of CBD) has been used at a dose of 2.5-120 milligrams in divided doses for up to eight weeks. Eight sprays within any three hours, up to 48 sprays in a 24-hour period, have been used. Sativex® has been sprayed into the mouth for 6-14 weeks.

As a nutritional supplement, 15-30 milliliters of hemp oil has been taken by mouth daily.

To treat schizophrenia, 40-1,280 milligrams of CBD has been taken by mouth daily for up to four weeks.

To treat Tourette's syndrome, gelatin capsules containing 2.5-10 milligrams of THC have been taken by mouth as a single dose. A dose of 2.5 milligrams of THC has been taken by mouth daily, increasing to 10 milligrams daily in 2.5-milligram intervals over a four-day time period for six weeks.

To treat rheumatoid arthritis, up to six sprays of Sativex® have been used once daily 30 minutes before bed for five weeks.

To treat glaucoma (increased eye pressure), a single dose of five milligrams of THC has been placed under the tongue. A dose of 20-40 milligrams of CBD has been placed under the tongue as a single dose; however, 40 milligrams appeared to increase eye pressure.

Children (under 18 years old)

There is no proven safe or effective dose for marijuana in children.



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    the percentages of thc of marijuana bud are based on the percent of thc in 1 gram of bud.

    so 1 gram of bud is 1000mg
    if you have 20% thc of 1000mg
    thats 200mg per gram of bud

    if you roll a .5g joint
    thats 100mg thc joint.

    but wait! its THCA in your bud. not THC!
    so you have to convert THCA to THC...


    If you smoke half of the Kush joint, the most THC you can get is 33 milligrams to 39 milligrams with a sidestream loss between 26 milligrams and 33 milligrams THC. If it’s 4:20 and you want to smoke the whole joint, you’ll be consuming approximately 65 milligrams to 78 milligrams THC.

    hey i was kinda close ... but not really. that link has more info.

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    • 3 weeks later...

    If you click on the evidence page of marijuana on mayoclinic website... you find this. the gigantic list of what everyone in history has used marijuana to treat. 




    Uses based on tradition or theory

    The below uses are based on tradition or scientific theories. They often have not been thoroughly tested in humans, and safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider.

    Acne, ADHD, aging, alcohol or drug dependency, alcohol withdrawal, allergies (prevention/treatment), Alzheimer's disease, angioedema (swelling under the skin), ankylosing spondylitis (inflammation of spine joints), anti-aging (including skin), antioxidant, anxiety, arthritis (caused by psoriasis), asthma, autoimmune diseases, bipolar disorder, blood pressure control, blood thinner, burns, cancer, chest pain, childbirth, claudication (leg pain from clogged arteries), constipation, cough, dandruff, depression, detoxification (narcotic), diabetes, digestion, drug withdrawal, dry skin, energy, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, fever, food uses, fungal infections, general health maintenance, hair growth, heart disease, hemorrhoids, high cholesterol, hormone regulation, immune system problems, improving blood flow, improving breathing, improving urine flow, increased muscle mass, increasing breast milk, inflammation, inflammatory bowel disease, inflammatory conditions, interstitial cystitis (chronic bladder inflammation), irregular heartbeat, leprosy, leukemia, lichen planus (itchy mouth rash), liver protection, lymph flow enhancement, menopause, menstrual pain, migraine, mood, movement disorders, muscle relaxation, nausea, nervous system disorders, nervous system function, neural tube defects, neuroprotection (protect the nervous system), osteoporosis (weakening of the bones), pain from nerve disorders, paralysis after stroke, pregnancy and labor, promoting flow of breast milk, psoriasis (skin redness and irritation), Raynaud's disease (blood vessel disorder), saliva production control, sedative, sexual performance, shortness of breath, skin conditions (cracked skin and nails), spinal cord injury, stomach disorders (increase stomach acid), stomach spasms, stress, stroke, tendonitis (tendon inflammation), thrombosis (clot in blood vessel), uterus contraction, urinary tract disorders, urinary tract infection, varicose veins, vitamin C deficiency, vomiting, wound healing.

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    And we need a doctor to recommend specifically for just a handful of conditions? 

    I remember back when the conditions panel was first being selected and instructed. It leaked out that the director wanted to make sure that none of these 'all inclusive' type uses would ever be accepted because it would let the cat out of the bag and everyone would automatically qualify. They couldn't have that now could they? It would take all the fun out for those ex cops running the program. 

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