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I hope I'm posting this to the right area. I got my MRI results today and they say nothing is wrong. I've been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in my knees but my NP said they were wrong. I am in constant pain and my NP says nothing is wrong that it's depression. The tests seem to confirm her diagnosis but I have a hard time believing that this is a psychological issue. I go to a therapist of the mind type and she says I'm not depressed that it's not in my head. I am confused and frustrated. My NP will not discuss any sort of "narcotic" for pain relief. Her choice is anti-depressants such as Cymbalta. I understand that I need to find a new doctor but without any supporting evidence for my pain what do I do? Have many or any of the rest of you had similar issues? If so how did/do you work around it? I'm at a loss.


I've been talking to at least one of you already and you've been an enormous help. I called the pain doctors you sent me and left messages with their voice mail hopefully they'll call me back tomorrow.

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loriraine, I have been run through the mill and back several times over. I was first injured while serving my country and coped with excessive amounts of alcohol, which only got me busted down and did nothing for my injury. After I was honorably discharged, I dealt with the pain as best I could, holding a full time job, although I called in sick more than anyone else that worked with me. A few years back I re-injured my back to the point of not being able to walk, had surgery and afterward still was wracked with pain. Mri showed nothing, and I was screwed. My workmens comp was cut off, my insurance gone, and my doctor basically could do nothing for me. I was on heavy dosages of Neurontin, Morphine, Hydrocodone, Flexiril, Zanaflex and some others, which I only got after getting on welfare and getting medicade. You are in for a battle, but the best advice I can give you is go to whatever doctor your health plan allows, and explain your story. Be honest, upfront and tell it like it is. Research on the internet, talk to others that have your same type of injury/pain, and educate yourself as best as you can. This doctor you have now is basically worthless. The pain you feel is real, and cymbalta (which I was on for almost a year and did nothing) is not going to help. The best doctor I had turned out to be the only doctor I could go to after all this crap because I was on Medicaid. He saved my life, because if not for him, I would have put an end to my suffering a long time ago. Keep at it, it's not going to be easy, but you have made it this far. If using MM helps you, do it. If shoving a weasel up my arse helped take the pain away, I would look like I had a shaggy tail 24/7!! Don't get discouraged, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. If the pain gets too bad, don't be afraid to get to the emergency room and get some relief. This was something I had to do to manage the pain in between doctors. I would go in to the ER, tell them I was what was going on, that my appointment for my new doctor was in a few weeks and I explain to them that the pain was intolerable. Hope this helps you out, but like I said, it may be some time before you can find a doctor that doesn't suck. I wish you the best and will keep you in my prayers.



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Thank you Nemo. I am so glad i joined, you guys have been so helpful and supportive. I also have used alcohol to try and dull the pain. it helps so very short term. I am looking. I smoke MM so very rarely because right now its illegal for me. But there are just days where i can't function properly. I have kids i have to care for and not being able to function doesnt help. I read what y'all put out there and it gives me hope. I just hope that its sooner vs later. One of the traveling clinics will be in my area at the end of the month and I'd like to be able to get certified. I've been doing research and it makes me feel a little better until i walk into the docotrs office and she tells me nothings wrong. i feel about 2 inches tall. I am looking. I too have medicaid which leaves little wiggle room for doctors. but i'm still looking and hoping that i will find one who will not only listen to me, take me seriously but be compassionate about it. I'm glad you finally found someone to help you and that you decided life was better than not. Ive been arguing with doctors for 4 years and gotten no where. Its time to up the ante i suppose but how beasty do i get? Thank you again for your support. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one out there. I mean I know that but sometimes it feels like it. Thank you thank you thank you. also loved the weasel comment. i laughed good.

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wait, I may be wrong, but cant you use your Cymbalta prescription to get a medical marijuana card from a seperate doctor? As in Accept the script from your normal doctor, then take in all the paperwork saying you are prescribed to this Cymbalta stuff to a Medical marijuana clinic and get a rec. from them? Cant you get Medical marijuana for being prescribed to something like an anti depressant or attention problem because of the pill`s side effects? Like tell the medical marijuana clinic that the Cymbalta your reg doctor gave you give you headacahes, insomina, etc and you smoke marijuana to combat those problems? That way you dont even have to bother or ask with your regular doctor? I may be wrong, but im pretty sure that would qualify you to get a card, if you go through the steps i listed above.

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I hadnt thought about that. Anybody else think that might work? I could probably get another script for cymbalta from her. Feedback people? hell if its that easy...hopefully it'll be that easy. thoughts?




This is a website about the side effects of cymbalta. It list everything from insomina to tripping balls (lol).

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You do not need to have one of the Specific Medical Conditions listed in Statute to be considered a qualified medical marijuana patient. The Statute also protects patients who use marihuana to treat the symptoms of any chronic or debilitating medical condition, or to alleviate symptoms or side effects caused by any therapy or other treatment option prescribed by your primary physician for that condition. For example, if you suffer from depression and your physician prescribes a medication to treat the depression, and that medication causes muscle aches and spasms, or it makes you nauseated, then you would qualify as a patient with a listed condition (muscle spasms, nausea), to choose medical marijuana as a treatment option. To find out if your condition applies, contact the THCF Clinic.


It's the opinion of some legal scholars that the Affirmative Defense provides greater patient protection than the Act itself. Contact QualifyingPatient.com for legal interpretations.

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You have to have one of the conditions listed in the 'law' that defines a legally accepted ailment OR debilitating side effects as the result of OTHER treatments in order to qualify.


ALL surgeries cause nerve damage to some extent because nerves of course are cut when the surgery is done and they almost NEVER heal back to their original condition... there is almost always residual pain as a result which can last for many years.


If you've had a surgery AND you suffer from residual pain because of it, as MANY people do... you of course would want some relief from that pain.


The knee problems you spoke of may be the result of a chronic inflammation that causes the pain you feel which might not easily show up on a MRI , CAT scan, etc, but of course only a medical doctor could make that diagnosis.


And of course it also helps to have a doctor that understands the benefits of MMJ and is receptive to alternative pain management methods.


I believe the MMMA site here has a list of a number of clinics / doctors that understand a MMJ patients needs related to the relief of pain.


I sincerely hope you find the relief you seek.


Let us all know what progress you make.

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right now I am on cymbalt, oxy 80 Mg, vicoden es, elavil, neurontin, prednisone, celebrex, ambien, and a few others. I have chronic pain, fibromyalgia, osteo arthritis, rheum arthritis, extremely high blood pressure, peripheral nueropathy, insomnia, depression and diabetes. This journey began about 17 years ago with the rheum and osteo arthritis and fibromyalgia and well, you see the result. I did the physical therapy route at first and used to have to go have water taken off my knees. I spent the first six years working on all this and attempting to get the help that I needed. I was originally given a death sentence; but I'm a persistent complain.


Here is what I suggest: Every time you go in and I'd also advise you to call in between visits and as to speak to your NP and tell her you are in severe chronic pain. Make it your mantra. Ask to speak to the Dr. she works under and same mantra. Drown them in it! Start keeping a pain journal everyday note your aches and pains, failure to sleep, etc and note how long this lasted and what if anything (even exercise) that you try to alleviate the pain. Don't let them have your journal but you might ask them to photo copy your pages for the last month and place them in your record. Keep the original for later....you'll likely need it; maybe 20 years later so always guard them.


I actually take 16 med per day -- many of them several times a day. On a really bad day I'll take up to 6 oxy and to the observer you'd never guess all that was swimming in my system. LOL if you see me out at more private events you will notice that I don't smoke much while there. That is because I am driving and I technically already loaded enough to bring down an entire herd of elephants. Just call me Alice B. Toklas, er.... toke less. Don't get me wrong, back in the 70's I smoked out with the best of them. Today it just isn't the same for me; illness took the giggle out of the loco weed.


MMJ works wonders but I don't really smoke. The vape is ok but I feel I loose flavor and well, it's just different. Mostly good but different. Medibles work the best, consumed later in the pm and I am ready to try capsules (have everything here just have to make them up).


Do you know anyone that you could medicate with who does have a card? That might help.


Hang in. Don't give up. Hell to the yeah woman! You are depressed. Who in their right mind wouldn't be after being in pain for 18 of 24 hours??? Every frickin day????


Be well and be insistent and yes, I agree that you might get the meds bases on your negative reaction and sensitivity to the drugs.


Hugs, Dee

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use your Cymbalta prescription to get a medical marijuana card from a seperate doctor? take in all the paperwork saying you are prescribed to this Cymbalta stuff to a Medical marijuana clinic and get a rec. Like tell the medical marijuana clinic that the Cymbalta your reg doctor gave you give you headacahes, insomina, etc and you smoke marijuana to combat those problems? I may be wrong, but im pretty sure that would qualify you to get a card, if you go through the steps i listed above.

You are telling Lorraine to go to another doctor, and then lie about her condition.


She goes to this other clinic and say that the Cymbalta gave her headaches and insomnia. Are you also suggesting that she first tell this story to her doctor, so the lie can be written into her chart?


Why would THC or any other clinic risk their practice for a broadcasted fairytale? This is not California!

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wait, I may be wrong, but cant you use your Cymbalta prescription to get a medical marijuana card from a seperate doctor? As in Accept the script from your normal doctor, then take in all the paperwork saying you are prescribed to this Cymbalta stuff to a Medical marijuana clinic and get a rec. from them? Cant you get Medical marijuana for being prescribed to something like an anti depressant or attention problem because of the pill`s side effects? Like tell the medical marijuana clinic that the Cymbalta your reg doctor gave you give you headacahes, insomina, etc and you smoke marijuana to combat those problems? That way you dont even have to bother or ask with your regular doctor? I may be wrong, but im pretty sure that would qualify you to get a card, if you go through the steps i listed above.


A word of advice and a few of my thoughts on this...


While this does serve as a qualifying condition, it only serves as a qualifying condition as long as you are on that medication. Switching medications, or switching doctors would nullify that effectively. It wouldn't change your legal protection, once your protected, your protected until the card expires. However, i would try to get a recommendation based upon your chronic pain. To go a clinic, if you don't have the necessary medical history, many of the clinics work with doctors that specialize in dealing with pain. He will establish the necessary history for you, and then you re-visit the original clinic doctor, and he approves you.


I don't want to dissuade you or anyone from getting qualified because of a medication side effect, but in the spectrum of anti-depressents, its seems like the type of medication being taken isn't static. There is alot of different options for anti-depressents. Quite of a few of them seem to loose effectiveness over time, which leaves the patient bouncing between different types in order to find something that works for them. Getting qualified on the basis of side-effects of a medication would be safer in my opinion if it was for a medication with the intent of long-term treatment.


just my two cents



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wait, I may be wrong, but cant you use your Cymbalta prescription to get a medical marijuana card from a seperate doctor? As in Accept the script from your normal doctor, then take in all the paperwork saying you are prescribed to this Cymbalta stuff to a Medical marijuana clinic and get a rec. from them? Cant you get Medical marijuana for being prescribed to something like an anti depressant or attention problem because of the pill`s side effects? Like tell the medical marijuana clinic that the Cymbalta your reg doctor gave you give you headacahes, insomina, etc and you smoke marijuana to combat those problems? That way you dont even have to bother or ask with your regular doctor? I may be wrong, but im pretty sure that would qualify you to get a card, if you go through the steps i listed above.



I dont beleive you can qualify for an mm card because of being given cymbalta, you cant get an mm card for anxiety or and mind disorders, I may be wrong, but im not thinkin i am,,quit taking that cybalta and quit seeing an np you need to see an md or a do, and you need to get second and third and forth opinions if necisarry, most nurse practioners dont realy like to prescribe meds, and they cant prescribe any narcotic pain killers, they have to have another dr. write them scripts or they write them on the dr. script, remember they work for you , you dont work for them, if they are not doing the job you excpect them to do get all of your records and fire them!

Get more opinions and dont quit till you find the rite dr. for you!

Good luck!



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I dont beleive you can qualify for an mm card because of being given cymbalta, you cant get an mm card for anxiety or and mind disorders, I may be wrong, but im not thinkin i am,,quit taking that cybalta and quit seeing an np you need to see an md or a do, and you need to get second and third and forth opinions if necisarry, most nurse practioners dont realy like to prescribe meds, and they cant prescribe any narcotic pain killers, they have to have another dr. write them scripts or they write them on the dr. script, remember they work for you , you dont work for them, if they are not doing the job you excpect them to do get all of your records and fire them!

Get more opinions and dont quit till you find the rite dr. for you!

Good luck!


I guess i assumed it could be given to anyone who was taking any medication that caused side effects that lead to qualifying syptoms, such as insomina or something.

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I guess i assumed it could be given to anyone who was taking any medication that caused side effects that lead to qualifying syptoms, such as insomina or something.



Im not the smartest man alive but LOL, I would think that a dr. would put you on something else simialar before saying mm would help the side effects of a med,, I could be wrong also, I was given cybalta, and it messed me up, they tricked me into taking it, just like they tricked me into taking xanax, first my dr. was giving me loratabs, 10/500, and than he wrote me 1mg xanax after a few months and said to take them between my doses of loratabs, that it would kick them back in and last longer,, than about a yr ago, i went to my dr. complaining of not being able to sleep thru the nite, I wake up in pain, she wrote me several other meds for sleep, I was now on 10 mg methadone for pain and still the 1 mg xanax, after the new ones she gave me didnt help,she (dr) wrote me a script for cymbalta, she said it had agents in it that helps the nerves in my back,,(I beleive they could reconize my depresion that is caused from being disabled, and tricked me into the head meds) any how the cybalta was absolutly horrible for me, I could not take it for longer than a few weeks, as soon as it realy started working it just made my anxiety attacks more frequent and worse,

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Going to see my mental health professional tonight. Hopefully she is an actual doctor and will be able to sign off on my rec form. we've been talking about my chronic pain nearly every session. If she isnt an actual doctor maybe she works with one that will sign off. I soooo can't afford the 200. still trying to figure out that if i do get certified how im going to afford growing my own. anyway wish me luck. y'all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

k so my mental health professional struck out with her colleague. My NP told me today she doesn't know whats wrong with me doesn't know how to treat me and doesn't know how to refer me or where to refer me because she can't diagnose me or write a proper report. so she's passing me off to a neurologist. guess i will have to pay the 200 and hope that they will sign my rec form.

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First of all I still don't understand why a nurse practitioner is diagnosing you or even has the knowledge or is licensed to do so. Second of all its GREAT to hear she is referring you out to a real doctor / neurologist. Perhaps now you will get the help you deserve. Do yourself a favor and go see the neurologist they are more open to fibromyalgia and such.



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NP? nurse practioner? id go do an M.D. or a D.O. those are the only ones who can fill out the paper work for u any how.




Her choice is anti-depressants such as Cymbalta umm yea she may be getting a kick back just my opinian but it cant be denied some of them do get kick backs my doctors choice for my pain was first flexerall then vicoden then demerall the the list goes on then came the doc with the anti depressents i got sick of them trying to shove pills down my throt and went to my nearest mmj clinic and sighned up with there M.D. to take care of my pain and whould recomend the same to any one that has severe and cronic pain as for the anti-depressants whouldnt any one get depressed dealing with that kind of stress all the time

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I dont beleive you can qualify for an mm card because of being given cymbalta, you cant get an mm card for anxiety or and mind disorders, I may be wrong, but im not thinkin i am,,quit taking that cybalta and quit seeing an np you need to see an md or a do, and you need to get second and third and forth opinions if necisarry, most nurse practioners dont realy like to prescribe meds, and they cant prescribe any narcotic pain killers, they have to have another dr. write them scripts or they write them on the dr. script, remember they work for you , you dont work for them, if they are not doing the job you excpect them to do get all of your records and fire them!

Get more opinions and dont quit till you find the rite dr. for you!

Good luck!




Yes you can get a MM card for being treated with any medication that causes side effects. Bet that one of the listed side effects of cymbalta is nausea, that alone will be reason enough to get the card...I do agree, however, that your best bet is to work with a doctor with one of the MM clinics. Establish that you live with pain on a consistant basis, and you'll have the basis for your recommendation.



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