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Glenn Beck Legalize Marijuana & Stop The Violence

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Pharmacuetical companys fund politicians thus in return politicians serve those who support them they know who butters their bread and legalizing cannabis means a lot less profits for big pharm this will be a major hurdle to get over for any hope of legalizing cannabis.

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Now running America


Ron Paul has the right idea...



I swear this guy knows the score


Too Bad not many people know about him


Legalize Cannabis and hemp for industry


On April 2, 2009 Rep. Ron Paul introduced H.R. 1866, the "Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2009," with ten original co-sponsors: Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Wm. Lacy Clay (D-MO), Barney Frank (D-MA), Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), Tom McClintock (R-CA), George Miller (D-CA), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Pete Stark (D-CA), and Lynn Woolsey (D-CA).







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G Ron Paul he is on are side i think how do you guys post these videos? :D


videos....take the url from the browser at youtube copy/paste into insert media(last icon on top)make sure to use full editor when making a post


Yep...hopefully lots of people will get behind Ron Paul as he's not afraid to speak the truth about legalization...Hope to see him in 2012!

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The marriage of Big Government and Corporations = Fascism.



DT61... You're absolutely right... not many people get that. And IMO that is what is happening as we speak.


And you don't have to be a 'conspiracy believer' either.


When corporations by way of giving money / donations that our pols do not have to tell us about ... the common person ends up with NO representation.


That is exactly why nothing gets done by way of passing meaningful laws unless 'the people' vote it into law... going around the politicians.


Our MMJ law would NEVER have happened if we had WAITED on the POLS.


Thanks for bringing it up.

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Mighty... and I believe we've got to do ALL we can to help it happen.


Others may not agree on 'legalization' but, I have said it before, there is no reason why MMJ laws and legalization should be at odds with one another.


BOTH laws can exist at the same time... and 'legalization / decrim' would actually add another layer of protection for patients AND caregivers.


And I'll take 'help' in getting it done from (almost) anywhere.

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I don't even wanted to get started on Glenn Beck. But he seems to have switched his position seeing as he is constantly referring "progressives" as "pot smoking hippies".


Well it's not fair to say he has changed his position, as he is playing a character. Recently in Forbes he said "I could give a flying crap about the political process." In another interview months ago he said anyone who takes him seriously is "an idiot". But people still hang on his every word, Glenn Beck gets richer and the country gets a little less safe.

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I don't even wanted to get started on Glenn Beck. But he seems to have switched his position seeing as he is constantly referring "progressives" as "pot smoking hippies".


Well it's not fair to say he has changed his position, as he is playing a character. Recently in Forbes he said "I could give a flying crap about the political process." In another interview months ago he said anyone who takes him seriously is "an idiot". But people still hang on his every word, Glenn Beck gets richer and the country gets a little less safe.


Moss... the only words I hang unto of Glen Beck's are... 'LEGALIZE' it. We can use HIM just as he likes to think he is using US.


And I believe you are right... Glen Beck is just another 'mouth jockey'. Making a living spouting things that a certain group wants to hear.


But one of my old 'Zen' buddies said something about 'using your opponents own strength against him'.

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Moss... the only words I hang unto of Glen Beck's are... 'LEGALIZE' it. We can use HIM just as he likes to think he is using US.


And I believe you are right... Glen Beck is just another 'mouth jockey'. Making a living spouting things that a certain group wants to hear.


But one of my old 'Zen' buddies said something about 'using your opponents own strength against him'.


The only problem is having Glenn Beck on your side is only going to hurt your case in the eyes of sane people.

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I don't even wanted to get started on Glenn Beck. But he seems to have switched his position seeing as he is constantly referring "progressives" as "pot smoking hippies".


Well it's not fair to say he has changed his position, as he is playing a character. Recently in Forbes he said "I could give a flying crap about the political process." In another interview months ago he said anyone who takes him seriously is "an idiot". But people still hang on his every word, Glenn Beck gets richer and the country gets a little less safe.



I fail to see how Glenn Beck makes the country " a little less safe" but to each his own. It seems like people take "news anchor" way to seriously. And if he is helping our cause, then why all the greif still?

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Amazing. Never thought I'd see anyone on Fox calling for legalization.


In light of him getting paid to push ppl to buy gold, one has to wonder what his motivations are this time.


He is or claims to be a "libertarian" (which is what Ron Paul is) so it makes sense to be for drug reform. His stance on it dates back to before Fox News. But as I said eariler, in the past month or two he has constantly been portraying marijuana users in a perceived negative light by referring to "progressives" as "pot smoking hippies" and then going on rants about how evil these "progressives" are. His motivation is the same as it always is, to profit off controversy.


I fail to see how Glenn Beck makes the country " a little less safe" but to each his own. It seems like people take "news anchor" way to seriously. And if he is helping our cause, then why all the greif still?


He is making the country less safe by knowingly and willingly stirring up fear and hate. Just like most con men he plays on peoples fears, he takes their fears and concerns and blows them completely out of proportion with half truths and complete lies. He is VERY good at it too. He is a cult leader, no matter how clearly and concisely you explain to a Beck follower he was lying, no matter how much proof, no matter if you pull direct quotes from Beck saying anyone who believes him is a idiot they still only believe what Glenn Beck told them. He (or at least is lawyers) know his rhetoric is dangerous, after every act of politically motivated violence (the IRS plane bombing or the threats on congressmen) Beck spends his next show begging people not to be violent, back pedaling saying he never said things that he has said many times such as saying the country needs a "revolution".


He has also gone after religion, over "social justice" telling people to leave their churches if they practice it (most do, it's charity, caring for your fellow man), after all it's easier to control people when you are the only one they turn to. And just the other day he started on the education system, encouraging home schooling, because of course education is a "progressive" brainwashing plot. It's cult leader 101, you keep people uneducated and relying on you as their sole source of information. And this is all part of his "plan" that is he slowly unveiling.


This all comes as Glenn Beck is getting ready to release his next book. A novel called “The Overton Window”. The term Overton Window refers to a theory developed by Joe Overton, a former vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, in which political ideas move in and out of a window of public acceptability. In a recent appearance before about 8,000 supporters in Orlando, Fla. Beck told the gatherers the story depicts the rise of a citizen’s organization called the Founders Keepers, “a group of people that just won’t give up.” What follows, Beck said, is “a battle and a civil war, and life is upside-down planetwide." Beck described the book as "a story of America at a time much like today where the people are confused and they're being lied to..." There has been a book very much like this before it's called "The Turner Diaries" a book that was promoted by Timothy McVeigh and contains plots of bombing federal buildings that served as inspiration to McVeigh. That book also inspired a string of hate crimes. Beck went even farther when he told the crowd in Orlando, "If we don't face the truth right now, we'll be dead in five years -- this country can't survive." He also advised his listeners to stockpile food, saying: "I am incredibly prepared."

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He is or claims to be a "libertarian" (which is what Ron Paul is) so it makes sense to be for drug reform. His stance on it dates back to before Fox News. But as I said eariler, in the past month or two he has constantly been portraying marijuana users in a perceived negative light by referring to "progressives" as "pot smoking hippies" and then going on rants about how evil these "progressives" are. His motivation is the same as it always is, to profit off controversy.




He is making the country less safe by knowingly and willingly stirring up fear and hate. Just like most con men he plays on peoples fears, he takes their fears and concerns and blows them completely out of proportion with half truths and complete lies. He is VERY good at it too. He is a cult leader, no matter how clearly and concisely you explain to a Beck follower he was lying, no matter how much proof, no matter if you pull direct quotes from Beck saying anyone who believes him is a idiot they still only believe what Glenn Beck told them. He (or at least is lawyers) know his rhetoric is dangerous, after every act of politically motivated violence (the IRS plane bombing or the threats on congressmen) Beck spends his next show begging people not to be violent, back pedaling saying he never said things that he has said many times such as saying the country needs a "revolution".


He has also gone after religion, over "social justice" telling people to leave their churches if they practice it (most do, it's charity, caring for your fellow man), after all it's easier to control people when you are the only one they turn to. And just the other day he started on the education system, encouraging home schooling, because of course education is a "progressive" brainwashing plot. It's cult leader 101, you keep people uneducated and relying on you as their sole source of information. And this is all part of his "plan" that is he slowly unveiling.


This all comes as Glenn Beck is getting ready to release his next book. A novel called “The Overton Window”. The term Overton Window refers to a theory developed by Joe Overton, a former vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, in which political ideas move in and out of a window of public acceptability. In a recent appearance before about 8,000 supporters in Orlando, Fla. Beck told the gatherers the story depicts the rise of a citizen’s organization called the Founders Keepers, “a group of people that just won’t give up.” What follows, Beck said, is “a battle and a civil war, and life is upside-down planetwide." Beck described the book as "a story of America at a time much like today where the people are confused and they're being lied to..." There has been a book very much like this before it's called "The Turner Diaries" a book that was promoted by Timothy McVeigh and contains plots of bombing federal buildings that served as inspiration to McVeigh. That book also inspired a string of hate crimes. Beck went even farther when he told the crowd in Orlando, "If we don't face the truth right now, we'll be dead in five years -- this country can't survive." He also advised his listeners to stockpile food, saying: "I am incredibly prepared."


Idk i think this is a little too deep and if you think this about Glenn beck, then you`d have to follow suite with other conservitive AND liberal news anchors that make millions of dollars to pick a side. I personally dont watch Glen Beck, because i find his chalkboard "gimmick" REALLY annoying and i find him himself to be even worse. TOo be honest, the whole format of his show just sucks and its a little too "conspiracy" heavy for me. Personally i try to stay away from all anchors when it comes to serious news, but i do like watching the O`reilly factor and Keith Olbermans show both for pure entertainment!

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Kevin, thank you...


Almost forgot about the IMR... the 'Industrial- Military - Religion Complex'.


In that little group you have ALL the components... the 'means... the materials... and the message' all rolled into one tidy package.


All we can do is try and 'vote' the best way we can... and keep our fingers crossed... pray... do what we think will help.


"We CAN turn the Lemmings from the cliff... (well... maybe).


Be well.

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He is or claims to be a "libertarian" (which is what Ron Paul is) so it makes sense to be for drug reform. His stance on it dates back to before Fox News. But as I said eariler, in the past month or two he has constantly been portraying marijuana users in a perceived negative light by referring to "progressives" as "pot smoking hippies" and then going on rants about how evil these "progressives" are. His motivation is the same as it always is, to profit off controversy.




He is making the country less safe by knowingly and willingly stirring up fear and hate. Just like most con men he plays on peoples fears, he takes their fears and concerns and blows them completely out of proportion with half truths and complete lies. He is VERY good at it too. He is a cult leader, no matter how clearly and concisely you explain to a Beck follower he was lying, no matter how much proof, no matter if you pull direct quotes from Beck saying anyone who believes him is a idiot they still only believe what Glenn Beck told them. He (or at least is lawyers) know his rhetoric is dangerous, after every act of politically motivated violence (the IRS plane bombing or the threats on congressmen) Beck spends his next show begging people not to be violent, back pedaling saying he never said things that he has said many times such as saying the country needs a "revolution".


He has also gone after religion, over "social justice" telling people to leave their churches if they practice it (most do, it's charity, caring for your fellow man), after all it's easier to control people when you are the only one they turn to. And just the other day he started on the education system, encouraging home schooling, because of course education is a "progressive" brainwashing plot. It's cult leader 101, you keep people uneducated and relying on you as their sole source of information. And this is all part of his "plan" that is he slowly unveiling.


This all comes as Glenn Beck is getting ready to release his next book. A novel called “The Overton Window”. The term Overton Window refers to a theory developed by Joe Overton, a former vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, in which political ideas move in and out of a window of public acceptability. In a recent appearance before about 8,000 supporters in Orlando, Fla. Beck told the gatherers the story depicts the rise of a citizen’s organization called the Founders Keepers, “a group of people that just won’t give up.” What follows, Beck said, is “a battle and a civil war, and life is upside-down planetwide." Beck described the book as "a story of America at a time much like today where the people are confused and they're being lied to..." There has been a book very much like this before it's called "The Turner Diaries" a book that was promoted by Timothy McVeigh and contains plots of bombing federal buildings that served as inspiration to McVeigh. That book also inspired a string of hate crimes. Beck went even farther when he told the crowd in Orlando, "If we don't face the truth right now, we'll be dead in five years -- this country can't survive." He also advised his listeners to stockpile food, saying: "I am incredibly prepared."



First of all, Glenn tells his audience to “Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear” - Thomas Jefferson. So, how can you say that he is practicing Cult Leader 101? His whole listening audience shuts the radio off at 12 noon and has no contact with the outside world for the next 21 hours?, yeah whatever. His radio and t.v. listeners are well informed, how could you not be in this day and age? Secondly, because he wrote a book that might be similar to something that the Oklahoma City Bomber might have read and mentioned does not mean anything at all. "Glenn inspires hate through fiction novel", I can see the headline now, right next to the #1 New York Times Bestseller list. I have been listening to Beck for over two years now and I have not committed an act of hate. I am one the watch-list too, 30 something, Vet, white, unemployed and disaffected. And lastly, there is nothing wrong with letting people know that trouble is coming and to be prepared. That statement, "If we don't face the truth right now, we'll be dead in five years -- this country can't survive.", is not a call to violence, it is a simple warning.

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Big corporations vs the people, gives me an idea about a song by Grahm Nash, "Prison Song" says it all when it comes to representation or the lack of it.. a few lines I'll quote, I think I got this right:


...and here's a song to sing

for every man inside

if he can hear you sing

it's an open door

there's not a rich man there

who couldn't pay his way

and buy the freedom that's so high priced for the poor.


I hope it's OK to post that here.



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In light of him getting paid to push ppl to buy gold, one has to wonder what his motivations are this time.


I'm sure his motives are purely selfish, wants to cash in, sees opportunity, big dollar signs.. He gets the ratings.



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I'm sure his motives are purely selfish, wants to cash in, sees opportunity, big dollar signs.. He gets the ratings.




Sooooooooooooo, it is illegal in America to make money? How 'bout this? Glenn Beck loves America and does not want to see it going down in flames. That's a frickin' novel idea. Obama made $5,505,409 and that's not a problem for anyone? Somehow, he can make millions of dollars and he's not a "greedy fat-cat". Glenn Beck does ad's for Gold and everything he says means nothing? I call B.S. This is a direct quote from Obama to a fundraiser in Miami, saying that he’s cut taxes, contrary to the claims of protesters, “You would think they’d be saying thank you,”. We are not Serfs and he is no King. What's really going on, is Mel Brooks writing Mr. Obamas' speeches now? What is this, the second French Revolution? Are we going to hear Mr. Obama utter, "It's good to be the King"? Who is the "Mt.Dew" boy? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, no scratch that, how about Rahmbo, priceless. Back to the point, okay? No, it's not a crime to be rich in America. The crime is the 90% hate rate for Mr. Beck I see here. Instead of going after Beck, why don't you just sit and imagine what life will be like after Obama bankrupts our country and your sitting there wishing you had extra food in your root cellar and a bar of gold under lock and key and learning the National Anthem of France.




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