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Growers Rant


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Why do so many people refuse to do any type of research about growing? It's really not that hard to read and look stuff up. I spent 3 months researching and planning. I asked for opinions about things that have multiple view points so I could grasp an understanding. But so many people want us to grow for them while they watch? WTF?

This cones from a friend of mine who wants to grow. I told him to research it roughly 2-3 months ago. I also said I would help if he needed it, but that he had to do the research just like I did. Well he hasn't done anything but ask me. I mean no research, no reading, he looks at a high times then calls me with a million questions that I have already answered fir him!

People!!!! Just read a little, take the time to learn about cannabis just a little, before u try to grow. People will help you, but we r not here to grow it for you.

I apologize for the rant but I can't be the only one who has experienced it.. Lol


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I can go both ways on this -


Some growers out there are bad, they will leave their patients hanging with low yeilds.


Some patients are bad, no matter how much you explain your electric bill, show them the receipts from the grow shop, and then don't bother to explain all the books you brought, all the grows you drove out to see, meetings, etc.


I agree - there will be people that are lazy to learn anything. I also agree that there will always be patients that need a caregiver. Patients that just need a half ounce a month really don't need to spend $$ setting up a grow.


Not all CGs will be alike, and thus their prices have to adjust accordingly. Patients should have reasonable expectations from their CG, depending on their demands and the level of the grower's skill.



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Oops lol I'm not talking about caregivers lol I mean people that grow in general. People that want to grow, not the patients of caregivers . People that want to grow or are learning, yet they want others to do it for them, instead of them taking the initiative. Not that they don't have the means or know how. They want to grow, but Wang other people to do the work while they reap the benefits. Maybe I'm not explaining this clearly enough lol I'm not talking about charges and prices. I'm talking about the knowledge that we pass on. I'm willing to teach anyone, but they must have the desire to learn and to do some of their own research and not expect me to be at their house every single day tending to their garden.. I explain it any better??

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Brandan, I'm a lot like you. I research things until I have an understanding beyond what is even necessary to get the job done. I will research things to a high level of understanding about things I will never even do (fly fishing is the latest thing.) Maybe I have some metal illness that needs to understand.


I do get your point. You have to have some level of understanding to even ask the right questions. If you can't take the time to get a basic understanding how are you going to tend a high tech indoor garden? And you are taking your time to share the information with them they should respect that enough to write it down if they can't remember it.

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brandan i know where your coming from and feel your pain,,,if i think that someone is really trying and yet needs it spelled out to them 3 times i just suck it up and try to explain it to them,,but if i get a guy who asks for my advice and i spend 2 hours trying to help them and then he posions his plants because he thought he knew better well than i just give him a web site or two to go to and tell them to do what he wants and leave me out of it...zzb

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Everything i learned about growing came from a 2nd or 3rd or 4th party asking grow questions is all part of the schooling and learning how to tend to a garden.



I have no problem answering the most ridiculously easy questions to pay it forward for the guy who thought my question was in need of an answer and lent their knowledge to me .

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I hear ya and just wait. You get the " I know better then you" bunny muffin, like growing outside then taking the plant to the inside garden. No matter how maney times ya tell them you get mites like that, they still think they know best and do it anyways. Then cry for a year and a half that they cant get rid of the mites, hehehehehehehe. Yeah, trust me that gets ya bangin yer head. I had one student that after a year of me trying to get his harvest right, tells me he bought the " cheap donkey bulbs " not the ones I told him to buy.The whole year he kept cry'n about my buds being 10 times the size of his. Then to tell me he bought the CHEAP bulbs. Well DUH,,,,, your not lighting a parkinglot.


I dont mind helpin,, but that kind of bunny muffin will have ya pullin yer hair out hehehehehehe....

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I understand your point but I'd like to offer this for consideration.


There is simply no substitute for experience in any human endeavor including gardening.


Growing MMJ quality is not a matter of putting a seed into Miracle Grow and harvesting lots of quality product a couple weeks later, is it?


Experienced growers are likely to find beginners failing to understand or appreciate their acquired wisdom. However, it is likely these same experst also learned their lessons from the best teacher, making their own mistakes.


While watching someone else make the same mistakes experience has taught you to avoid may be frustrating, remember the old proverb about teaching someone to fish.


In the end, the more folks who can master growing will simply undercut any efforts to continue the failed policy of prohibition. Teaching requires patience, understanding and the ability to allow one's students to be stupid while they are on their own path to discovering the wisdom of personal experience.

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A young couple moves into a new neighborhood.


The next morning while they are eating breakfast,

The young woman sees her neighbor hanging the wash outside.


"That laundry is not very clean", she said.

"She doesn't know how to wash correctly.


Perhaps she needs better laundry soap."

Her husband looked on, but remained silent.


Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry,

The young woman would make the same comments.


About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a

Nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband:


"Look, she has learned how to wash correctly.

I wonder who taught her this."


The husband said, "I got up early this morning and

Cleaned our windows."


And so it is with life. What we see when watching others

Depends on the purity of the window through which we look.

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There are too many people out there who think they can grow just cuz they read a couple books or took a Botany class...


Those are very helpful.. but hands-on learning is totally different. Every Writer/breeder/grower has their own set of beliefs, methods etc... But there is no TRUE one way to successfully grow.


I ALWAYS tell people-- READ READ READ-- do NOT stick to one author/grower... and ask a LOT of questions of people you KNOW are successful (results not $$) in their grows.


I have "mentored" / "Tutored" MANY people over the past 4 years... the ones that are the most successful ask questions before a problem gets too bad, admit when they mess up, LISTEN, take notes of both what they learn and what they DO and the results of what they do!!

And they do a LOT of reading & preparing before they start.

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I agree with almost everyone on here. I'm not talking about hoarding knowledge or anything. My thing is , if u want to learn, and u are asking someone to teach u, then show them a little appreciation and listen to what they say. If they advise u to read something read it! Obviously they r telling u for a reason. I am speaking about a specific person with this post if u guys havnt figured it out lol a perfect example: my buddy is going to be growing in a small box, roughly 2-3 foot tall, I told him a week ago to read up on lst and topping so that we can discuss it. Well today he calls me freaking about how his plants r gonna get to big and he don't know what to do. I asked him if he read the stuff on lst and topping? To which he relied yea. I told him obviously he didn't because that is the answer to his urgent call. No if he would have read a little he could have put his mind at ease, instead he just relied on mr to be his personal grow guide. See what I am talking about..

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i can agree some people need to have their hand held just to take a tinkle. on the other hand there are a lot of new growers (like myself) who have read (marijuana growers bible - which is more of a encyclopedia than a instructional book) at the same time, this forum is a great source of information. while there is no substitute for trial and error, even as a new grower, i have a lot invested in my crop, along with patients waiting for the harvest. the last thing i want to do is waste valuable time killing plants to find what works best for me. i can read all i want, but it is still not as valuable as the information i receive from skilled growers.


grow green and prosper

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