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So What Changed Yesterday


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I went to bed early last night with not exactly high hopes, and I arise this morning with the worst nightmare averted. No Con-Con. We didn't exactly have a symathetic AG, did we? While Scheutte is a nasty guy at least we still have a LAW. And last but not least, the republiCONs don't have a supermajority to overturn our law. What did we lose last night? Thoughts? Comments?

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I went to bed early last night with not exactly high hopes, and I arise this morning with the worst nightmare averted. No Con-Con. We didn't exactly have a symathetic AG, did we? While Scheutte is a nasty guy at least we still have a LAW. And last but not least, the republiCONs don't have a supermajority to overturn our law. What did we lose last night? Thoughts? Comments?


we didnt lose anything.


we gained a few more rounds in the fight though. no big deal. drink some gatorade rocky and get your kiester back in there :)

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we didnt lose anything.


we gained a few more rounds in the fight though. no big deal. drink some gatorade rocky and get your kiester back in there :)

Didn't lose ANYTHING? Wow you must have some REALLY GOOD meds! I wish I did! It looks like we lost everything, it may not happen right away but we are royally screwed. It seems with each election, life gets worse. I know what Bisharoo would say.




It's true how things go, they swing from one side to the other. Double up on those meds for awhile till the shock wears off.


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We lost the races, but did we lose the war? It could have been worse, and while we all hoped to be in a better situation today, I don't think we're in one that's significantly worse than the one we were in Monday...

schutte is worse than cox. Remember, he funded the campaign against our law, thankfully big money doesn't always win. We still have our law, but this man is hell-bent of destroying it, if we have snyder, too, it really don't look good. granholm was no prize, wolf in sheep's clothing, though she did appoint a decent judge, I think. Obama let us down, not sure what his problem is, but he'll be outta there in 2 years. All he brought was FALSE HOPE, that's all I ever had anyway, so I guess it shouldn't surprise me. I was cautiously optimistic, wanted to believe real change would come, but couldn't bring myself to let go of my fear, due to a lifetime of false hope. Don't fool yourself, remember the 2 sheriffs who hate us too, their buddies are in office now. The odds can't all be completely against us, it just doesn't work that way, but today is a dark day for our community. No one can have their way all the time, it's a fact. There's plenty of blame to go around on all sides. We knew this could happen, I hope someone has a good, solid plan we can get behind, that will be quickly implemented but not detailed on a public forum.


Hey, the repubs are the party of NO, now WE can be, and do it to THEM! Let THEM know how it feels!



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hey all


well i see it like this the offices are the same the name plates have changed some are still for and the new one we have to learn if they are or not... we took a step back but that we should have known was going to happen... the movement has not changed we now have others to work on to show we are not going to stop we will talk and still show who wants to be open minded there are other ways just dont stop moving... we needed to stay strong on this so they dont have the right to pick what treatment we know we need or want to try... stay true to this and how it helps dont bs anyone show what has worked and the info will i hope not fall on ears that dont listen to the people... patient's should always have a choice to try anything to help if it works for them and not have to worry about going to jail... the treatment may not work for everyone but we as people should not stop anyone from using anything that might help them... not our right to chose for them... so life does go on and we now have more folks to tell our stories too and hope they start to listen...




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schutte is worse than cox. Remember, he funded the campaign against our law, thankfully big money doesn't always win. We still have our law, but this man is hell-bent of destroying it, if we have snyder, too, it really don't look good. granholm was no prize, wolf in sheep's clothing, though she did appoint a decent judge, I think. Obama let us down, not sure what his problem is, but he'll be outta there in 2 years. All he brought was FALSE HOPE, that's all I ever had anyway, so I guess it shouldn't surprise me. I was cautiously optimistic, wanted to believe real change would come, but couldn't bring myself to let go of my fear, due to a lifetime of false hope. Don't fool yourself, remember the 2 sheriffs who hate us too, their buddies are in office now. The odds can't all be completely against us, it just doesn't work that way, but today is a dark day for our community. No one can have their way all the time, it's a fact. There's plenty of blame to go around on all sides. We knew this could happen, I hope someone has a good, solid plan we can get behind, that will be quickly implemented but not detailed on a public forum.


Hey, the repubs are the party of NO, now WE can be, and do it to THEM! Let THEM know how it feels!




Obama might have "let us down" by biting off more than he could chew but he's sure done a lot of good in the short time he's been in office. He just came in at a badddd time--Bush messed everything up so terribly that Obama had to start in the nearly infinite hole that Bush created while in office.


Blah I hate politics. As long as no one messes with my health care as it is or my medication, then I'm OK for now. OH, and if Snyder is all he's promised to be, then I better have a stellar job in the next couple of months ORRRR ELSE. (*tries to think of something bad*)

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We lost plenty, if you think we didn't, you are drinking the koolaid provided by Faux News.


Don't you all complain then when they regulate our medical marijuana law to death and only allow big business to grow it.


We now have 2 of the most conservative Michigan supreme court justices that are geared towards corporate america, not the people.


Our state now has a republican governor, attorney general, the house of represenatives in now republican majority, and so is the senate. That gives them too much power if you ask me. There are supposed to be checks & balances, not one sided takeovers.


How can a economy that was saved from the worst depression to become just a recession recover in just 2 short years? That is not fair to blame Obama for that. The reason it got so bad is because there were no checks and balances when GW was prez, so tax cuts weren't paid for, (which they still want for millionaires), socialistic medicare drug benefits weren't paid for, just passed down to the next president to deal with, and get blamed for. Our Michigan government will do the same.


Bill Clinton said it right, they only hire us when we are in dire financial trouble. Why are republicans all of a sudden worried about deficits? They never have been, Reagan, both Bushes ran it up, saying "deficits don't matter" (Cheney)


But now that it has become their talking point, it is a good way to get the masses scared about something. Last election it was terrorists. Scaring people to vote or don't vote really is about as unpatriotic as you can get.

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I agree, Obama bit off more than he could chew, and was handed a HUGE MESS to fix. Anyone in their right minds knows it takes a long time to rebuild an economy, he warned us right off, as a candidate, in one of his speeches, I seem to recall. No one had to tell me that, but I'm glad he was brave enough to say it. Obama could've been stronger in some areas, especially if he'd realize the opposition will never co-operate. Couldn't he have been firmer about leaving us alone? There are other issues he tried to tackle, which he may or not have the power to do anything about. I give him credit for trying. I understand he wanted to include the opposition, bipartisan voting, but after being told "no" for so many times, he should've just said no more mr. nice guy. It's a tough job trying to balance being diplomatic, firm, willing to listen to all sides, and still do the right thing. He made too many promises he couldn't keep, that's what hurts the most. With time and more experience, plus a few other changes, he has the potential to be a very good president. He just took on more than he cold handle. I wouldn't want that job.


But we have to stay focused on our task at hand, and see if we can keep what we already have. If not, a lot of people will leave the state. I hope there's a better place we can go. I'm tired of running. The grass always looks greener on the other side, and, just like mj, might look really good, smell really good, and turn out to be the worst.


There's a place for us ... Somewhere.



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It may work but that doesn't make it right. It's like telling someone to "just say no" to whatever, and threatening them if they don't, or saying, "I'll give you whatever, if you'll do this for me." Wouldn't you rather say no because you really felt in your heart it's the right thing to do, not just because you were coerced to? No one likes being guilted. Using such tactics strips us of our free will. Even if it's for their own good, they will not do it when the threatening person is not around. We were given free will, right or wrong.


edit: Like when you told me you'd promise not to insult people IF I promise to stay. I WILL LEAVE WHEN I'M GOOD AND READY, NOT BECAUSE YOU SAID YOU'D PROMISE NOT TO INSULT PEOPLE. And you did yourself a grave disservice, too. Thought I forgot?



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As long as well all keep our wits and integrity about us, talk calmly and rationally, and keep our message firmly rooted in fact, we'll all come out winners.


Oh, whoops. Thats what we always do, and we always end up at the mercy of the RepugniKKKins.


Maybe next time we should try for a sympathy vote, America loves an underdog.

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It may work but that doesn't make it right. It's like telling someone to "just say no" to whatever, and threatening them if they don't, or saying, "I'll give you whatever, if you'll do this for me." Wouldn't you rather say no because you really felt in your heart it's the right thing to do, not just because you were coerced to? No one likes being guilted. Using such tactics strips us of our free will. Even if it's for their own good, they will not do it when the threatening person is not around. We were given free will, right or wrong.


edit: Like when you told me you'd promise not to insult people IF I promise to stay. I WILL LEAVE WHEN I'M GOOD AND READY, NOT BECAUSE YOU SAID YOU'D PROMISE NOT TO INSULT PEOPLE. And you did yourself a grave disservice, too. Thought I forgot?



When I wrote, "But it works!" I was replying to the statement,"Scaring people to vote or don't vote really is about as unpatriotic as you can get."


My point was that they don't care about being unpatriotic. All they care about is hanging onto power and they will use any trick to maintain or expand their power. All they have is fear and lies and a lie repeated often enough starts to seem like reality. Remember the line, "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud"? Fear is a great motivator in the short term. The lies have to continue and you can bet that Bull Schuette has plenty of BS to spread.

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When I wrote, "But it works!" I was replying to the statement,"Scaring people to vote or don't vote really is about as unpatriotic as you can get."


My point was that they don't care about being unpatriotic. All they care about is hanging onto power and they will use any trick to maintain or expand their power. All they have is fear and lies and a lie repeated often enough starts to seem like reality. Remember the line, "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud"? Fear is a great motivator in the short term. The lies have to continue and you can bet that Bull Schuette has plenty of BS to spread.

OK. I understand now. We're all on edge here and I'm sorry, a bit embarrassed now, too, but I do apologize for my anger. Your point is well taken.


Sincerely, Sb

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OK. I understand now. We're all on edge here and I'm sorry, a bit embarrassed now, too, but I do apologize for my anger. Your point is well taken.


Sincerely, Sb

I'm so stressed and on edge that I can barely think. I've started to reply to several posts today and couldn't pull my thoughts together. I'm tired. I was hoping to be able to sit back and enjoy the show as Leyton put the brakes on the rogue regime in Oakland County. I felt pretty good about these cases that are working their way to the Supreme Court.


Now, because they have successfully played the fear card and motivated their base, we are looking at a whole new ball game.


I'm going to get some rest and try to get my thoughts together.


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I'm so stressed and on edge that I can barely think. I've started to reply to several posts today and couldn't pull my thoughts together. I'm tired. I was hoping to be able to sit back and enjoy the show as Leyton put the brakes on the rogue regime in Oakland County. I felt pretty good about these cases that are working their way to the Supreme Court.


Now, because they have successfully played the fear card and motivated their base, we are looking at a whole new ball game.


I'm going to get some rest and try to get my thoughts together.


We all need some rest, so we can regroup and come back stronger. Have a good rest.



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What have we lost?


We MAY have lost the dispensaries Statewide.


We MAY have lost the co-ops and farmers markets.


We MAY have lost legal CG/CG and Patient-to-patient transfers and the openness of some of the private events.


We have NOT lost the law which allows caregivers with 5 patients to grow up to 72 plants.


We have NOT lost the affirmative defense which protects medical marijuana patients and lets us purchase and use legally (even though it may or may not be legal for the seller unless he is your CG).


Remember this is a 1 vote margin now. Contrary to popular opinion there is a libertarian wing of the Republican party that is very accepting of marijuana as medicine and even tolerant of legalization so we cannot assume all the Republican judges will vote in lockstep. Can we?

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schutte is worse than cox. Remember, he funded the campaign against our law, thankfully big money doesn't always win. We still have our law, but this man is hell-bent of destroying it, if we have snyder, too, it really don't look good. granholm was no prize, wolf in sheep's clothing, though she did appoint a decent judge, I think. Obama let us down, not sure what his problem is, but he'll be outta there in 2 years. All he brought was FALSE HOPE, that's all I ever had anyway, so I guess it shouldn't surprise me. I was cautiously optimistic, wanted to believe real change would come, but couldn't bring myself to let go of my fear, due to a lifetime of false hope. Don't fool yourself, remember the 2 sheriffs who hate us too, their buddies are in office now. The odds can't all be completely against us, it just doesn't work that way, but today is a dark day for our community. No one can have their way all the time, it's a fact. There's plenty of blame to go around on all sides. We knew this could happen, I hope someone has a good, solid plan we can get behind, that will be quickly implemented but not detailed on a public forum.


Hey, the repubs are the party of NO, now WE can be, and do it to THEM! Let THEM know how it feels!





it is not as dark as it seems to you, You are still an mm patient and they are not going to take that rite away from us, we voted it in, and it would be politcal suicide to try and do anything to go backwards with the mm law!


we the people voted, just like we the people voted to legalize mm ..we dont all agree on everything, but we did agree on the mm law as voters!



vape a lil extra today take a deep breath and lets get ready for 2012!




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What have we lost?


We MAY have lost the dispensaries Statewide.


We MAY have lost the co-ops and farmers markets.


We MAY have lost legal CG/CG and Patient-to-patient transfers and the openness of some of the private events.


We have NOT lost the law which allows caregivers with 5 patients to grow up to 72 plants.


We have NOT lost the affirmative defense which protects medical marijuana patients and lets us purchase and use legally (even though it may or may not be legal for the seller unless he is your CG).


Remember this is a 1 vote margin now. Contrary to popular opinion there is a libertarian wing of the Republican party that is very accepting of marijuana as medicine and even tolerant of legalization so we cannot assume all the Republican judges will vote in lockstep. Can we?



very well said!





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