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Cancer Free

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Just got back from the cancer doctor.


No signs of a return of the cancer.


The last time I saw this guy was about a eighteen months ago. At that time he had removed a 2cm sized tumor from the inside of my bladder. He told me he wanted to see me in three months. He also told me that this cancer had a 70% chance of returning.


That says regular doses of Simpson oil.


He ordered a PSA test for me. Which I was happy to hear. It seems to be a uniform reaction, to the consumption of Simpson oil, for a PSA score to fall very low.


At this point it can't be said the lowered PSA translates into reduced cancer activity. These lowered scores begin within days of starting the oil. They consider a score of 1-4 acceptable. Zero is just fine. I've seen scores go from 8 to 0.1 within a couple of weeks. This seems to be the normal reaction.


Anyway, I mentioned to him that a normal PSA does not necessarily translate into a lack of cancer activity.


Anyway .. I'm cancer free at this time. And I intend to keep it that way.

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PB This is AMAZING!!!!! to hear!! Makes my heart sing for you..but weep for all those out there that could also benefit as such - or have a second chance to life but have no clue because of all the crap hiding these truths!!! Im still very bitter in heart and emotions over the death of one of the most important people in my life.. and with that being said I realize i cannot change the past.. but dam it i wish I had known of this 5yrs ago... even 2yrs ago.. since she died at 52yrs old in 2009... Hearing all these outcomes - ones with hope and much better then the alternatives is awesome, mind boggling yet heartbreaking for those who have no clue and still suffer to this day.. when clearly there is something that CAN help out there.. I wish I could turn back time.. Maybe my children could still have their grandma, maybe my youngest could have remembered her more, maybe I could still have a mom... god only knows that despite the dysfunctional relationship we had there are many times even now at my age I still need my mom... and the closest thing i can do now is look to the stars with tears streaking my cheeks talking out loud hoping she will hear... tumors took her over, cancer, thyroid, lymphnodes sizes of eggs, radiation didnt help.. lungs too poor for surgery, on oxygen, her pain ... her pain was always misunderstood.. and i dam myself every day for being a part of the problem myself.. oh mom its not that bad.. you can do it.. just get up and make yourself better.. nieve, ignorant stupidity on my part and all those of us who didnt understand or who wouldnt understand.. and now in death reality is more evident then ever.. which is why i believe with my entire heart MOM was the one who led us here.. led us into the right path to know this movement.. how ironic it was that we didnt know anything of it except a few news stories here n there until after her death.. then it was like doors all over opened.. it was just the matter of being clear enough to see them... an still im blinded by much.. tooo many are.... hatred.. anger frusteration regret still harbors in my soul.. if i had known maybe i could have helped her pain instead of adding to it... ;*((((

it overjoys me to hear that despite those lost in the fight of this life... there are equally as many who are being given a chance that they never thought theyd have... thank god and the great spirit for that!!!

Peace and Love PB - -- God bless and am sooooooooooooooo overjoyed to hear cancer free!!!! what a demonic disease cancer is... its taken more of my loved ones from me in my life then anything else has.. from human to pet... heart breaking.. and sad... and since its said to be genetic also and it runs in both sides of my family everything from lung, bone, thyroid, lymphatic, and there were 2 other kinds but cant remember them right now.. im afraid that that illness may be my demise as well.. i pray every day it wont be.. but.. reality tends to overrule.. least now i know.. should worse case scenario ever come.. there are other options of hope..



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Congratulations !


so awesome to hear PB i will PM you about what strain to use etc etc

SHW -you tear me up always-you have been through a lot i weep for your story and thinkin of me own mum...growing old seems terrible for so many and yet its not just the elderly that are sick with new diseases or higher incidences in rare diseases- gotta love one another time is so short here on earth...God Bless

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Congratulations !


so awesome to hear PB i will PM you about what strain to use etc etc

SHW -you tear me up always-you have been through a lot i weep for your story and thinkin of me own mum...growing old seems terrible for so many and yet its not just the elderly that are sick with new diseases or higher incidences in rare diseases- gotta love one another time is so short here on earth...God Bless


More- HUGS :bighug: Thank you soo much for your kind words.. your are right as well.. its not just the old, it strikes all ages, it doesnt care the color of your skin or your social standing, it doesnt care if youve lived your life or if you havent had the chance too.. sooo many more diseases out there then ever was in history. such a scarey thought. And yet again you are right.. Love one another NOW while you have the chance because this life is set up for us to take things for granted far to easily.. and the age old saying is dead on... "you dont know what you have until its gone!"..Mom always told me Id regret my actions when she finally did pass on, she told me for years warned me to smarten up.. did i?.. nope it was tooo easy to allow lifes mundane ways of wworking for anothers profit and going by day to day then to step back a bit and TRULY SEE the bigger picture.. its too easy to shove it to the back of your mind because it makes you sick in the pit of your stomach to think of..denial.. then when they fade and are no longer there.. you stand there gasping for air not being able to take anything in. your right.. time is too short and can end at any moment of any day... never go to bed angry, always patch up fallings out best you can, always tell those closest to you how you feel about them, that you love them.. because you dont want to find yourself in my shoes.. suffering the horror of the consuming regret that overshadows all within due to ignorance, denial, stubbornness and all else that falls into this catagory.. ( dont think oh theyll be there oh ill see them tomorrow - will they? what if tomorrow never comes?) that pain added to the pain of loss is honestly something i dont wish on my worst enemy.. Id rather cut open my skin - watch myself bleed and feel that immense physical pain then the horror within and even then that physical pain only touches the edge of the inner.. No dont allow that to happen.. take a moment to watch your child play when they arent looking hold and hug them every moment of every day and even if it gets exhausting tell them how much you lov e them soo often that it may get abnoxious! but its worth it.. tell your spouse the same.. any loved one.. this goes with animals as well.. we know we get close to ev en them.. they too are family andd they too suffer as we and die as we.. tho death is very much a part of life, and is important.. its the most difficult thing to ever go thru.. ever.. and its too easy to take life and all thats good in it for granted..

tears tears and more tears,,,,,,,,,,,,, thanks again soo much MORE sending another set of hugs your way.. maybe we can meet up in lansing on the 25th we will be there.... peace and love always SHining :bighug:

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  • 2 weeks later...

How do you dose this? One of my PT's just started it and we are doign the 1/2 piece of short grain rice, which is great, but really hard to be 100% consistent. I have a digital scale, but it won't even register it (does .1 grams).


What's a good doseage for treating cancer like ailments?



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How do you dose this? One of my PT's just started it and we are doign the 1/2 piece of short grain rice, which is great, but really hard to be 100% consistent. I have a digital scale, but it won't even register it (does .1 grams).


What's a good doseage for treating cancer like ailments?




At first it is easier to mix the oil with something else. I use peanut butter.


One half cup peanut butter warmed (about 20 seconds in the microwave)

Add 1 ml Simpson oil and stir until it is completely mixed.


One level teaspoon is a good strong starting dose. Try it an hour before bedtime to gauge how much impact it has on the patient. Then you can adjust as needed for the patient.

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Hmm, I might try that. I have just been putting it in gel caps for now. She is really sensitive to taste, however I find RSO to actually be rather pleasant, almost sweet.


She has been taking it like this for about 3 weeks, went from small small doses (1/2 the size of a short grain rice) that would almost make her throw up because the room was spinning so bad, to now she can take about the size of a long grain rice and just get a little high.


Lots of sleep involved. I was going to take her shopping today, but there is too much sleeping going on for that <_<


Well Congrats on your results PB. I hope I can post about my PT someday with similar results.

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