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To Sell Or Not To Sell To A Dispensary...


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I appreciate the responses. I have searched but havent found any examples of a dispensary being raided and in turn a caregiver being hassled. Im NOT saying it hasnt happened. Thats why I started the thread to hear of examples/first hand stories or links to news. I havent found anything, maybe Im not searching correctly.

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Guest Happy Guy

I appreciate the responses. I have searched but havent found any examples of a dispensary being raided and in turn a caregiver being hassled. Im NOT saying it hasnt happened. Thats why I started the thread to hear of examples/first hand stories or links to news. I havent found anything, maybe Im not searching correctly.

It would be a very good bet that every dispensary that has been raided to date has had every caregiver, or patient, that transfered to them investigated. It would not be far fetched to say that every single caregiver or patient that has supplied a dispensary is part of some sort of investigation.

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It would be a very good bet that every dispensary that has been raided to date has had every caregiver, or patient, that transfered to them investigated. It would not be far fetched to say that every single caregiver or patient that has supplied a dispensary is part of some sort of investigation.



Investigated means someone came to your home and looked to see if your following the law?

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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

Basically for you it boils down to "acceptable risk". Lets get beyond the fact the biggest of the big maybe supporting legislation calling for inspections and testing (which we know the Mom and Pop places wont be abler to afford), but look at the risk to you at this moment.


It's an overwhelming majority of cases that concern Disp and not the little grower with 5 patients. We know there are a few cases, but overwhelmingly it's the Disp getting hammered. Do you feel safe having your name on the books during the Disp's raid? Do you think that once they have your name from the raid they can't also find out your patients? That's the risk you have to decide on.


I wont even support my patients going to a dispensary. My houses info is on that card. What you want to do is one thing, but I'd drop you like panties on prom night as a patient if I knew my address was being handed to a dispensary employee.....One patient will not place others as well as myself in harms way, or even the threat of harm. A patients right to a bigger variety doesn't supersede my right to keep my house, or my other patients right to a continuous uninterrupted supply.



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Basically for you it boils down to "acceptable risk". Lets get beyond the fact the biggest of the big maybe supporting legislation calling for inspections and testing (which we know the Mom and Pop places wont be abler to afford), but look at the risk to you at this moment.


It's an overwhelming majority of cases that concern Disp and not the little grower with 5 patients. We know there are a few cases, but overwhelmingly it's the Disp getting hammered. Do you feel safe having your name on the books during the Disp's raid? Do you think that once they have your name from the raid they can't also find out your patients? That's the risk you have to decide on.


I wont even support my patients going to a dispensary. My houses info is on that card. What you want to do is one thing, but I'd drop you like panties on prom night as a patient if I knew my address was being handed to a dispensary employee.....One patient will not place others as well as myself in harms way, or even the threat of harm. A patients right to a bigger variety doesn't supersede my right to keep my house, or my other patients right to a continuous uninterrupted supply.




Very Good Post " OxXGarfieldXxO "



try a farmer's market.





100 % Agree " The Digital Nomad "


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I appreciate the responses. I have searched but havent found any examples of a dispensary being raided and in turn a caregiver being hassled. Im NOT saying it hasnt happened. Thats why I started the thread to hear of examples/first hand stories or links to news. I havent found anything, maybe Im not searching correctly.

As Barney would say on Mayberry RFD "where you been livin fella in a cave??" google disp raids,and Sal Argo patient he died two days after they raided his home of a heart attack. goggle is your best friend here.If you dont care ppl get raped when they just tripled what they gave you then go for it. Im sure you can find a pt that can compassionate you just the same.

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Investigated means someone came to your home and looked to see if your following the law?

google Sal Argo and see if they just came and looked,it make's me sick,there should be a video of Sal,he really looked like a threat and his grow room was well wow!! watch the video,what a joke that "investigation" was.

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You could always donate any or some overages to the Cannabis Cancer Project that will make Simpson oil out of it and give it to a cancer patient in need at no cost. I know this is not financially rewarding but as for it being rewarding for the heart and soul it is priceless to see and hear the this oil is helping and improving the quality of life for these patients that are fighting for a cure.

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Basically for you it boils down to "acceptable risk". Lets get beyond the fact the biggest of the big maybe supporting legislation calling for inspections and testing (which we know the Mom and Pop places wont be abler to afford), but look at the risk to you at this moment.


It's an overwhelming majority of cases that concern Disp and not the little grower with 5 patients. We know there are a few cases, but overwhelmingly it's the Disp getting hammered. Do you feel safe having your name on the books during the Disp's raid? Do you think that once they have your name from the raid they can't also find out your patients? That's the risk you have to decide on.


I wont even support my patients going to a dispensary. My houses info is on that card. What you want to do is one thing, but I'd drop you like panties on prom night as a patient if I knew my address was being handed to a dispensary employee.....One patient will not place others as well as myself in harms way, or even the threat of harm. A patients right to a bigger variety doesn't supersede my right to keep my house, or my other patients right to a continuous uninterrupted supply.




Best argument I've heard... It's certainly ok to make the choice on your own to put your information down but if you are risking other people it's not up to you to do that.

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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

Why use your home or grow address as your card "mailing address"? UPS Mail box or P.O mail boxes are a very cheap piece of mind.


I have no problem with LARA having my address (apparently neither do my patients). They should in my opinion. But that's not the topic anyways.

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Basically for you it boils down to "acceptable risk". Lets get beyond the fact the biggest of the big maybe supporting legislation calling for inspections and testing (which we know the Mom and Pop places wont be abler to afford), but look at the risk to you at this moment.


It's an overwhelming majority of cases that concern Disp and not the little grower with 5 patients. We know there are a few cases, but overwhelmingly it's the Disp getting hammered. Do you feel safe having your name on the books during the Disp's raid? Do you think that once they have your name from the raid they can't also find out your patients? That's the risk you have to decide on.


I wont even support my patients going to a dispensary. My houses info is on that card. What you want to do is one thing, but I'd drop you like panties on prom night as a patient if I knew my address was being handed to a dispensary employee.....One patient will not place others as well as myself in harms way, or even the threat of harm. A patients right to a bigger variety doesn't supersede my right to keep my house, or my other patients right to a continuous uninterrupted supply.




Nice post, you make some nice points. As someone else stated, you could always just use a po box. Anyways, good info thanks!

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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

Nice post, you make some nice points. As someone else stated, you could always just use a po box. Anyways, good info thanks!


Why would I want a PO Box? If the cops are breaking into my house I want them to know I'm a legal grower. They won't have a team of 20 people busting into my lock box at the post office.... The 24 year old chick with a Mohawk and 20 nose rings I could care a little less about her knowing exactly where my grow is. (joking, but you know what I'm saying)...Even if she was really nice and helpful.....


Again this thread isn't about who tried hiding their address and who didn't or the reasons why each believe so. Your reasons don't matter anymore then mine. Point is I don't want my information, any information real or otherwise, being handed to someone that isn't a government official.


People keep mentioning POBOXes like it's some miracle solution to my problem.....Here's a easier solution for me: Outlaw all dispensaries then my info will never be in question due to the adventurous patient.


See how stupid it sounds rattling off a solution that may only work in to a set groups mind set? I'm just sayin...


So no, a pobox in my mind isn't, wasn't, will not be a viable solution, nor do I really believe it was anymore then a loophole in the first place that allowed them. I believe my patients as well as the agency that licensed me has a right to know who holds what and where. I believe patients have the right to inspect my grow rooms, and I would like LEO to have a clue before they trash my house in a raid. You're free to have a billion other views, but those have no bearing on me what-so-ever.



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Why would I want a PO Box? If the cops are breaking into my house I want them to know I'm a legal grower. They won't have a team of 20 people busting into my lock box at the post office.... The 24 year old chick with a Mohawk and 20 nose rings I could care a little less about her knowing exactly where my grow is. (joking, but you know what I'm saying)...Even if she was really nice and helpful.....


Again this thread isn't about who tried hiding their address and who didn't or the reasons why each believe so. Your reasons don't matter anymore then mine. Point is I don't want my information, any information real or otherwise, being handed to someone that isn't a government official.


People keep mentioning POBOXes like it's some miracle solution to my problem.....Here's a easier solution for me: Outlaw all dispensaries then my info will never be in question due to the adventurous patient.


See how stupid it sounds rattling off a solution that may only work in to a set groups mind set? I'm just sayin...






Very nice post!


Having an open mind and being able to look at the whole picture, seeing how what you say/ do / want, would effect others, is.. well just great.

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Why would I want a PO Box? If the cops are breaking into my house I want them to know I'm a legal grower. They won't have a team of 20 people busting into my lock box at the post office.... The 24 year old chick with a Mohawk and 20 nose rings I could care a little less about her knowing exactly where my grow is. (joking, but you know what I'm saying)...Even if she was really nice and helpful.....


Again this thread isn't about who tried hiding their address and who didn't or the reasons why each believe so. Your reasons don't matter anymore then mine. Point is I don't want my information, any information real or otherwise, being handed to someone that isn't a government official.


People keep mentioning POBOXes like it's some miracle solution to my problem.....Here's a easier solution for me: Outlaw all dispensaries then my info will never be in question due to the adventurous patient.


See how stupid it sounds rattling off a solution that may only work in to a set groups mind set? I'm just sayin...




Your right the thread isnt directly about addresses but its at least related when discussing all the issues. You were the one who originally mentioned the address problem with your first post. Anyways, to each their own. PO box isnt a miracle solution, your right, but the fact remains if you have an overrage issue and you want to stay within the limits of the law you have limited options.


I also wanted to add, it's not that Im in support for dispensaries. Im just trying to get some info bc Im fairly new to the conversation. Thanks

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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

Your right the thread isnt directly about addresses but its at least related when discussing all the issues. You were the one who originally mentioned the address problem with your first post. Anyways, to each their own. PO box isnt a miracle solution, your right, but the fact remains if you have an overrage issue and you want to stay within the limits of the law you have limited options.


But you're reply wasn't a solution was it? It would take 4-5 months to get new cards even if I believed your solution to be viable.


As far as overages, well people either need to learn how to grow for their patients needs or they need to find a great charity like those making Simpson oil. I'll be one of the first to say I make money, I'm not going to lie. I have 2 free patients, 2 that use an oz a month (that pay) and like 3-5 people (that also pay) a month I supply that are under other CG waiting for their first harvest. I use 29 of 48 plants allowed, I keep in my limits, and no patient have I ever turned down. I make money, I give free, and I've never once stepped a foot inside a dispensary....


Overages are the excuse people like to use. If it's just a matter of overages, give it away. If you aren't that charitable, there's no reason on Earth if you have decent meds you won't get more return business then our max of 72 plants could ever produce with just a little networking.


JMO though....

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But you're reply wasn't a solution was it? It would take 4-5 months to get new cards even if I believed your solution to be viable.


As far as overages, well people either need to learn how to grow for their patients needs or they need to find a great charity like those making Simpson oil. I'll be one of the first to say I make money, I'm not going to lie. I have 2 free patients, 2 that use an oz a month (that pay) and like 3-5 people (that also pay) a month I supply that are under other CG waiting for their first harvest. I use 29 of 48 plants allowed, I keep in my limits, and no patient have I ever turned down. I make money, I give free, and I've never once stepped a foot inside a dispensary....


Overages are the excuse people like to use. If it's just a matter of overages, give it away. If you aren't that charitable, there's no reason on Earth if you have decent meds you won't get more return business then our max of 72 plants could ever produce with just a little networking.


JMO though....


Okay, like I said Im fairly new. I'm just looking for opinions and input. Thanks for your thoughts :)

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But you're reply wasn't a solution was it? It would take 4-5 months to get new cards even if I believed your solution to be viable.



Honestly, it wasn't my suggestion of a solution. It was a solution by previous poster that sounded reasonable but having things explained more I can see why it doesn't really work. Especially, if your legal and following the laws there's no reason to hide behind a p.o. box. My conclusion, thanks to the members is to stay away from dispensaries and network myself to stay within limits if I do have overages. Thanks for the help board!

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