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Doktor Doom Products For Spider Mites?

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Ive been fighting the borg for quite a while now i have them to the point where they are not doing much damage but i want to completely eradicate them altogether i saw the following products was wondering if anyones using them if so was there any aftertaste left in the finished medicine?




The grow is in my basement im also concerned of it making us or our pets sick .

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they stunt the plants pretty good, and are hit and miss unless you blow them off every few days for a period of time. Personally I did not care for them.


on young plants I would prefer Floramite. Seriously strong, but it will do the job... for sure...


It should never be used on flowering plants.

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I used it the first time solo--not too impressed. Have since used it in conjunction with Azamax with a little better success. Never noticed any aftertaste, but don't let the spray hit your plants--damages the leaves.

Last weekend I finally got out some Avid which someone gave me 6 months ago, follow the directions, bad donkey stuff, but I finally seem to be winning the war. I only sprayed it in the clone zone and veg room and the plants in the flower room that had more than 5 weeks to go. Going to spray with Azamax again tonight, and hopefully whip them into submission

Don't know how either would affect pets

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If your grow is near a drain like mine was, I took the hose down stairs a few times and hosed'em down real good. The mites dont like cold water and with a good spray down, you can really elimate a good portion of them. Make sure your electronics are off the floor and have some fans ready to circulate the air. Good luck! They suck!! Medcnman.

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Both times I have had mites I caught them on younger vegging plants, I mean within a few of days of infestation I would guess. I hit them with a P-bomb immediately, followed by safers soap and then a couple days of homemade habenero pepper spray. And re-hung NPT's (one in each room) I also picked off any leaves I spotted eggs on. I seem to have stopped them dead in their tracks.


The plants will get a bit messed up after all that. If they are in veg you just veg them out another week or two to let them recover. The NPT's you can take down 30 days before harvest to be safe. Some people are really against them, me , I am not. I recommend a multi fronted attack on them as soon as you spot them... Medcman's idea is a good one too. Also mites hate humidity, crank it up temporarily to slow their breeding down.

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Son of a beach, its my 17th yr of being divorced from my sons mother. My 1st wife lol, been 2 more divorces since, but I found the spider mites today, the which is still haunting me, when I started back up about a yr ago, I got me some doktor doom spider mite knock out and some azamax, All of my plants are pretty small yet, I have 3 in budd, Ive not been able to see em on any of them but the signs are there, My best plant in veg is loaded with em, Im so tempted to jsut throw em all away and scrub and clean, but, I need to be able to knock these suckers out if I get em and Im almost ready to crop!


so any suggestions would realy help, I jsut waterd my budd tent yesterday and my veg tent a few days ago, Im prob gonna put a lil more water in the vegg tent, and nail em tonite in the dark, with the doktor doom spider mite knock out, I took the one in veg out that I can find em on, Ive not been abel to find em in any other plant, but im sure they are there, like said the leaf signs are there!


any one have any bad experiences with the knock out? Im reading both of the bug shtuff i have and will prob do some asamax also a few days down, or should i stick with the knock out! Oh what a wonderful thing to wake upto, and I even looked at em in the dark about 5 days ago, I was at a friends yesterday, his plants are all healthy, Im gonna call him and tell him waht i got, im hoping i didnt get em from him or him me lol his look a whole lot more healthier than mine!


some one talk to me, I am gonna put the one I can see them on in the sink and spray cold water on them and leave em in the sunlite for today, tonite I will use knock out!


Thanks in advance!




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If they are already that widespread the borg have already assimilated.Resistance is futile. Chance are you have had them more than a day. If anything you may want to call your friend and tell him prepare for the invasion. He likely already has guerrilla forces in his jungle setting up forward fire bases..

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  • 4 weeks later...

mites SUCK! I just had my room clear for a cycle and now they are back. It seems like there isn't an easy answer at all but understanding how the mites live and multiply is the first step in KILLING the things. There are non chemicals approaches that soften the exoskeleton and makes some approaches more effective. Ive used mighty wash with good resluts alone but am thinking about hitting them with cinnamon oil first to soften them up and then hit them again with the mighty wash. I know that my lack of cleaning caused this outbreak. Being proactive is the best method to pervention imo!

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You do NOT need a license to use AVID. You only need one of you are using it commercially. If you are a professional pest control person, you must be licensed....but that's true of almost all the chemicals a pest control person would use.


I still haven't seen anything sold in a grow store that wasn't miticide that worked. People often think they got rid of them only to find out they come back a few weeks later. That''s because you never got rid of them in the first place, just knocked them back. Anything that relies on getting the "cure" on the mites by contact, like neem oil, is useless for getting rid of them. It will keep them in check for awhile, but will not kill them off.

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I was out of town all week.


It's very important to start a second flower room if you can. That way you can cycle new plants into flowering without putting them in an infested area. I tracked some mites in from my veggie garden last fall. They were on my green beans. First, I tore up all the beans, and sprayed the garden, then went and sprayed all my new clones and places them in another area. I kept the infestation under control in my flower room and started another room on a different level of my house. As the clones matured, i placed them into flower in a totally different area than the flowering room I already had. It was a real pain. Fortunately for me, I live alone in a large house and have plenty of space.


The only problem I really had was I only had one 1000w and one 400w. I put the 400w in the new grow room and switched it when there were more plants in that room than there were in the infested room. The first few plants to come out of the new room were a little light and didn't produce as much as they could/should have, but it was better than losing the whole crop.

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I have to agree with cell! when mine came on I wasnt home much, It realy helps to be home and checking on them babys as often as humanly possible lmao!


I have been wanting to get out of my grow tents so when i got them in veg, I tossed em all, I dont see them in my budd room yet lol! Im pretty much just gonna make bho with what i have in budd now anyhow, than Im gonna hit my room with a nuclear bomb!


Im totaly redoing my area, no more tents, more space, easy to keep clean and control temp and humidity! I have like 4 wks left till i crop them, im not starting anything else till I change over totaly! and that my friend is one of the best reasons to keep your c.g when you become a c.g! I know I wont run out of meds, because I have a great c.g, man I hope I dont ever lose this one either!


Peace and burn them mites, bomb em lol!


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