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I paid dues 1st time in 09, can you capture that ?

You should have a card with a 3 digit number from that time period, 2009. The single digit member cards are from 2008. I paid on the very first day you could pay and ended up with #7. The 2011 cards didn't have member numbers.


I'm not interested in rather my card has a number, I'm not even interested in a card, what I am interested in is giving this thread a bump. 


This is far to important to ignore, the 3MA needs money to operate in so many ways, I was really hoping to find a lot more pages of us saying we did our thing.


Admin, please let people know what these donations are used for so that more might help.


Please contribute, it is for all of our mutual benefit.


Thank you.  HC


I did my part, come on 25 bucks shouldnt make or break you for more than a month lol! lets get stronger, Im seeing alot of good people slowly coming back, we need to be a force to reckon with!





I'm not interested in rather my card has a number, I'm not even interested in a card, what I am interested in is giving this thread a bump. 


This is far to important to ignore, the 3MA needs money to operate in so many ways, I was really hoping to find a lot more pages of us saying we did our thing.


Admin, please let people know what these donations are used for so that more might help.


Please contribute, it is for all of our mutual benefit.


Thank you.  HC


Nor am I, I was being facetious.

fa·ce·tious1. not meant to be taken seriously or literally:


I think we are all a bit skeptical after what has happened here in the past. 


Perhaps sharing what the donations are used for might help some?

The first thing we would pay for if we had some money is the server hosting fees. After those are covered, we would pay for the SEO services and blogtalkradio hosting every month, and from there who knows?

Thank you


I think we are all a bit skeptical after what has happened here in the past. 


Perhaps sharing what the donations are used for might help some?

There is a different crew here now. That is not to say that we expect unearned trust, and we are pretty ducky with people taking a little time to watch and see what we offer as good will. You have an earned reputation as a dedicated and smart woman. Yours is a good example to follow.


Thank you.


It would be a good thing to invest in merchandising on the site, offering the typical stuff that any tight organization does, e.g., tees, coffee mugs, in this case possibly paraphernalia, and turning them to make a few bucks. We would like nothing better than to contribute as an organization to the coming meetup, but the money is just not there now. Individually, I am confident that many will be willing to contribute.


With what happened in the past... Askin for donations would be OK... But Memberships??? You'll scare everyone away... I'll watch until I can't afford to! Thinkin I'm gonna miss you guys!

If you have to. Only zap and Mr. Kormon have the keys to the vault. I respect them immensely, and others do too. Zap is a solid performer and is reasoned and level headed. There has been nothing to bring his motives into question. Past players? Sure. We have left them in their own debris.


You don't have to take my word for it. Take a hard look at the site, and jump on if it offers what you wish.


When I paid in, it was still $10 for a lifetime membership .. I told Greg that wouldn't work for long. I then lost the card in Gregs house.

I was dropping off six DJ Short Blueberry plants to him. Each about a foot tall. A free gift to support the MMMA.


I agree that this may be a different "Michigan Medical Marijuana Association" than I joined.


Sorry if I offended,the word Membership hit a touchy spot.From my experience it means $$$ and sometimes People who only care about $$$.Thats not what I've experienced on this site.Just lots of caring,real people here and thats why I'm still around.Some with wild Opinions - but thats everywhere!!! And Legal!!


I think most importantly, and in more general terms, we want to make the site a destination for all things medical cannabis. Advocacy is better served with some walkin' around money.


Sorry if I offended,the word Membership hit a touchy spot.From my experience it means $$$ and sometimes People who only care about $$$.Thats not what I've experienced on this site.Just lots of caring,real people here and thats why I'm still around.Some with wild Opinions - but thats everywhere!!! And Legal!!



Completely understandable.

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