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You could make some infused butter? =)


Just use a double-boiler if you have on with your butter up top and the water in the pan below, melt the butter and add your material. Mix the material and the butter together with a wire whisk, keep it going for about 3 hours or so, just be sure to stir it after the initial soaking every 30 mins or so. Strain this concoction after you're done letting it go for at least those three hours, and by strain it I mean strain it through some cheesecloth into a jar or something. Make sure you squeeze the cheesecloth to get all of the infused-butter out. Refrigerate this stuff in a tub or jar of some sort, when you take it out after it has solidified, take it out of its' tub or what have you and flip it over, any pieces you may have not successfully strained will be here so feel free to cut off the bottom layer, or just pick the bits out, do what you do I suppose. Cheers!  :stuff:


For reference, a good ratio has been:


1lb Unsalted Butter

1oz  trim, bud, shake, your choice

Edited by AbominableDro-Man
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You could make some infused butter? =)


Just use a double-boiler if you have on with your butter up top and the water in the pan below, melt the butter and add your material. Mix the material and the butter together with a wire whisk, keep it going for about 3 hours or so, just be sure to stir it after the initial soaking every 30 mins or so. Strain this concoction after you're done letting it go for at least those three hours, and by strain it I mean strain it through some cheesecloth into a jar or something. Make sure you squeeze the cheesecloth to get all of the infused-butter out. Refrigerate this stuff in a tub or jar of some sort, when you take it out after it has solidified, take it out of its' tub or what have you and flip it over, any pieces you may have not successfully strained will be here so feel free to cut off the bottom layer, or just pick the bits out, do what you do I suppose. Cheers!  :stuff:


For reference, a good ratio has been:


1lb Unsalted Butter

1oz  trim, bud, shake, your choice

If you leave some of that green, chunky stuff on the butter you are complying with the court's interpretation of the law that the butter must contain plant material. No?

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Thanks Grass, I'll have to look into that, that'll make my own endeavors easier with the cheesecloth staining haha.


Oh really? Thanks for pointing that out Amish. Wouldn't have known it otherwise. Though, I don't distribute anything, everything is entirely personal use so I try to keep within every corner of the rules that I can. I reckon I could always just leave the base layer until I got down to the bottom of the tub though so that it stays within code until I use the last of it. Thanks for the heads up!

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butane is like 24 bucks a case, and like said earlier bubble bags are pretty cheap, they are cheaper than 2 cases of butane and you have them for ever!  I like bubble bag hash better than keif hash, or make some brownies with it, just mix the leafs right in, and keep it to your self and pts!  my brownies or cookies from sugar leafs are awsome!


plus if you were to get caught with them it is usable/smokable and should be ok, but you must remember leo will weigh the whole batch of brownies for weight, they are not going to pick thru it to get the leafs out, they just weigh the whole thing!


if you are a c.g and have pts, give it to them and give them some ideas, now that wont hurt anyone to give it away free and its better than just waisting it!



Edited by phaquetoo
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I have access to a Wacky Willies hash machine. Thing is pretty darn awesome if you ask me lol.


That is right here for those of you interested in what I'm talking about, but mind you this is by no means a cheap solution. http://www.wackywillysweb.com/proddetail.php?prod=WBBM


But I can vouch that it works pretty well for being an almost entirely autonomous thing. Takes lots of ice though, lots of ice and water.

Edited by AbominableDro-Man
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