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Court Ordered Drug Tests For Arresting Officers/judges/witnesses?


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Our public servants have either tried or have enacted laws requiring those receiving public assistance to "P" in a cup.  What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander if you ask me. 


Maybe the public will one day wake up and force those in positions of trust (Gov't) via ballot initiative to do the same. 


You would be spot on if you think our public servants are just like the rest of our population doing the exact same things we do (illegal drugs, alcohol, pills, etc).  One good recent example would be the Kent County Sheriff Officers making butter.


Remember, this is a free country, free to do what our government tells us we can do.

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I would like the person deciding the fate of my future to be sober and free of any mind altering substance that could possibly affect judgment, as in the case of firing a weapon at another person, sending a person to jail, managing the health and welfare of a community. Since drug testing does exist in the work place, I feel a civic employee should be held to higher standards even, than say, a fast food worker.


 question is "Can we force a drug test upon an arresting officer with court proceedings? a judge? The Mayor?

Edited by grassmatch
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We all know the cure for Hysteria was a Hyster (hysteria) ectomy(remove). I propose those physicians that chose to  remove the sexual reproduction organs of thousands of women, based on their behavior, may have ben inebriated, a condition possibly avoided with drug testing of doctors, before they wrote policy, or worse yet, mutilated the wombs of our women.

Urine tests! Our pioneer ancestors would p*ss in their graves at the thought of urine tests to decide whether a man is competent to do his job. - William S. Burroughs

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well as far as cops and urine screens their union wont allow it, if their bosses insisted on it a cop would be on paid vacation while the union handled it,  Im pos a judge will never have to, and as far as corrections officers, if they work for the county they are county employees but they are not actualy sheriff deputy's, and they may have a urine screen some where in their hand books, but prob not,,,,they should be tested because alot of them are the way tobaco and drugs get into prisons,


Im not saying a c.o cant become a cop, but they would have to go thru the police academy 1st,  like they had to go thru the corrections officers academy,  they are 2 dif academys, my ole lady went thru the c,o acadamy in grayling up here at the army air base!


I guess all im saying is a cop isnt gonna give a urine screen by the time his union is done sticking up for him/her they would be cleaned out any how,,,,they are just like us and they know about the stuff that can be bought to pass drug tests!




edit= plus all the young muscle head cops would get popped for ilegal steroids!

Edited by phaquetoo
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 question is "Can we force a drug test upon an arresting officer with court proceedings?


OF COURSE, IT'S CALLED A COURT ORDER.  THE REAL ? IS ,"can we force a drug test upon an arresting officer WITHout court proceedings and a judge's order?"


anybody know if the tsa tests it's officers?  i heard they did.

Edited by pic book
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