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New Device Tests Marijuana Using An App

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New Device Tests Marijuana Using an App



As the American marijuana culture becomes more mainstream, the modern-day stoner becomes increasingly more conscientious about the quality and overall safety of the weed he or she purchases. Recent reports of marijuana being contaminated with mold, E. Coli and other wicked toxins has caused concern within the cannabis community; and the piece of mind that comes with stringent testing has become invaluable to the consumer.


Unfortunately, without government regulations to help guide the marijuana industry, there is an abundance of the weed purchased across the United States that is untested.


However, an innovative new company has launched a product aimed at eliminating the risk of smoking dope laced with questionable materials like fecal matter, or even worse. MyDx is a handheld marijuana-testing device that allows cannabis users the flexibility of examining the purity of their pot before smoking it… better yet, before paying for it.


This high technology, which was developed by the California-based CDx Life, operates by communicating with a downloadable smartphone app that detects potency levels and other pertinent information.


For about $399, stoners can stroll into a dispensary, pop a small nugget into the device, and walk out feeling confident that they were not just railroaded by some fly-by-night operation slinging ditch weed.


“When presented with a sample of cannabis, MyDx will deliver a strain analysis revealing the abundance of medically-relevant cannabinoids such as THC and CBD, whose ratios have been shown to play a key role in how a specific strain makes people feel,” according to the company’s website.


The Canna sensor is also being programmed to look for terpenoids, which give each strain of cannabis its unique smell, and in synergy with the other compounds found in weed, further contribute to the overall medical effect of the plant.


MyDx co-founder Daniel Yazbeck says his product will do away with the marijuana consumer being forced into making purchases based on blind faith. "What people are inhaling today is more or less a black box,” he said. “MyDx is a device that will improve consumer's health and empower an industry with the science it deserves to achieve true and practical quality control.”



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This is really interesting and might very well be a game changer, for much more than cannabis (if it works). I really like the strain app that they have as well.


At first I thought it was like QuantaCann, but it's entirely different and looks like it's being developed by Next Dimension Technologies. 


They claim to currently be within 20% accuracy compared to GC/MS, and they're claiming that their next generation sensors will be within 5%.


Imagine being able to go to the grocery store and test your food. Yes please.  

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  • 1 month later...

I think I would have to give this alot of thinking, I may not get one right away but if they seem to work, Im thinking It woud be awsome to test all that is mj related, I would love to know how much canna's and thc is in the mm, oil, butter, etc!

It would realy help alot of Great c.g's and pt growers!


Lets get the price cut in half and half again and they wont be able to keep them in stock!



I would rather have something that test's it than have to test it with a co that pays taxes on mmj.


Just sayin



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