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Problem With Certified Return Receipt

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Just wondering if others have had similar issues. I recently sent my application to Lansing certified mail but when it was stamped there is no date on it. Could it still be used after the 20-21 biz days with copy of application to obtain medicine from a dispensary? I find it odd because my significant other was up for renewal sent his the day after mine and the stamp on his return receipt is clear as day. Is there someone I could contact for verification on the date or just wait for my card?

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post office ran out of ink? doesn't matter.  didn't you get a receipt?  the printed receipts have the date and the zip code destination of your mailing, meant only to a be proof of mailing.  for the post office, either/both work for that purpose.

but, accepted by disp?   not likely.  why would they take excess and extra risk with/for you?  there's already the dea and seizure.  why sell to a subpar /doubtful cert patient poss working for leo?

so form a personal relationship with a caregiver.  i know, whoda thunk it? to follow the mmma of 2008 and its patient/cg writing?  ain't that a killjoy?  whoda thot to follow the law on mailing while ignoring cgs?   you?

Edited by pic book
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I guess I should have reworded this slightly. I understand that in leo s eyes and with the court cases going on that dispensaries are considered pt/pt sales which do not comply with the act. Now I did receive a receipt that my app was accepted however do not know the date. Check was cashed and I understand that I have to wait the 20-21 biz days before my documents could be proof that I am a medical marihuana patient according to the state. Let's say after those days I did not receive a denial nor a card I start my 12 plant grow and something happens that I need my documentation return receipt copy of app with doc cert and Leo considers my documentation invalid because the day Lara receives my paperwork their stamp was misplaced on my certified mail receipt so there is no date on it then what? Is copies of the application and proof that the check was cashed enough to hold up in court if needed? How long does it usually take for a card to come in the mail?

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there is no reason or requirement to send the documents to LARA certified.


do that as your own piece of mind.


the only proof LARA and LEO considers on the days counted is the days from the point your application is received which is when your check is cashed.  LARA does not care if you send your application in certified.


you are Legal to use cannabis the moment the doctor signed your certification.  this is the document that allows you to legally use cannabis.


the card issued by the state of Michigan only proves you filled out your doctors certification and application correctly.


the point is.. if your asking questions to base the answers on when you can go into a dispensary.... well since they are not considered legal by LARA or the state of Michigan.... then they are not included in the requirements for satisfaction... each will make up their own rules as they see fit. 


none of them are qualified to tell you when your paperwork will suffice and allow you to use cannabis without fear of repercussion.


grow your own or find a caregiver who can work with you.. it is still the best option.


welcome to the boards..

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Good point mi dispensers all illegal anyways. Cracks me up how some of them stop selling edibles or wax in attempt to stay legal what a joke. I wanted to heckle Jamie from third coast at the hash bash ask him if he smoked all those free samples from care givers or if the patients still get thst whopping 10 percent off when sighing up with them as a patient.

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Good point mi dispensers all illegal anyways. Cracks me up how some of them stop selling edibles or wax in attempt to stay legal what a joke. I wanted to heckle Jamie from third coast at the hash bash ask him if he smoked all those free samples from care givers or if the patients still get thst whopping 10 percent off when sighing up with them as a patient.

A dispensary should only be concerned with the doctor's rec anyway. The only slim chance they could prove they are legal doesn't involve registration, just a valid doctor's rec. from a doctor that would be willing to go to court.
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And witch Doctor do you think would go to Court and put himself up against a prosecutor 


None i know of

Most doctors have already been there and done that. Why so negative Bob? Not everyone is busting moves and going to jail. Some of us are right on top of the situation and enjoying a position of strength. Edited by Restorium2
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the doctor needs to stand up for the patient specifically not for the dispensary.


the possible defense would be questionable at best for the seller...


seems way to risky to me...


the SC said we as patients can acquire from any source.. however the person doing the transfer is at risk.


good luck with that all dispensary owners.. better hope your "ducks are more than in a row" 

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If you believe in the ballot language, the MMMP Law, then you believe there is a legal avenue for the unregistered. ALL the unregistered, not just the ones you like. So if you believe in the law then you must allow for dispensaries to be possibly legal under the unregistered section of the law, clearly underlined by the ballot language.


In other words, a dispensary sale can possibly be proven legal. Theoretically, it's as plain as the nose on your face. A logical mind has to go there, no matter how subbornly attached you are to the idea that dispensaries are totally illegal, no matter how much this defense could possibly cost.

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yep, same applies to a caregiver selling marijuana to 150 patients with cards, on craigslist, btrader, or with flyers right?

I've seen people found not guilty for murder in court, because they were defended in their actions

 using written laws. This did not make murder legal by any means, for the defendant, or any one else.


"believe in the law" ? very difficult to do if it prohibits man from using a cannabis plant freely.


Five patients, that's it. help me get past that, and I'll consider entertaining the fantasy. A dispensary could theoretically be legal, only transfer to five registered patients if their caregiver was doing the transfer to his own patients, making that dispensary legal. They could employ numbers of cg's with scheduled patients transfer days, and make money at the door, or behind the counter. they could use coupons instead of cash, purchased at an earlier date and/or different location, web, etc. Cg's could remove all of their stock daily, and bring only what they legally need, one at a time. So we see they actually could be operating legally, but are choosing not too. why would that be one must wonder. activism, plea bargaining, risk vs profits, fame, stupidity? makes little sense to me.

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yep, same applies to a caregiver selling marijuana to 150 patients with cards, on craigslist, btrader, or with flyers right?

I've seen people found not guilty for murder in court, because they were defended in their actions

 using written laws. This did not make murder legal by any means, for the defendant, or any one else.


"believe in the law" ? very difficult to do if it prohibits man from using a cannabis plant freely.


Five patients, that's it. help me get past that, and I'll consider entertaining the fantasy. A dispensary could theoretically be legal, only transfer to five registered patients if their caregiver was doing the transfer to his own patients, making that dispensary legal. They could employ numbers of cg's with scheduled patients transfer days, and make money at the door, or behind the counter. they could use coupons instead of cash, purchased at an earlier date and/or different location, web, etc. Cg's could remove all of their stock daily, and bring only what they legally need, one at a time. So we see they actually could be operating legally, but are choosing not too. why would that be one must wonder. activism, plea bargaining, risk vs profits, fame, stupidity? makes little sense to me.

Just read the ballot language. Report back here when you completely understand it. Should take you less than 5 minutes. See you then.
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you know, I never considered that this part of the law maybe only applies to me, silly grassmatch.  this comes in the mail from them often when I register a new patient, a reaffirmation of my signed attestation of doing the same. Sorry some of you missed that part, seems to cause confusion often now for years. :horse:

Edited by grassmatch
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I didn't realize my question was going to turn into a discussion on dispensaries most people do know that they r technically illegal and people still choose to use them that is the risk you take. I sent app certified mail so that I had a time line as to when temporary license would be valid and wondered if anybody has had issues getting their certified mail return receipt be improperly stamped. I called the illegal dispensary I had in mind and said that after my waiting period they could not accept my paperwork due to the fact that it has no date on it. Oh well waiting game it is

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I didn't realize my question was going to turn into a discussion on dispensaries most people do know that they r technically illegal and people still choose to use them that is the risk you take. I sent app certified mail so that I had a time line as to when temporary license would be valid and wondered if anybody has had issues getting their certified mail return receipt be improperly stamped. I called the illegal dispensary I had in mind and said that after my waiting period they could not accept my paperwork due to the fact that it has no date on it. Oh well waiting game it is

Did you track it at USPS.com? You should print off the proof of delivery there. Same as having a properly stamped return receipt. There really is no issue if you know that.
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i tried to track my usps money order, but it never got registered in the system. oh well.

Right. But you have two ways to track certified mail. I always have the two proofs in my paperwork while I'm waiting to be renewed. I also print off a copy of the canceled check. If a dispensary will not take that they either think you are a cop or an informant.
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