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Bill Schuette Loves Prisons, Hates Math.


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Bill Schuette: The true cost of crime goes far beyond incarceration budget



By Bill Schuette

This week is National Crime Victim Rights Week, an opportunity to pause and reflect on the true cost of crime in Michigan. Let me start by asking you a question: “Is the level of crime in your community too little, or just about right?”

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Bill Schuette: The true cost of crime goes far beyond incarceration budget


By Bill Schuette


This week is National Crime Victim Rights Week, an opportunity to pause and reflect on the true cost of crime in Michigan.


He couldn't be referring to cannabis in this piece of political drivel.


How can there be a crime if there is no victim? :unsure:

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change street light bulbs? wtf does that have to do with it, does he mean the lil ones who use b.b guns to shoot out street lites? wow what a stretch!


jointed one, your reply reminds me of a time I got caught driving w/o my liscense, I was guilty no prob, I go to court dressed to the 9's to show respect to the idiot judge!  they gave me 10 days and around 7 more people from dif area's of mich were getting the same sentence, we were all business like and respectful in court, we all drew the 10 day sentence, ogemaw county at the time only had 2 holding cells (they are for 1 maybe 2 prisoners) they put 5 of us in there to wait to be dressed out and get a cell, by nite time we still didnt have a cell and drunks were starting to be brought in, it was over 100 degrees in that holding cell I was in with 5 other people (6 of us) than they put one more person in our lil cell, out of the 7 people 2 guys were 7ft tall or more, the last one in was a lil guy he got stuck sleeping by and around the toilet, we couldnt breath in there it was so hot, we all had dress clothes on, and voluntarily went to court to take our punishment!

We took turns pounding on the door like every 10 mins or less to get them to open the door and yell at us, we got some cooler air for a few mins and they would shut it again, this went on for 36 hrs! It wasnt scary, but I will never forget that as long as I live! oh I for got to mention that the two big guys were in heat exhustion and puking non stop in the toilet right next to the lil guy trying to sleep there, not a fun experience!




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Bill Schuette: The true cost of crime goes far beyond incarceration budget



By Bill Schuette


This week is National Crime Victim Rights Week, an opportunity to pause and reflect on the true cost of crime in Michigan. Let me start by asking you a question: “Is the level of crime in your community too little, or just about right?”



the lack of normal CBD receptors seems to cause dysfunctional brain activity. The strange thing is that those suffering from the condition "CBD NADDA" make eradicating their perceived evil weed and all who use it, their primary goal in life.  I'd like to see the science behind this. Perhaps we could help those victims of CBD NADDA :nurse: 

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