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Uruguay To Give Medicinal Marijuana To Prisoners


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Uruguay To Give Medicinal Marijuana To Prisoners

(MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay) — Prisoners in the jails of Uruguay will be able to use marijuana if a doctor says it will benefit their health.


Uruguay’s drug czar Julio Calzada told The Associated Press on Tuesday that any inmates with doctors’ orders will be prescribed marijuana to their improve physical or mental health.


Meanwhile, social development minister Daniel Olesker told a medical marijuana symposium in Montevideo that medicinal pot will be incorporated into the country’s public health system, alongside acupuncture and homeopathic remedies.


Calzada says his agency needs two more weeks to complete the regulations for the government’s legal marijuana market, which he now expects to issue between April 20 and 25. He says the actual rollout won’t be until the end of the year.


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I suppose the US will have to wait and see if this works in Uruguay before they try something similar here. Let's see, that shouldn't take more than about a hundred years or so. Heck, it only took the Catholic Church 300 years to exonerate Galileo after they excommunicated him for saying that the earth moved around the sun. It takes time to verify these things.

Edited by Chauncy Gardner
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